Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
While the media
were preoccupied with the fate
of the Bush tax cuts, President Obama
attended a United Nations summit and
endorsed "innovative finance mechanisms"
-global taxes-to drain even more wealth
out of the U.S. economy.
The "outcome document,"
produced in advance of the
September 20-22 U.N. Summit
on the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs), committed the nations
of the world to supporting "innovative
financing mechanisms" to supplement
foreign aid spending.
The term
"innovative financing mechanisms"
is a U.N. euphemism for global taxes.
But the document actually goes further,
praising the "Task Force on International
Financial Transactions for Development"
for its work on the subject of mobilizing
additional "resources" for countries to
achieve the MDGs.
This is a body tasked with proposing
and implementing global tax schemes.
The document recognized
the "considerable progress" made in
this area, an acknowledgement that an
international tax by some nations on airline
tickets is already in effect and producing
several billions of dollars of revenue for
world organizations to 'fight' AIDS
and other diseases
The CPUSA was part of a worldwide
communist apparatus working to turn
the U.S. into a "Soviet America."
Communism had inspired Jim Jones
of the Peoples Temple in leading 900
people in an act of "revolutionary suicide"
and the murder of U.S. Congressman
Leo Ryan in Guyana in 1978.
Jones, active in CPUSA activities
since the 1950s, and his wife left their
money to the CPUSA.
His followers sang
the Soviet National Anthem.
He had plans to move his cult
to the Soviet Union or Cuba.
Another communist pervert,
Harry Hay, founded the gay
rights movement.
We have obtained his FBI file as well,
confirming his deep involvement in the
Obama appointed Kevin Jennings
as one of his top education officials, after
Jennings had said that he was "inspired"
by Hay. Jennings' job is to force a gay
curriculum into the public schools under the
cover of countering "bullying."
Obama's agenda
is not just economic but cultural.
This is the "new Marxism" in action.
The gays have become
part of the oppressed class
Who would want to enlist in the U.S. armed
forces these days ?
They are Chock Full
of Illegal Alien Trespassers,
Homosexuals & Moslem Whores .
The Satanic Fascist World Order