Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The global economic crisis
has sped up developments that
have been underway for a long time,
specifically within the last century.
In the midst of a global crisis,
these changes, which have been
slow and evolutionary, are being
rapidly sped up and accelerated.
The global political economy
is being transformed into a global
government structure at the crossroads
of a major financial crisis.
However, far from the assumptions
of many students of Capitalism and the
global political economy, these changes
are not natural and inevitable; these
changes are planned, organized,
socialized and institutionalized.
The process towards creating a global
government is not a new one; several
institutions and organizations throughout
the world have slowly been directing
the world down this path -
The Council on Foreign Relations
On May 23, 1933,
Congressman, Louis T. McFadden,
brought formal charges against the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank
system, The Controller of the Currency and
the Secretary of United States Treasury for
numerous criminal acts, including but not limited
The petition for Articles of Impeachment
was thereafter referred to the Judiciary
Committee and has YET TO BE ACTED ON.
Some Quotations from
several of McFadden's speeches :
"Mr. Chairman,
we have in this Country one
of the most corrupt institutions
the world has ever known.
I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and
the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter
called the Fed.
The Fed has cheated
the Government of these
United States and the people
of the United States -
"This evil institution
has impoverished and ruined
the people of these United States, has
bankrupted itself, and has practically
bankrupted our Government.
It has done this through
the defects of the law under
which it operates, through the
maladministration of that law by
the Fed and through the corrupt
practices of the moneyed vultures
who control it."
"Some people think that
the Federal Reserve Banks
are United States Government
They are private monopolies
which prey upon the people of
these United States for the benefit of
themselves and their foreign customers;
foreign and domestic speculators and
swindlers; and rich and predatory money
In that dark crew
of financial pirates there
are those who maintain International
propaganda for the purpose of deceiving
us into granting of new concessions which
will permit them to cover up their past
misdeeds and set again in motion their
gigantic train of crime"
New World Order
The Satanic Fascist World Order