Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The Democratic Left
is not really focused on
economic expansion, they
are focused upon government
expansion, taking earned resources
out of the private sector and placing
them in the public sector where they
can dictate "social justice" from on high.
Obama threatens
to raise taxes on all
Americans in his pursuit
of shifting more private
wealth to the public sector.
This concept is sold
to American workers
as "social justice," and the
claim is made that "the rich"
do not pay their "fair share" in
America, to justify the federal
assault on America's employers
The threat of Sustainable Development,
the policy of the United Nations's Agenda 21
that now permeates into every American city.
Sustainable Development
is the greatest threat ever perpetrated
against the American ideal of liberty.
Sustainable Development
is based entirely on the concept
of wealth redistribution.
Under Sustainable Development
there can be no free enterprise, no
individual liberty and no private property.
If you doubt that,
then here is a direct
quote from the UN's Habitat I
1976 conference where Sustainable
Development was first being developed :
"Land...cannot be treated
as an ordinary asset, controlled
by individuals and subject to the
pressures and inefficiencies of the market.
Private land ownership
is also a principle instrument
of accumulation and concentration
of wealth & therefore, contributes
to social injustice"
The Satanic Fascist World Order