Sunday, October 17, 2010

Obamacare Justice Department Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

As Obama's legal team gears up
for court battles destined to make
headlines over the coming year, they
are conspicuously moving away from
their initial argument that the Obamacare
mandate is protected under Article I,
Section 8, Clause 3 of the Constitution,
also known as the Commerce Clause.

That clause, which has been invoked in a
number of cases over the years, states that
Congress shall have the power "to regulate
Commerce with foreign Nations, and among
the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."

But as a court hearing in Florida
recently revealed, it appears that instead
of invoking the Commerce Clause, the
Justice Department will argue the individual
health insurance mandate as a tax, contrary
to what President Obama proclaimed
repeatedly while campaigning for support
of the legislation.

Team Obama has taken a page
from Franklin Delano Roosevelt's
playbook and invoked a tactic utilized
for support of the landmark 1937 Supreme
Court rulings upholding the Social Security
Act (SSA), a strategy which may have
profound political ramifications in the future

U.S. industrial policies
by the radical Democrats have
imposed terrible burdens on the U.S.
economy that are making it more and
more inefficient through high non-competitive
labor costs, carbon regulation, artificially high
energy costs, and numerous government

Here is a summary
of recent aspects of our industrial policy as
proffered by the ruling Democratic Party:

- Huge
and ineffective stimulus expenditures

- A 3.0-trillion-dollar increase
in our national debt in two years

- Unemployment at 9.6%

- A job-killing moratorium on drilling
for oil in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska

- Adoption of a tax
on energy use called Cap and Trade

- The EPA aggressively regulating emissions
resulting from the combustion of carbon fuels

- The EPA working to regulate fluids used in
the production of abundant shale-sourced
natural gas

- Elimination of the secret ballot (card check)
in proposed unionization to increase union
power and high-cost labor in our economy

- Imposition of costly health
mandates on small businesses

- Increasing domestic taxes
on business earnings made
and taxed in foreign countries

The Satanic Fascist World Order