Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Green Mafia Carpetbaggers & Scalawag Whoredoms

Of the Satanic Jesuit Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

The Waxman-Markey
Cap-and-Trade Bill may
be momentarily dead, but
there are persistent rumors
of its resurrection.

Even without it,
proposals are floating
through the halls of Congress
which would offer billions more
to wind developers and demand
that as much as 20% of our electricity
be generated from renewable sources.

While these proposals
are being discussed, three
wind farms are cluttering the
landscape of Hawaii, monuments
in rust to the government's imposition
of a technology that simply does not work.

A similar situation exists in California.

In a recent edition of The American Thinker,
Andrew Walden discusses what was once the
largest collection of wind farms in the world.

"In the best wind spots on earth," he writes,
"14,000 wind turbines were simply abandoned.

Spinning, post-industrial junk
which generates nothing but bird kills."

If and when federal funds
cease to be shoveled into the wind
projects now underway in Texas, most
industry observers believe they will also
be abandoned leaving the once swaying
prairie an industrial junkyard of concrete,
steel and fiberglass.

Wind's entry
is bad for the environment;
its exit will be the same. And this is "green"?

"Wind power
is an open trough
of government subsidies,
tax credits and state mandates.

Taken together,
it's a massive corporate
welfare effort that means big
money for the wind power developers
and big costs for the rest of us."

Courting government agencies and
influencing laws becomes the chief goal.

or government-created
corporations become an extension
of political might, and a symbiotic relationship
develops between lawmakers and corporations
facilitated by laws that, in many instances,
they helped write.

Equipping corporate welfare recipients
with one of the most easily abused powers
of the state in an attempt to force the populace
to accept an unreliable source of energy at a
tremendously inflated price is both unwise
and dangerous.

Such policies come at great cost,
and landowners may only be the first to pay

Free-Market Energy

Economic malaise,
global free trade and lowered tariffs :

The fundamental
economic "imperative" is not
to export, but rather to produce.

So long as Americans
must compete directly with
3rd world labor in our own
domestic markets, our productive
capacity will fall until American wages
approach 3rd world levels.

It's not about exports,
it's about production.

If we're serious
about restoring the American
economy, employment, wages and
standard of living, we must force our
government to abandon global free
trade and restore our tariffs

'Our' modern "government" is a
conglomerate of private companies :

"I am convinced
that the existence of
too-big-to-fail financial
institutions poses the greatest
risk to the U.S. economy.

They must be broken up.

We must not allow
organizations to pursue
high-risk activities and we
cannot let large organizations
put our financial system at risk."

"too big to fail financial institutions"
pose a threat-but I see the threat to
the nation and our individually-held
rights rather than to the economy.

biggest threat may be a modern
system of governmental trusts and
monopolies virtually identical to the
robber barons' trusts, monopolies
and fascism first seen in this country
over a century ago

Adask's law
· The Profit of Injustice

The pension tsunami Whoredoms :

A story has gone
unremarked in the general press.

It concerns
the pension tsunami that is
looming at all levels of government.

The story is the flimsy state of
the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation (PBGC).

It is covered magisterially
in a new paper written by the
fine economist Charles Blahous
of the Mercatus Center at George
Mason University. Entitled

"The 'Other' Pension Crisis :
Options for Avoiding a Taxpayer Bailout
of the PBGC"

It is easily found on the
internet, and is a real eye-popper

Are Barack Obama's energy
policies influenced by hedge fund
billionaire and political patron,
George Soros?

The Obama administration
is clamping down on oil and gas
development in America (both onshore
and offshore) but is hell-bent on helping
other nation's tap their resources and
points out that such help is being showered
specifically in New Guinea, of all places.

It is starting to look obvious
that the administration doesn't
want oil exploration and extraction
at home while it is promoting the same
exploration and extraction elsewhere --

Others have commented
on Obama's generosity regarding
Brazil's oil wealth and how those
actions might help George Soros.

Perhaps, he just wants to pay back
George Soros, who was so instrumental
in helping his election and the election
of fellow Democrats across America.

George Soros is the Patron Saint
of the Democratic Party and was a
very early and generous supporter
of Barack Obama's.

Soros even used a loophole
in Federal campaign laws that
allowed him and his family to give
outsized donations to Barack Obama;
he also fielded his army of so-called
527 groups (such as MoveOn.Org)
to help Obama win the Oval Office.

Soros also stands to massively benefit if
New Guinea becomes an energy power,
especially if the American taxpayer
subsidizes this development

American Thinker

Open Border Whoredoms :

Federal agents who risk their lives
to patrol the U.S. border are blasting
their boss-Homeland Security Secretary
Janet Napolitano-for giving Americans a
"false sense of security" by assuring that
the Mexican border is safe.

During a visit to El Paso,
Napolitano said that violence
along the Mexican border is merely
a mistaken "perception" thanks to the
Obama Administration's commitment to
"fostering a secure and prosperous" region.

In fact, Napolitano said
that some of America's safest
communities are in the southwest
border region.

Outraged Border Patrol agents
on the front line of the escalating
violence responded by reminding
that three of their agents have been
murdered by Mexican drug cartels in
the last few years and ranchers have
been gunned down in border

U.S. citizens
are also being
"kidnapped and killed"
with regularity, according
to the National Border Patrol
Council, which represents more
than 17,000 agents nationwide

The official appointed
by the Obama Administration
to promote transparency at the
Department of Homeland Security
has long warned that the agency violates
public records laws when data is considered
"politically sensitive" by her bosses.

The damaging information
has come to light thanks to a
news outlet's relentless effort to
expose a scandal involving how the
administration blocks the release of
public records at the agency.

A separate story revealed
that a senior career employee
suffered retaliation for blowing the
whistle on political appointees who
illegally interfered with public records
requests at the Department of Homeland

The official
(Catherine Papoi)
worked as a deputy unit
chief in charge of handling
public records requests under
the Freedom of Information Act

Papoi told the Homeland Security
Inspector General that hundreds of
public records requests had been illegally
sidetracked to Obama advisers because
the documents were considered politically

The administration officials
delayed release and demanded
information about the watchdog groups,
journalists and others requesting the materials.

If a member of congress
requested documents, Homeland
Security employees were ordered
to specify if it was a Republican or
Democrat who put in the order.

a veteran Homeland Security lawyer,
got demoted for denouncing the wrongdoing

The Corruption Chronicles

Astounding Exposure
by Louis T. McFadden :

On May 23, 1933,
Congressman, Louis T. McFadden,
brought formal charges against the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank
system, The Controller of the Currency and
the Secretary of United States Treasury for
numerous criminal acts, including but not limited

The petition for Articles of Impeachment
was thereafter referred to the Judiciary
Committee and has YET TO BE ACTED ON.

Some Quotations from
several of McFadden's speeches :

"Mr. Chairman,
we have in this Country one
of the most corrupt institutions
the world has ever known.

I refer
to the Federal Reserve Board
and the Federal Reserve Banks,
hereinafter called the Fed

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist
Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Fascist
Energy and Environment Coup 2

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

The Foreign & Domestic
Enemies Of Free Enterprise