Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hellbent Whores

& Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

We are on the precipice of a
currency crisis, a completely
man-made catastrophe.

The men who orchestrated it first
created a central bank in 1913 that
eventually took us off the gold standard
and devalued the purchasing power of
our currency by 90%.

Later, others in the 1930s and 1960s
erected a viral, insatiable welfare state
and attempted to feed it and keep it at
bay with high taxes and waves of
financial, stock, and real estate

Then we elected Obama,
who decided to go down in history
as the great destroyer by unleashing
several trillion-dollar bubbles at once.

We know the names of all of his
co-conspirators and hope to punish
them severely in a few weeks.

For those who had the foresight
to accumulate gold (or silver or platinum),
there might be some comfort in knowing
that you managed to stave off complete
financial disaster by funding your own
domestic central bank.

The sobering truth,
however, is that history
provides very few examples
where dramatically rising gold
prices do not point to unnerving
instability or disaster

The Muslim Brotherhood
(MB) is one of the most dangerous
Islamic groups in the world today, not
only because it supports terrorism --
providing political and financial support
for its Palestinian branch, Hamas, for
example -- but because it is part of a
global Islamist network and promotes
an ideology that encourages extremism
and terrorism.

With branches in seventy countries
and linked to major Islamic organizations,
the MB has an extensive and well-financed
network of educational, social, and cultural
institutions which promote a strategic MB
plan for Islamic dominance -- not through
violence, but integration, becoming part of
the national social and political life, and the
application of Shariah law.

These connections give it access
to political power and explain why it
and the organizations it supports are
courted by governments and NGOs

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

International Fascist Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

ICLEI (International Council
on Local Environmental Initiatives)
is being paid dues by local communities
to impose this UN Agenda 21 policy.

ICLEI is now operating in more than 600
American cities - mostly in relative secrecy.

More cities are being pressured
to give ICLEI control of development
policy making.

In most cases that includes creating
non-elected boards, councils and
regional governments answerable
to no one.

City Councils
and County Commissions,
which should be answerable
to the people, are now able to defer
decision making to these non-elected
bureaucrats, leaving the people without
the ability to question or overturn policy.

It's the definition of a perfect "Soviet"

Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) said,
"The establishment of a central bank is
90% of communizing a nation."

Worldwide control
obviously requires extraordinary
organization, superior weaponry and
high technology (like HAARP), political
power and monopoly control of all the

On February 17, 1950,
James P. Warburg declared
to the U.S. Senate,

"We shall have
World Government, whether or not
we like it. The only question is whether
World Government will be achieved
by conquest or consent"

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Homeland Security for Illegal Alien Trespassers, Amnesty Pimps & Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

A month after the Department
of Homeland Security launched a
covert program to dismiss pending
deportations there's been an increase
of more than 700% in the number of
cases that have been dropped by the
government -

In August
Homeland Security officials quietly
began to systematically dismiss the
pending removal of illegal immigrants,
even when expulsion was virtually
guaranteed or the aliens had a
criminal record.

This is part of President
Obama's backdoor amnesty plan -

It calls for legalizing
the nation's estimated '12' million
undocumented aliens if Congress
doesn't pass legislation to do it.

While the plan is crafted,
the administration is implementing
other measures-such as halting
deportations-to protect
illegal immigrants.

Among them is prohibiting
both federal and local law
enforcement officers from
arresting illegal immigrants
as a result of traffic violations

In a remarkably contemptuous
move, three illegal immigrants marked
for deportation after committing crimes
are suing the U.S. government over the
program that targeted them for removal.

The illegal aliens
live in Georgia's Cobb County,
which has a population of about 600,000,
and were discovered to be undocumented
after getting arrested by local police
for state crimes.

One got booked after car crash
for not having a driver's license,
another for shoplifting and the
other for felony forgery.

Thanks to a local-federal partnership
known as 287(g), the illegal immigrant
criminals were reported to federal
authorities for removal.

