Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chaos, Madness, Mayhem & Insanity Made To Order

By the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

On the heels of the shooting
of Gabrielle Giffords, Democrat
Representative from Arizona, the
left has moved quickly to point the
finger of blame at anyone who
opposes their agenda.

The vitriolic political
atmosphere is to blame,
the message being that if
you try to address your elected
representative in a civil manner,
and they blow you off, as they
have so many people who disagree
with their unconstitutional actions, you
should just shut up and go away, you
should not be concerned that these
people have and are destroying this
country and its economy, ergo the
Constitution and Bill of Rights are really
the archaic, out-of-date documents that
most in Congress view them as being.

To that end,
Congress has walked
all over the Constitution
and Bill of Rights, and by
extension, the American people.

Nothing says that better than
the unconstitutional Obamacare
law, the bailouts, the $3.385 trillion
in debt that has accrued since Obama
usurped the Oval Office in 2009, and
Congress' refusal to uphold the Constitution
and their oaths of office by demanding Obama
provide proof of his eligibility to the Oval Office

At the direction
of the Southern Poverty
Law Center, the Obama
Administration and Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) had
established a profile for what they
call "potential domestic terrorists"
of grave concern in the DHS Intel
Report titled "Rightwing Extremism."

The Obama Administration
has allowed the Southern Poverty
Law Center to define "hate" - hate
speech and hate-based domestic

But the Southern Poverty
Law Center is nothing more
than a George Soros funded hate
group of a different sort, using its
power with the current administration
to launch a full scale assault on all who
do not share the left-wing political view
and labeling all conservatives "haters."

However, Jared Lee Loughner,
the alleged gunman responsible for
shooting Democrat Congresswoman
Gabby Giffords did not meet Obama's
SPLC depiction of a domestic terrorist.

He was not a soldier,
as first reported by the left-wing
press, but rather an Army reject.

He is not
a political conservative,
but rather a political liberal

Reality Shatters Illusion