Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Security and Prosperity Partnership Whoredoms

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

The U.S. State Department
is moving to create a continental
border around the U.S. as the relevant
national security perimeter, thereby erasing
the borders between the U.S. and Mexico
and between the U.S. and Canada.

The agreements are documented
in a March 23 State Department
memo titled "United States-Mexico
Partnership: A New Border Vision,"
and a draft document with Canada titled
"Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for
Perimeter Security and Competitiveness"

The 2005
Council On Foreign Relations report
"Building a North American Community,"
called on page xvii of the foreword for the
"establishment by 2010 of a North American
economic and security perimeter, the boundaries
of which would be defined by a common external
tariff and an outer security perimeter."

The language
of the documents declaring
"A New Border Vision" with
Mexico and Canada could easily
have been lifted directly from the CFR report

The U.S. Department of Transportation
under the Obama administration continues
to harbor the dream of Mexico-to-Canada
NAFTA superhighways is made clear by the
Federal Highway Administration website that
proclaims the "Corridor: Interstate 69 (I-69)
- Texas to Michigan" is to be fully operational
under the following project description:
"The 2,680-mile international and interstate trade
corridor extends from Mexico to Canada."

Since 2006, the original Trans-Texas Corridor
project was launched by TxDOT as a 4,000-mile
network of four NAFTA superhighway consisting
of automobile-truck-railroad corridors that TxDOT
planned to build over a 50-year period.

The original TTC designed called for TTC-35
to be built as a 1,200-foot-wide corridor of new
highways, designed to run parallel to the existing I-35
and to include separate north-south lanes for
automobiles, trucks and trains, with included
pipelines for oil, water and natural gas.

The I-69 Corridor in its full
Mexico-to-Canada dimensions
has been divided into 32 segments of
Independent Utilities, of which 16 are in Texas

A Free Press
For A Free People

The Satanic Fascist World Order