Of the Satanic Jesuit Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
As if wasting exorbitant amounts
of money to support the corrupt
United Nations wasn't bad enough,
'President' 'Obama' has joined a new
Arab-based "international organization"
dedicated to promoting renewable
energy worldwide.
That means U.S. taxpayers
will supply a big chunk of the
group's funding in addition to the
billions of dollars that already go to
the U.N. each year for programs that,
incidentally, already address renewable
As the largest contributors
to the U.N., American taxpayers
forked over $6.3 billion last year
and billions more will be allocated this
fiscal year, despite promises from some
lawmakers to slash the cash flow to the
scandal-plagued world body.
With the U.S. national debt
topping $14 trillion the last thing the
country needs is a costly membership
to yet another world agency promoting
a leftist agenda.
in the United Arab Emirates,
the new International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA) will get
a chunk of change from Uncle Sam
-around $5 million-to promote
renewable energy technologies that
meet the challenges of sustained
economic growth, energy security
and climate change.
At least that's how
the State Department explains it
As the already-bloated
federal government keeps
expanding under 'President'
'Obama', a new congressional
report exposes astounding waste
in hundreds of duplicate programs
that cost U.S. taxpayers billions
Released this week by the bipartisan
Government Accountability Office, the
investigative arm of the United States
Congress, the report is sure to enrage
most Americans because it illustrates
the sort of corruption that prevails in
a government on steroids.
In all, investigators found
redundancies in more than 540
programs, including education,
social services, agriculture
and defense.
No wonder the nation
is $14 trillion in debt.
Ten federal agencies
run more than 82 separate
programs to improve teacher
quality, 20 agencies operate 56
financial literacy initiatives, 80 programs
provide the elderly and disadvantaged
with transportation, 44 are dedicated
to employment training and 20 help
the homeless.
More than a dozen agencies
oversee food safety, including
two for eggs alone.
Just take a look at some of
the examples listed by the GAO
The Corruption Chronicles
The Satanic Fascist World Order