The "logic"
of an "economy"
and a pure system
of economic values will
compel a "brave new world"
of fascism so pervasive that it
can be endured by only brutes
or "human resources" on drugs.
As an economy
becomes increasingly efficient,
it becomes increasingly vulnerable.
As it becomes increasingly
vulnerable, the leaders become
increasingly fearful.
As the leaders become
increasingly fearful, they'll
become increasingly fascist-
and, paradoxically, prone to precipitate
a catastrophic failure wherein a multitude
of the "human resources" may perish.
The obsessive drive
for increased economic
efficiency is ultimately a drive
towards national self-destruction
The recent Wikileaks
scandal illustrates the dangers
of heightened efficiency.
Super-efficiency allowed
250,000 secret diplomatic
cables to be shared by a
significant number of US
That same super-efficiency
also allowed those cables to be
downloaded onto one little thumb
drive and ultimately distributed
around the world.
All that was required was
one disgruntled Army PFC who
precipitated a "catastrophic failure"
in the super-efficient cable-sharing
as we've adopted the values of an
economy (rather than a nation) we
are dedicated to cutting costs and
increasing profits by generating
ever-higher degrees of efficiency.
As we become increasingly efficient,
we become increasingly vulnerable.
Inevitably, we'll reach a point
where our efficiency is so great,
that some small "glitch" will inevitably
occur and cause a catastrophic failure
Adask's law
- The Profit of Injustice