The program
has been effective in reducing violent
crime in local communities and aiding
in the deportation of tens of thousands
of criminal illegal aliens who would
otherwise fall through the cracks.

While this marks the first lawsuit against
the local-federal partnership, the program
has been repeatedly challenged by open
borders advocates who claim it exacerbates
racial profiling.

Last year several politically-connected
immigrant rights groups urged President
Obama to terminate all 287(g) partnerships
because local law enforcement agencies
nationwide are using it to target
"communities of color"

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Obama Endorses Global Taxes During U.N. Summit

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

While the media
were preoccupied with the fate
of the Bush tax cuts, President Obama
attended a United Nations summit and
endorsed "innovative finance mechanisms"
-global taxes-to drain even more wealth
out of the U.S. economy.

The "outcome document,"
produced in advance of the
September 20-22 U.N. Summit
on the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs), committed the nations
of the world to supporting "innovative
financing mechanisms" to supplement
foreign aid spending.

The term
"innovative financing mechanisms"
is a U.N. euphemism for global taxes.

But the document actually goes further,
praising the "Task Force on International
Financial Transactions for Development"
for its work on the subject of mobilizing
additional "resources" for countries to
achieve the MDGs.

This is a body tasked with proposing
and implementing global tax schemes.

The document recognized
the "considerable progress" made in
this area, an acknowledgement that an
international tax by some nations on airline
tickets is already in effect and producing
several billions of dollars of revenue for
world organizations to 'fight' AIDS
and other diseases

The CPUSA was part of a worldwide
communist apparatus working to turn
the U.S. into a "Soviet America."

Communism had inspired Jim Jones
of the Peoples Temple in leading 900
people in an act of "revolutionary suicide"
and the murder of U.S. Congressman
Leo Ryan in Guyana in 1978.

Jones, active in CPUSA activities
since the 1950s, and his wife left their
money to the CPUSA.

His followers sang
the Soviet National Anthem.

He had plans to move his cult
to the Soviet Union or Cuba.

Another communist pervert,
Harry Hay, founded the gay
rights movement.

We have obtained his FBI file as well,
confirming his deep involvement in the

Obama appointed Kevin Jennings
as one of his top education officials, after
Jennings had said that he was "inspired"
by Hay. Jennings' job is to force a gay
curriculum into the public schools under the
cover of countering "bullying."

Obama's agenda
is not just economic but cultural.

This is the "new Marxism" in action.

The gays have become
part of the oppressed class

Who would want to enlist in the U.S. armed
forces these days ?

They are Chock Full
of Illegal Alien Trespassers,
Homosexuals & Moslem Whores .

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Public Private Partnership Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The Obama administration
has already announced plans
to use $50 billion to fund and
launch a new infrastructure bank.

As an apparent proponent
of a government-controlled economy
combined with Obama's public support
of this initiative, HR 2521 will undoubtedly
be put on the fast track.

If the Democrat leaders decide to rush
through a series of bills during a lame duck
session, then it is conceivable that HR 2521
could reach the floor for a vote before
the end of the year.

Like most government programs,
once created, it will become nearly
impossible to kill.

AMTRAK, a government-owned
corporation formed in 1970, was originally
intended to be a short-lived endeavor and
end after two years.

It seems highly unlikely
that an ambitious undertaking
such as this bank could ever be
phased out.

After fifteen years, the size and scope
of the bank will certainly grow to a point
where it will become an integral part of a
new centrally planned economy.

Legislators will have no more success
shutting down this megabank than they had
trying to end Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.

The statements "Job creation,
including work force development
for women and minorities, responsible
employment practices, and quality job
training opportunities" and "Poverty and
inequality reduction through targeted training
and employment opportunities for low-income
workers" are repeated four times in the Act as
factors that "shall" be considered prior
to funding projects.

Any claim that the corporation's board
will remain independent and face little
political interference does not pass
the laugh test.

