Tuesday, June 21, 2011

~ To God Be The Glory ~ God Be Praised ~

Steve's Edition of the

Geneva Bible (1560/1599)
With Original Geneva Footnotes
of both the 1560 and 1599 versions

is probably the best online GBNT version
available at this time .

A marvelous fact about this version
is that the New Testament is completed
and available to all .

Steve's GBNT has offered me a chance
to see how earlier footnotes from the GBNT
are dropped or kept in the 1599 version .

Some Footnotes prior to 1599 may not always
be found in the later 1599 versions and these
notes are also of much value .

Today I searched for some old links to a
1560 GBNT and I located this message
concerning a free downloadable 1560 GBNT :

The Old Testament is basically unchanged
from the 1560 to the 1599, but the 1599
added and changed many footnotes from
the 1560 in the New Testament.


I suppose that Steve can vouch for this free
download but I do not think it is presently
available .

I also suppose that Steve's GBNT is
probably one of the few available for
free download online .

Included in the message above is a
reference to the 1599 GB produced by
Tolle Lege Press .

I suppose that the TLP 1599 GBOT
will be pretty close to the hard copy version
that I have at home .

For Future Reference I have included here
a link for the TLP 1599 GB version :

1599 Geneva Bible (CD-Rom)
Your Price: $10.00
Easy-to-read print
Searchable, printable PDFs

Tolle Lege Press

The hard copy 1599 GB version that I have been
reading for over 10 years now is the facsimile
version produced by L. L. Brown Publishing .

It was from this edition that I reproduced
a prolog page to the book of revelations
entitled 'The Order Of Time' .

The L. L. Brown Publishing edition also
contains a page in the OT entitled
'The Prayer Of Manasseh' .

Since we do seem to have an interest
in 'Old Books', I would like to include in this
post an entry about another book that I have
been thinking about getting .

It's called :

The Sacred
and Profane History
of the World Connected
by Samuel Shuckford .

Reproduced by
Tolle Lege Press ;

"In the nineteenth century,
higher critics added thousands
of years to the history books to
discredit the Bible and its authority.

The Sacred
and Profane History
of the World Connected
(Volumes 1-4), back in print
after 200 years, will be the frontal
assault that could overturn the whole
of secular humanism.

It connects
biblical and secular
history in a way that
proves the Bible's
chronology is correct.

That's why
we've reprinted it
and made it available for
the modern world to rediscover.

The craftsmanship
of this series is second to none.

"Years ago I purchased this
rare book from a store widow
in a small West Virginia town.

(Her late husband was a
collector of old history books.)

Once I opened the book
I couldn't put it down.

Intricate maps
of the ancient world
unfolded before my eyes.

Fascinating illustrations
with the translation of ancient
languages and charts with the
ages of the Antediluvian Patriarchs
were interspersed throughout the text.

I've never seen Biblical
and Secular history woven
together in this way.

I've always known
that the Bible's history
was true--but my faith in
God's Word was strengthened
like never before.

We finally located
the other three volumes
and have brought them all back
into print for future generations."

- Ray Vallorani,
Co-Founder of Tolle Lege Press
(Publishers of the 1599 Geneva Bible)

Inside the first volume
you will find intricate fold-out
maps of the ancient world such
as the location of the Garden of Eden
and the settlements of Noah's descendants.

You'll also find charts
and graphs on the ages
of the patriarchs, ancient
languages, and more.

The author dramatically weaves
the historical accounts of the Bible
and secular history together into
one powerful narrative.

Dr. Shuckford's research
confirms the accuracy of the
Bible-from the Creation and Fall
of Man to the Dissolution of the Assyrian
Empire at the death of Sardanapalus, and
to the declension of the Kingdoms of Judah
and Israel, under the reigns of Ahaz
and Pekah.

Volumes 1-4 CD-ROM
Your Price: $10.00
(Includes complete searchable/
printable text of all four volumes!)

Free Download
of Vol. 1 available here :

Tolle Lege Press

Here's an interesting & short article about
Bible Chronology that has nothing to do
with buying anything :

According to Bible chronology,
the world is about 6,051 years old

The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes