Sunday, October 17, 2010

Big Fat 'Government' Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

How is it even possible
that a government can, of itself,
"grow an economy," when every
dollar it uses to do anything was either

1) confiscated
from the economy in the first place,
and then gets returned at pennies on the
dollar after deducting its bloated overhead

2) borrowed,
and thereby saddling the economy with the
debt plus interest, thus reducing available
market capital; or

3) printed out of thin air,
thus inflating the currency and reducing
the value of existing dollars?

And therein lies the disastrous
disconnect of Keynesian futility: the
federal government may think it has the
power to stimulate economic activity, but
in reality, it is completely impotent when it
comes to stimulating actual and not phantom
market demand for anything other than
what it itself consumes

The changes wrought
on the American political economy
by progressives have taken us in the
unmistakable direction of feudalism.

The morphological resemblance
between the progressive version of
America and the historic feudal regimes
is obvious if one takes a few moments to
consider the changes in the proper context.

In progressive America,
two groups today have a parallel distinction.

Birth, and birth alone,* determines whether
one is a member of a designated victim class,
entitled to preferences in college admissions,
scholarships, and employment, factors which
have a major formative influence on life

Moreover, the ability to litigate as the victim
of discrimination with the possibility of massive
financial returns is enhanced.

According to the testimony
of two Department of Justice lawyers,
membership in a designated victim class
brings with it immunity from prosecution
under Civil Rights statutes

The Satanic Fascist World Order