Political agendas are built
right into the proposed legislation
and will be used to assess the board's

It is well-known that Fannie and Freddie
were forced to abide by HUD's social and
economic justice agendas and the Community
Reinvestment Act's racial quota requirements,
so it is implausible to imagine that the NIDB
board will not succumb to the political whims
of legislators or the president

Dupes :
How America's Adversaries Have
Manipulated Progressives for a Century -

One of the mysteries
of the Cold War is why so many seemingly
intelligent Americans believed to the bitter end
that the Soviet Union -- history's most vicious
dictatorship and an economic basket case --
was paradise on Earth.

The Kremlin set out to manipulate those
among us whom Lenin famously described
as "useful idiots" -- Americans who could be
made to fall hook, line, and sinker for Soviet
propaganda and who then used their influence
to swing public opinion behind the Soviet
Union's policies

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac & Other Pimps & Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The U.S. government has paid collapsed
mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac $240 million to help administer its
disastrous program to bail out the nation's
financial institutions.

There has already been ample documentation
of the rampant corruption in the $700 billion
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), a
disturbing experiment of U.S. tax dollars,
but this seems to put the icing on the cake.

Of the $436.7 million the Treasury Department
has paid private firms to run TARP, more than
half has gone to the scandal-plagued mortgage
companies that were seized by the government
in 2008.

The Fannie and Freddie TARP agreements
"raise significant concerns" because both "have
a history of profound corporate mismanagement,"
the COP found.

A Treasury Inspector General report revealed
that TARP is rife with corruption, that dozens of
criminal investigations have been launched and
that the risk will only grow.

So far probes have centered on securities fraud,
tax law violations, mortgage modification fraud
and insider trading involving recipients
of the federal money.

When that report was published,
the government had paid private companies
and legal firms only $159 million to operate

Details of those arrangements-including
labor rates and how companies were selected
to do the government work-have been kept
secret by the Obama Administration

While some local
'law enforcement agencies' prefer to keep
their don't-ask-don't-tell immigration policies
quiet, one proudly announced its longtime
sanctuary measure -

The 33-year 'law enforcement' veteran
assured illegal immigrants this week that
they're safe from deportation in his

Besides forbidding deputies
from asking suspects about their
legal status in the U.S., Cogbill also
prohibits them from assisting federal
authorities during immigration raids.

The agency actually stopped aiding
the feds during sweeps at least twenty
years ago, the sheriff said.

Dozens of police departments
across the country have similar immigration
policies, including those in major U.S. cities
such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and
The District of Columbia

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Obamacare Justice Department Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

As Obama's legal team gears up
for court battles destined to make
headlines over the coming year, they
are conspicuously moving away from
their initial argument that the Obamacare
mandate is protected under Article I,
Section 8, Clause 3 of the Constitution,
also known as the Commerce Clause.

That clause, which has been invoked in a
number of cases over the years, states that
Congress shall have the power "to regulate
Commerce with foreign Nations, and among
the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."

But as a court hearing in Florida
recently revealed, it appears that instead
of invoking the Commerce Clause, the
Justice Department will argue the individual
health insurance mandate as a tax, contrary
to what President Obama proclaimed
repeatedly while campaigning for support
of the legislation.

Team Obama has taken a page
from Franklin Delano Roosevelt's
playbook and invoked a tactic utilized
for support of the landmark 1937 Supreme
Court rulings upholding the Social Security
Act (SSA), a strategy which may have
profound political ramifications in the future

U.S. industrial policies
by the radical Democrats have
imposed terrible burdens on the U.S.
economy that are making it more and
more inefficient through high non-competitive
labor costs, carbon regulation, artificially high
energy costs, and numerous government

Here is a summary
of recent aspects of our industrial policy as
proffered by the ruling Democratic Party:

- Huge
and ineffective stimulus expenditures

- A 3.0-trillion-dollar increase
in our national debt in two years

- Unemployment at 9.6%

- A job-killing moratorium on drilling
for oil in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska

