Tuesday, February 15, 2011

United Nations Whoredoms

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

For many years,
going back to before
World War I, there have
been those in High places who
were attempting to subvert our
national sovereignty to a form of
World Government, such as
the League of Nations.

However, this attempt failed to be
adopted by the U.S. Senate in 1919.

The proponents of this scheme
did not give up, and went on to
create a private organization called
The Council On Foreign Relations, or
CFR, in 1921, whose goal has been to
bring about a Socialist World Government.

During World War II,
it virtually took over control
of the State Department, and
has ever since been providing
the policies and key personnel
for the Federal Government.

In 1941,
just after Pearl Harbor,
fourteen member/agents of
the CFR were appointed by
then Secretary of State Cordell
Hull to create a constitution for their
new baby; the United Nations, which
held its first assembly in San Francisco
in 1945, led by Alger Hiss, later
convicted as a Communist spy

The Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR) has been the historical driving
force behind such bedrock institutions
of corporate globalization as the United
Nations, World Bank, International Monetary
Fund, World Trade Organization (WTO), and
NATO, and which Esquire magazine referred
to in 1962 as "that part of the Establishment
that guides our destiny as a nation."

In 1950, the Chicago Tribune
published a story on the CFR in
which they stated, "[the members]
have used the prestige that their wealth,
their social position, and their education
have given them to lead their country
towards bankruptcy and military debacle.

Billionaire George Soros,
who refers to himself as a
"progressive philanthropist", has since
1995 been part of the arms-dealing Carlyle
Group, in which he has invested a reported
$100 Million, and has substantial stock
holdings in weapons manufacturers
Boeing and Lockheed-Martin.

He is a member and former Director
of the CFR, and is a member of the
enigmatic Bilderberg Group, a collection
of approximately 1300 of the world's richest
and most powerful figures in business, banking,
media, military, and government, who meet
once a year in extreme secrecy and under
almost unfathomable security, and whose
official purpose and actions remain a mystery,
spurring a deluge of wide-ranging speculation.

The 353-member American contingent
of Bilderberg is a bipartisan cavalcade that
includes Paul Wolfowitz, David Rockefeller,
Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger, Vernon Jordan,
Melinda Gates, Bill Clinton, and Alan Greenspan.

It is long argued and well documented
that the mission of this organization, working
in conjunction with the Council on Foreign
Relations and the Trilateral Commission, is to
manipulate world governments and economies
to promote a global, capitalist agenda commonly
referred to as the "New World Order".

These supranational bodies
seek to dismantle national sovereignty
(through mechanisms such as "Free Trade"
agreements) in favor of a one-world government
which primarily upholds the rights of corporations
and the wealthy over the people

New World Order

The Satanic Fascist World Order