Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Free trade,
as currently practiced
with chronic US deficits
and a plethora of cheap imports,
can actually "seduce" a population
into "decadent consumption."
People have abandoned the
tradition of saving and frugal living.
Business owners
often fail to reinvest profits
and instead depend on bank loans.
Seemingly, individuals
in their personal or business
circumstances prefer to mortgage
their futures in order to obtain
immediate gratification.
Americans are addicted to debt
as evidenced by the incidence of
consumer credit.
America's combined
household and government
debt totals 243% of GDP
The Chamber
of Commerce of the United States
and the International Chamber of
Commerce are blanket organizations.
The U. S. Chamber
claims to represent more than
3 million businesses and organizations.
Of course,
the Chamber can't
really represent them.
It represents itself while claiming
the membership sanctions its policies .
Over the years,
while claiming to be
in favor of free enterprise,
the Chamber has advocated
the following legislation and policies
The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order