- Adoption of a tax
on energy use called Cap and Trade

- The EPA aggressively regulating emissions
resulting from the combustion of carbon fuels

- The EPA working to regulate fluids used in
the production of abundant shale-sourced
natural gas

- Elimination of the secret ballot (card check)
in proposed unionization to increase union
power and high-cost labor in our economy

- Imposition of costly health
mandates on small businesses

- Increasing domestic taxes
on business earnings made
and taxed in foreign countries

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Big Fat 'Government' Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

How is it even possible
that a government can, of itself,
"grow an economy," when every
dollar it uses to do anything was either

1) confiscated
from the economy in the first place,
and then gets returned at pennies on the
dollar after deducting its bloated overhead

2) borrowed,
and thereby saddling the economy with the
debt plus interest, thus reducing available
market capital; or

3) printed out of thin air,
thus inflating the currency and reducing
the value of existing dollars?

And therein lies the disastrous
disconnect of Keynesian futility: the
federal government may think it has the
power to stimulate economic activity, but
in reality, it is completely impotent when it
comes to stimulating actual and not phantom
market demand for anything other than
what it itself consumes

The changes wrought
on the American political economy
by progressives have taken us in the
unmistakable direction of feudalism.

The morphological resemblance
between the progressive version of
America and the historic feudal regimes
is obvious if one takes a few moments to
consider the changes in the proper context.

In progressive America,
two groups today have a parallel distinction.

Birth, and birth alone,* determines whether
one is a member of a designated victim class,
entitled to preferences in college admissions,
scholarships, and employment, factors which
have a major formative influence on life

Moreover, the ability to litigate as the victim
of discrimination with the possibility of massive
financial returns is enhanced.

According to the testimony
of two Department of Justice lawyers,
membership in a designated victim class
brings with it immunity from prosecution
under Civil Rights statutes

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Globalist Socialist Engineers

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

They are all billionaires,
all have a history of tyrannical
business practices bordering on
criminal monopolies, all engage in
controlling the "little people as all are
political leftists, and all use their wealth
to manipulate governments here
and abroad.

and all work with Obama to destroy
American superiority and supremacy.
in the 'best interest' of global peace
and prosperity.

The National Intelligence Council
has all of the details worked out.

What was once a Clinton-era plan
for Global Governance by 2025 has now
become an international push to achieve an
end to U.S. sovereignty by 2015

The subprime mortgage
collapse in the United States-
triggered specifically by hedge fund
short sellers (who sold the bottom out
of the mortgage industry because they were
allowed, by the repeal of the 1934 Uptick Rule,
to do so) and the Soros raid on the Euro, were
largely responsible for the sudden illiquidity of
banks in the industrial world.

The illiquidity shock wave
reverberated around the world.

Central bankers
feared a monetary collapse
was inevitable if funds were not
poured-not into the US and European
economies but-into the economies of the
emerging nations where financial illiquidity
threatened to shatter the global banking
infrastructure and cause a domino-collapse
of the central banks of the world

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Free Trade Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Free trade,
as currently practiced
with chronic US deficits
and a plethora of cheap imports,
can actually "seduce" a population
into "decadent consumption."

People have abandoned the
tradition of saving and frugal living.

Business owners
often fail to reinvest profits
and instead depend on bank loans.

Seemingly, individuals
in their personal or business
circumstances prefer to mortgage
their futures in order to obtain
immediate gratification.

Americans are addicted to debt
as evidenced by the incidence of
consumer credit.

America's combined
household and government
debt totals 243% of GDP

The Chamber
of Commerce of the United States
and the International Chamber of
Commerce are blanket organizations.

The U. S. Chamber
claims to represent more than
3 million businesses and organizations.

Of course,
the Chamber can't
really represent them.

It represents itself while claiming
the membership sanctions its policies .

