Saturday, December 11, 2010

Invited Immune & Privileged Illegal Alien Foreigner Trespasser Invader Whoredoms

Of Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

As violent drug cartels
take over Mexico and expand
their criminal enterprises north,
the United States has signed a
"trusted traveler" agreement that
allows pre-screened Mexican airline
passengers to bypass lengthy airport
security checkpoints.

The foreigners will get
"trusted traveler cards" with
fingerprints and other biometric
data and they must answer customs
declarations questions on touch-screen
kiosks before leaving airport inspection

Homoeland Security
Secretary Janet Napolihomo
claims it's a way to enhance information
sharing and mutual security in the face of
"ever-evolving, multinational threats."

About 84 million Mexicans
are expected to qualify for the
trusted traveler program, according
to Mexico's Interior Ministry Secretary,
who signed the agreement on behalf of his
country this week.

The Mexican government
official assured that the new
accord will facilitate the U.S.
entry of business travelers and
tourists who are key factors in
economic development, growth
of trade and cultural exchange

Justice Homomayor,
once a policy maker at the leftist
Puerto Rico Legal Defense and Education
Fund (PRLDEF), has used terms aimed at
describing illegal immigrants in a more
friendly and politically correct way.

Often practiced by liberal judges
in certain parts of the country, this
sort of judicial activism is largely
unprecedented on the nation's
High Court.

This week Justice Sotomayor
promptly corrected herself after
mistakenly saying "illegal aliens" when
in fact she meant "undocumented" aliens.

The blunder took place while the court
heard a challenge against a two-year-old
Arizona measure-signed into law by former
Governor Janet Napolitano -that punishes
businesses caught hiring illegal workers

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order