Monday, February 28, 2011

The incestuous relationship between government and union whoredoms

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

The Democratic Party has sold
its soul to the public sector unions.

In the 2010 mid-term election,
the American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employees
poured over $87 million dollars into
the election. (A new spending record).

AFSCME's $87 million
was greater than the campaign
spending by the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce ($75 million) and
American Crossroads ($65 million).

Other public sector unions also
ratcheted up their spending such as
SEIU ($44 million) and the National
Education Association ($40 million)

The end justifies the means -

Barack Obama,
perhaps the most
dishonest president
in modern history, has,
in a cynical abdication of
leadership, not only proposed
a budget that, if adopted, is
guaranteed to destroy the
financial future of the country,
but he has done so while lying
about a supposed economic
recovery underway.

His proclivity to do or say anything
to enhance his image or achieve his
ends was amply on display at a press
conference held on the 16th of February

American Thinker

The Satanic Fascist World Order