Over the years,
while claiming to be
in favor of free enterprise,
the Chamber has advocated
the following legislation and policies

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Illegal Alien Trespassers, The United Nations & Other Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The Obama Administration
recently appointed a police chief -
who believes in illegal alien sanctuary
city policies - to command an immigration
enforcement program that entails federal
agents working with local police departments
on cases involving illegal aliens.

DHS data show
that the current administration
has dramatically curtailed all aspects
of immigration enforcement against illegal
aliens who have not committed violent crimes
in this country.

In the critical area of worksite
enforcement, administrative arrests
have fallen by 77 percent, criminal arrests
are down 60 percent, indictments are down
64 percent, and convictions have fallen
by 68 percent since 2008

An organization
that allows nations like Iran
and Libya to chair committees
dedicated to human and women's
rights makes a mockery of both.

The UN, like any bureaucracy,
must constantly be evaluated and put
to the test, and if found lacking, be

I believe the US government
is perfectly capable of conducting
bilateral and multilateral relations with
other nations on our own.

Despots, human rights violators,
and tyrants should be confronted,
not congratulated.

Such concerns over the U.S.
involvement with the UN are not new.

The time has come
to recognize the U.N. for the anti-American,
anti-freedom organization that it has become.

The time has come
for us to cut off all financial
help, withdraw as a member,
and tell the U.N. to find a headquarters
location outside the United States that is
more in keeping with the philosophy of the
majority of voting members, someplace like
Moscow or Peking

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Satanic Fascist Illegal Alien Trespasser Frauds

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) admits
it's essentially ignoring illegal immigrants
who don't have serious criminal histories -

If we are looking at a guy who's just here
with his family trying to better his life vs. a
repeat offender, our priority is the criminal,"
said a northern California ICE field director.

We may not now know the magnitude
of the agency's selective deportation program
because it's illegally withholding data about its
overall enforcement performance -

Earlier this week
an independent research center
that monitors the federal government
revealed that ICE has committed serious
legal and procedural violations for failing to
disclose performance data on how the agency
is enforcing immigration laws.

In doing so, ICE is violating
long standing provisions of the Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) as well as its own
administrative rules and policies set
by the Department of Justice

In an effort to help illegal alien
students concentrate in the classroom,
public schools in a major U.S. county
are distributing special guides on how to
avoid deportation during immigration raids.

The manual advises students
of their encounters with federal
authorities and directs them to refrain
from giving government officials information
about their immigration status & not carrying
certain documents from another country -

It also instructs students
if immigration agents come knocking
at home and warns that government
officials may try to intimidate or trick
illegal immigrants into signing documents

The San Diego County Office of Education
began distributing the guides because students
from families living in the U.S. illegally were
having difficulty concentrating in class -

They were written by attorneys
at a controversial, taxpayer-funded
advocacy group (Casa de Maryland)
that helps illegal immigrants by operating
day laborer facilities and offering free legal

The group says
that schools as far away
as Hawaii have requested the guides

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fabian Progressive Whores & Internet Spies

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

President Barack Obama
and his national security team are seeking
an expansion of the U.S. government's role
in eavesdropping on the Internet including
emails, social networking sites such as
Facebook and Twitter, as well
as BlackBerries.

According to reports,
the Obama White House plans to submit
a bill after the new congress takes over both
houses next January that would require all
online services that provide communications
between users to be enabled to comply with
federal wiretap orders.

The proposed monitoring measures
will affect encrypted e-mail, such as the
popular BlackBerry, networking sites like
Facebook or Twitter, as well communication
sites such as Skype.


President Barack Obama's planned
Internet surveillance is a throwback to
President Bill Clinton's "Echelon Program."

In arguably the most secretive and far
reaching electronic surveillance program
ever created, the Clinton Administration
and the National Security Agency employed
a global spy system, code named Echelon,
which monitored just about every phone call,
fax, email and telex message sent anywhere
in the world

As this is being written
the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency is seeking
to assert authority to control carbon
dioxide emissions despite evidence of
a global fraud and mountains of scientific
data that indicate CO2 plays no role in a
fraudulent "global warming."

