-it also owns legal title to
whatever you purchase with those FRNs.
Currency involves two titles :
legal and equitable; the Federal Reserve,
by loaning FRNs into circulation, divides
the equitable and legal titles to the FRNs
and to whatever FRNs are used to
The Federal Reserve owns legal
title to whatever is purchased with FRNs.
Insofar as you use FRNs,
your government presumes you
to be a virtual sharecropper who
doesn't really own anything.
More importantly, until you understand
the nature of money, you'll never be free.
There's a lot more
to money than mere counting
1) Because our modern
"Federal Reserve Notes" (FRNs)
are loaned into circulation, the lender
(the Federal Reserve System) retains
legal title (right of actual ownership, control
and disposal) to the green pieces of paper
in your wallet;
2) You have only equitable title
(right of use) to those green pieces
of paper; and, therefore,
3) Because you hold only equitable title
to "your" FRNs in your wallet, you can
only use those FRNs to acquire equitable
title to the property you purchase.
As a result,
your home is not your "castle,"
and you are a virtual sharecropper
rather than a free man
Adask's law
· The Profit of Injustice