Ford may have been right in declaring
that if the American people ever actually
understood banking (and the nature of money),
that Americans might revolt tomorrow morning.
Maybe that's what it'll take
to regain real liberty and real ownership
of our property and homes.
A revolution.
Maybe a shooting revolution.
But before we have a shooting revolution,
we'll need a revolution in understanding.
We'll need a revolution
wherein the people of the
The United States of America
(and of the world) begin to "wake up"
and realize that there's more to money
than math.
We'll need a revolution wherein the people
begin to understand the nature of money
It's not "all about the money"-
it's all about the kind of money.
For now, the advantage seems to be with
globalists and big government proponents.
They are organized and knowing.
They are buying many of their opponents
(with worthless, fiat currency).
But evidence is rising among the people
that big government doesn't work
and is dangerous.
Awareness is growing
that fiat currencies are intrinsically worthless.
The decisive battle
is for the people's confidence in the currency.
So long as the people "believe"
in fiat currencies, the New World Order
can succeed and big government can grow
even bigger.
But if the world rejects fiat currencies
and returns to gold and silver, the globalists
will be destroyed, big government will
disintegrate and the nationalists-
and individualists-will triumph