All utilities, industries and businesses in
America generate CO2 in the normal
course of producing or using electricity
for manufacturing and countless
other uses.

The prospect of Republicans gaining
control of Congress, suggests that, despite
having been cleared by Penn State, Michael
Mann will face an investigation.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the ranking
member of the House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee, has
made it known that a probe of the
Climategate scandal will be at the
top of his environmental agenda.

If I had engaged in activities that involved
fleecing the governments of the United States
and the United Kingdom of billions in public
funds in the name of "climate research", and
it was found that I had manipulated the data
to advance the "global warming" hoax,
wouldn't I be facing charges of fraud?

Or if the universities for which I worked had
benefited from receiving those public funds
had conducted hearings that exonerated me,
wouldn't those institutions be considered
accessories to the alleged crime?

We routinely put people like Bernard Madoff
in jail for Ponzi schemes that defrauded people
of billions.

There is no reason why those who provided
the data underwriting the fraud of Climategate
should not face justice

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

National foreclosure theft scheme, the most explosive political issue of the decade ;

The shock felt by American people
when they discover that they've been
robbed-not just individually, but on a
nation-wide basis-and not merely by the
banksters, lawyers and judges, but with the
complicity of our own government-will be
massive and likely to generate violent reactions.

Unless the entire economy
is quickly collapsed and this
institutionalized fraud disappears
under the rubble of economic chaos,
a lot of very wealthy and powerful people
are going to be sued, probably charged
criminally, or possibly killed

Become a net "producer"
(creditor) not a net "consumer" (debtor)

Even if our gov-co agreed to restore
high tariffs today, it would probably take
most of a decade for the US to restore its
status as a net "producer" (creditor) rather
than a net "consumer" (debtor).

I don't believe that the consequence
of our massive, unpayable debt can be
postponed long enough for America to
regain its status as a producer.

I don't believe our gov-co is willing to
abandon globalism and restore high tariffs.

It seems inevitable that we will see
a "Greater Depression" in the near future.

If so, most Americans will be impoverished
and suffer considerable anguish, pain
and even mortality

United Nations Fabian Progressive Illegal Alien Trespasser Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Local governments must protect
illegal immigrants' "fundamental rights,"
including the right to be free from "arbitrary
arrest or detention" as well as the right to
"seek and enjoy asylum from persecution."

Illegal aliens must also have economic,
social and cultural rights, which include
health, adequate housing, education and
favorable conditions of work,"
according to the U.N.

States like Arizona that pass measures
to curb illegal immigration are "driven by
hostile domestic constituencies,"
the U.N. asserts.

Too often these states address
"irregular migration solely through
the lens of sovereignty, border security
or law enforcement."

Deep stuff
from the scandal-plagued group that's
largely sustained with American tax dollars.

Buried in the U.N.'s enlightening
two-page statement is an acknowledgement
that states have legitimate interests in securing
their borders and exercising immigration

However, those concerns cannot trump
the obligations to respect international law

A coalition of Mexican lawmakers
has asked the United States to stop
deporting illegal immigrants who have
been convicted of serious crimes
in American courts.

The mayor (Jose Reyes Ferriz)
of Mexico's most violent city, Ciudad Juarez,
pointed out that of 80,000 people deported to
his community in the past three years nearly
30,000 had committed serious crimes in the U.S.

Around 7,000 had served sentences
for rape and 2,000 for murder.

The criminal deportees have contributed
to the escalating drug-cartel violence in his
city, Mayor Ferriz said, so he wants the U.S.
to make other arrangements when prison
sentences are completed.

A few years ago Mexico's government
formally complained that too many Mexicans
had been repatriated from the U.S. and that the
entire country was overwhelmed with demands
for housing, jobs and schools.

