Saturday, August 28, 2010

Satanic Fascist Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

No prosecution of illegal voting by noncitizens ;

And a green light to becoming a citizen
even if you have violated federal law.

The Obama administration is implementing
a de facto amnesty that will allow the vast majority
of illegal aliens to remain in the United States without
being disturbed by the Department of Homeland
Security or any attempts to deport them.

DHS was informed by the county elections
administration in Putnam County, Tennessee,
about an immigrant in the U.S. on a work visa
who registered and voted in the 2004 election.

This immigrant has now applied to become a citizen.

The only interest that DHS seemed to have
in this information from Putnam County was
asking the immigrant to submit evidence that he
has been removed from the voter rolls.

The letter also asks the immigrant,
in an amazing example of bureaucratic
incompetence, to explain when he "discovered"
that he was "not a United States Citizen."

This would be funny if it did not illustrate
such a profound lack of common sense

The high-tech sector's complaints are part
of a growing chorus from job creators who describe
how Washington is smothering economic growth ;

The CEO of Intel has joined the ranks of those
labeling big government as the cause of our economic
slump, not the solution.

Paul Otellini says it already costs Intel an extra
billion dollars to build a microchip plant in the U.S.,
rather than overseas.

In his illustration,
it's an extra 25% to create a $4-billion facility.

Ninety percent of that additional cost of a $4 billion
factory is not labor but the cost to comply with taxes
and regulations that other nations don't impose

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

The owner of the "Government Of The United States" is an archbishop named Deric R. McCloud ;

Who could be dumb enough
to think (or even mistakenly write)
that the "Government of the United States"
was owned by an archbishop?

Apparently, Dunn & Bradstreet was dumb enough.

This "Government" and all its various "branches"
are being reported by D&B to be individual,
private companies.

"United States House Of Representatives is a private
company categorized under Legislative Bodies, National
and located in San Francisco, CA . . . ."

"United States House Of Representatives also
does business as Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi"

If so, the true nature of the
"Government of the United States"
might not be that of a "republic" or even
a "democracy," but rather a combination
of governmental and corporate interests
("private companies") that's usually
described as "fascism".

If so, we no longer have "government of the People,
by the People and for the People" but instead have
"government of the people, by the Congress,
and for the Corporations."

America has truly become a "welfare state" ;

Wherein the government itself depends on "welfare"
(credit) provided by foreign countries like China.

Just as productive Americans can no longer afford
to support non-productive Americans, foreign nations
can no longer support the U.S. government.

Government, itself, is about to see
its "unemployment checks" terminated.

Barring a miracle, America will not return
to fundamental truths required to run an economy
until our institutionalized lies and welfare/credit
dependency have been excised by a national,
economic catastrophe.

After enough of us have suffered and perhaps
died, America will reluctantly turn back to truth.

Welfare will wither.
Government will wither.
Industry will revive.

Then our economy may "recover"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

1st Amendment & Internet Saboteurs from the Global Fascist Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

With housing, automakers, banking, student loans,
and health care checked off the list, next on Team
Obama's agenda is the National Broadband Plan,
better known as Net Neutrality.

Quite simply, it is a plan allowing the
federal government to take over the nation's
telecommunication platform, giving the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) centralized
control of the internet.

The fact that the FCC has no legal authority
to regulate internet providers has not deterred
administration efforts to regulate all electronic
speech, news, and information.

Naturally, like all phrases Orwellian -- be
they "Social Justice," the "Fairness Doctrine,"
or "stimulus package" -- there is nothing "neutral"
about the irreparable damage Net Neutrality will
do to one of the greatest modern innovations.

The government may have invented the
internet, but the free market made it glorious.

Although Waxman extols the potential financial
boon the National Broadband Plan would result
in, a New York Law School study estimated it
would (at the very minimum) cost the economy
500,000 jobs and $62 billion in GDP.

At the vanguard of the movement is a group
called Free Press, a sinister group of Media
Marxists hell-bent on transforming America
into a press-police state

Passage of the 16th Amendment
to the Constitution would forever change
life in America and not for the better.

It's hard to imagine
how the aforementioned
amendment could have been
written any broader, or why 36
states would agree to such an open
ended federal power to strip citizens
of their rightful earnings via taxation without
representation and with literally no boundaries
or limits to how far the federal government could
ultimately go in their effort to buy the votes of some
with the assets of others.

Since 1913, the federal tax code
has been used as a primary tool of
leftist social engineering in which the
people have been forced to fund a
government they no longer recognize
and no longer support.

The US Congress has a mere 11% approval rating
today and the Executive branch is supported only
by the 28% of citizens who benefit personally
by the robbing of fellow citizens

Constitutional Saboteurs from the Global Fascist Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Perhaps we all missed the memo
where US taxpayers are gleefully funding
Islamic "mosques, schools, institutes, and
community centers" around the globe.

Of course, US troops have restored hundreds
of schools and community centers in Iraq and
Afghanistan, but mosques and Islamic institutes?
This seems very difficult to believe.

So, as an enraged and curious taxpaying citizen,
I have a few questions for our Congress
and this Administration.

What are the locations, costs,
and dates of construction of these US
taxpayer-funded mosques and Islamic institutes?

If some of these mosques
were built in the America, didn't
anyone contact the ACLU?

(I would pay real money
to be in "the room" during that discussion.)

What particular piece
of Congressional legislation
authorized US taxpayer dollars
to be spent on these mosques
and Islamic institutes?

Did our government apportion these funds
fairly and equally between the Shi'a, Sunni,
and Sufi sects of Islam?

The Constitution states
"Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

I'm damn sure
spending US taxpayer dollars
on constructing mosques was not
envisioned by the Founding Fathers
nor by the overwhelming majority
of American citizens

The spread of Sharia Law
to the entire world is part of jihad.
In Canada and Britain, jihad is advancing.

A June 2010 report entitled
"Sharia Law in Britain : A Threat
to One Law for All and Equal Rights"
begins with Secretary General of the Islamic
Sharia Council Suhaib Hasan saying,

"If Sharia law is implemented,
then you can turn this country [Great Britain]
into a haven of peace because once a thief's
hand is cut off nobody is going to steal."

"once just only once,
if an adulterer is stoned
nobody is going to commit
this crime at all," and finally,

"We want to offer it to the British society.
If they accept it, it is for their good and if they
don't accept it they'll need more and more prisons."

This perverse logic is illustrative
of the brutality that is sharia law's
penal code.

The writers of the Report have compiled
evidence of "the discriminatory nature of
these courts and make recommendations
for curtailing sharia and religious tribunals
on the basis that they work against and not
for equality, and are incompatible
with human rights."

The authors explain
that "whilst there is an
obvious difference between
stoning a woman to death and
denying her the right to divorce
and child custody, the fundamentals
and misogyny behind sharia's civil and
penal codes are the same ~ it is just
a matter of degree.

It is deceptive,
or at best a mistake,
not to see the civil aspects
of sharia law as part of and
an extension of its penal code"