Saturday, October 9, 2010

United Nations Fascist Fabian Progressive Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The Globalist invasion
is happening right under our noses.

Every county in America has its local
Agenda 21 implementation underway.

The "Local Action" plan of ICLEI -

ICLEI is the International Council
for Local Environmental Initiatives.

ICLEI contracts with American cities
to usher them into becoming a local outlet
for globalization.

Treasonous indeed!

This is the most vulnerable globalist
organization operating in America today.

Now is the time to thwart Agenda 21

One Satanic Fascist & Fabian Progressive
Nation of Whores Working Together ;

Various communist
and socialist groups attended
the October 2 "One Nation Working
Together" rally in Washington, D.C.

The involvement
of the Communist Party
USA, a group that served as a
subversive pawn of Moscow for
decades, is relevant and newsworthy.

These officially-sanctioned groups
also included the AFL-CIO and several
left-wing labor unions;

United for Peace and Justice, founded
by veteran Marxist activist Leslie Cagan;

Code Pink; the ANSWER Coalition, a front
of the Party for Socialism and Liberation;

the League of United Latin American
Citizens (LULAC);

the Committees of Correspondence
for Democracy and Socialism;

Green for All, the group once associated
with former White House official Van Jones;

Democratic Socialists of America,
which helped give Barack Obama his start
in Illinois state politics; and the NAACP

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order