Various Mexican legislators
publicly chastised the U.S. for
sending illegal immigrants back,
explaining that the country could
not accommodate the "repatriated."

The Obama Administration
seems to be heeding to Mexico's request
by openly halting the deportation of hundreds
of thousands of illegal immigrants.

Additionally, the administration
has a "backdoor amnesty" plan to
legalize millions of undocumented aliens
in case Congress doesn't pass legislation
to do it

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

United Nations Fascist Fabian Progressive Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The Globalist invasion
is happening right under our noses.

Every county in America has its local
Agenda 21 implementation underway.

The "Local Action" plan of ICLEI -

ICLEI is the International Council
for Local Environmental Initiatives.

ICLEI contracts with American cities
to usher them into becoming a local outlet
for globalization.

Treasonous indeed!

This is the most vulnerable globalist
organization operating in America today.

Now is the time to thwart Agenda 21

One Satanic Fascist & Fabian Progressive
Nation of Whores Working Together ;

Various communist
and socialist groups attended
the October 2 "One Nation Working
Together" rally in Washington, D.C.

The involvement
of the Communist Party
USA, a group that served as a
subversive pawn of Moscow for
decades, is relevant and newsworthy.

These officially-sanctioned groups
also included the AFL-CIO and several
left-wing labor unions;

United for Peace and Justice, founded
by veteran Marxist activist Leslie Cagan;

Code Pink; the ANSWER Coalition, a front
of the Party for Socialism and Liberation;

the League of United Latin American
Citizens (LULAC);

the Committees of Correspondence
for Democracy and Socialism;

Green for All, the group once associated
with former White House official Van Jones;

Democratic Socialists of America,
which helped give Barack Obama his start
in Illinois state politics; and the NAACP

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Monday, October 4, 2010

Congressional Budget? WE Don't Need No Stinking Congressional Budget !

It's Just Business As Usual
for The Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

For the first time in modern memory,
the Congress did not pass a budget.

With deficits pushing $1.4 trillion
and the national debt soaring, House
and Senate leadership did not dare tell
the American people what they intended,
and the members of the majority party
went along -

It pushed up spending over and again
in a vain pursuit to stimulate the economy
with more debt.

As expected, it failed,
the economy languishes,
and unemployment remains very high.

Congress passed a financial regulatory
reform bill that, had it been in effect earlier
in the decade, would have done nothing to
stop and little to mitigate the financial crisis
of 2007-2008.

And it passed a health care reform
so ill-advised that Democrats are now
campaigning against it

As Congress vacates Washington
to campaign, they promise (or threaten)
to return after Election Day to clean up
the mess they leave behind.

It's a mystery whether they will halt
the automatic tax hikes that hit January 1st.

Or how much
they will decide to spend-
since Congress failed to adopt a budget.

The lame duck session
has a lot to cover in a short time.

Election Day is November 2
The current Congress
reconvenes November 15.

The new Congress convenes January 3.

Squeezed in will be the December 1st
deadline for the "National Commission
on Fiscal Responsibility"
to approve its final report

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Fascist Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

The Satanic Fascist World Order

If you don't understand the nature of money, you will not understand economics ;

Ford may have been right in declaring
that if the American people ever actually
understood banking (and the nature of money),
that Americans might revolt tomorrow morning.

Maybe that's what it'll take
to regain real liberty and real ownership
of our property and homes.

A revolution.
Maybe a shooting revolution.

But before we have a shooting revolution,
we'll need a revolution in understanding.

We'll need a revolution
wherein the people of the
The United States of America
(and of the world) begin to "wake up"
and realize that there's more to money
than math.

We'll need a revolution wherein the people
begin to understand the nature of money

It's not "all about the money"-
it's all about the kind of money.

For now, the advantage seems to be with
globalists and big government proponents.

They are organized and knowing.
They are buying many of their opponents
(with worthless, fiat currency).

