Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Climate Change Fraud Whoredoms

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

If Congress was really intent
on cutting back on spending,
they could begin by defunding
or shutting down the Environmental
Protection Agency, the Department
of Energy, and all the other federal
grifters with their snouts rooting
around in the 'climate change' trough.

The ways
the Obama administration
intends to squander your money -

The magic number is
$2,481,000,000 and it
represents specific amounts
devoted to "climate change"
research or other programs
requested for the 2011 budgets
by an alphabet soup of federal
agencies that include the
Environmental Protection Agency,
NASA, Department of Energy
(DOE), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), National Science
Foundation (NSF), Department
of the Interior (DOI), and the
Department of Agriculture (DOA)

Excessive regulations
have far greater impact
than is generally thought.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute
(CEI) reported that 80,000 pages of
proposed and new regulations were
printed in the Federal Register in 2008.

Over 26,000 pages
out of the 80,000 were
new regulations to which
businesses must conform.

CEI estimated
that the compliance
cost in 2008 was a
staggering $1.2 trillion dollars.

That is 8 percent
of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product!

That cost is added on
to the price of everything we buy.

The man hours needed
by businesses to read these new
rules are in the millions of hours.

Is it any wonder
that U.S. businesses and
industry are fleeing to other nations?

On Tuesday before Christmas 2010,
the Obama administration issued thousands
of pages of new regulations to the 60,000
already issued during the year.

Some of these
merely burden the economy.

Others however,
put the very foundations of the nation at risk

Reality Shatters Illusion

The Satanic Fascist World Order