But evidence is rising among the people
that big government doesn't work
and is dangerous.

Awareness is growing
that fiat currencies are intrinsically worthless.

The decisive battle
is for the people's confidence in the currency.

So long as the people "believe"
in fiat currencies, the New World Order
can succeed and big government can grow
even bigger.

But if the world rejects fiat currencies
and returns to gold and silver, the globalists
will be destroyed, big government will
disintegrate and the nationalists-
and individualists-will triumph

Their Still Trying To Censer The Truth Telling Internet

And now they want to Unite
the Fascist Unionists with the
Fascist Illegal Alien Trespassers
& the Fascist Illegal Pot Farmers

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

In the name of national security,
President Obama will have the
unprecedented power to shut
down companies and block
internet traffic under a cyber
security bill that Congress
expects to pass before the
end of the year.

Emergencies could be imposed
by the government or president at
will, absent any Congressional oversight
and with no explanation to the American

This could be used as a tool
of political and social repression,
according to a London-based
telecommunications news magazine
that says the proposed law gives the
president and government agencies
draconian powers

In a first even for the notoriously shady
labor movement, the marijuana industry
has joined the country's largest union in
a state where the street drug is allowed
for "medical purposes" and could soon
be legalized for general use.

The International
Brotherhood of Teamsters
welcomed the country's first group of
unionized "medical marijuana growers"
this week, even though their work
violates federal law.

The 40 freshly unionized
cannabis growers live and work
in California, where pot is approved
for 'medicinal use' and could be legalized
all together if voters approve a measure
this November.

Good thing the Teamsters Union,
famous for its ties to organized crime
and the mysterious disappearance of its
mob-connected president (Jimmy Hoffa),
came to the rescue.

The famously corrupt union,
the world's largest, has about 1.4
million members that contribute
handsomely to Democrats.

Numerous corruption scandals
over the years have caused a substantial
dwindle in its membership so it's not like
the Teamsters can be picky.

However, the union would
not have gotten involved with the
pot growers if it didn't believe their
business was legitimate.

"The Teamsters
would 'never' organize
an illegal business," assures
the union liaison handling the
new marijuana group.

In a different but possibly
related revelation involving
marijuana in the Golden State,
California's largest labor union,
the 700,000-member Service
Employees International Union,
has just endorsed the initiative
(Proposition 19) to legalize pot.

The coveted endorsement
could boost the pro marijuana
campaign, which have struggled
to raise cash for advertisements

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Satanic Fascist Overlords

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

When John Sweeney,
a member of the Democratic
Socialists of America, became
president of the AFL-CIO, the
communists and their fellow
travelers were officially
welcomed in.

He hired veterans
of the Venceremos Brigades
such as Karen Nussbaum and
Karen Ackerman.

These were the groups
of radical young people who
had gone to Communist Cuba
for indoctrination sessions back
in the 1970s.

Some went
for training in guerrilla warfare.

The trips were arranged
by Bernardine Dohrn of the
terrorist Weather Underground

One of the most diabolical
organizations in controlling
the world's resources, including
water, is the much-touted Clinton
Global Initiative, the brainchild of
former President Bill Clinton, an
unabashed Internationalist.

Then there's Obama's
science "czar," John Holrdren,
who was also an attendee at
Clinton's recent conference.

Shortly after his confirmation
as director of White House Office
of Science and Technology Policy,
it was revealed that Holdren was
once a proponent of compulsory
abortions and a "Planetary Regime".

And in 1977, he co-authored a book
that proposed the use of totalitarian
regimes to curb population growth
and protect the environment including
the planet's water supply.

Other key figures from the days
of the Clinton administration were
also at the annual meeting including
National Security Advisor Sandy
Berger, Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright, and Secretary of Treasury
Robert Rubin.

Meanwhile, in an address before
the UN General Assembly, President
Barack Obama Last Wednesday
outlined the Administration's new
global development policy

The Satanic Fascist World Order