Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Most Republicans also
remain opposed to any actions
that would make energy less reliable
and affordable.
More importantly,
next year's likely House committee
chairs have served notice that they will
carefully examine EPA's alleged scientific
evidence for its job-killing "endangerment"
decision - and investigate the data manipulation
and other irregularities in climate change research
conducted under the auspices of the U. N.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
and various government and university labs.
The world is finally catching on
to the junk science and is no longer
willing to give up dreams of electrified
homes, shops and offices, jobs, and
improved health and nutrition.
Many incoming senators
and congressmen openly challenged
climate chaos claims and voiced deep
concern that cap-and-tax and its bastard
offspring would further traumatize our
economy (for no environmental gain)
George Soros
may be the biggest
political fat cat of all time.
Convicted in France
of insider trading, Soros
specializes in weakening or
collapsing the currencies of entire
nations for his own selfish interests.
He is known as the man
who broke the Bank of England.
His power is such
that his statements alone
can cause currencies to go
up or down.
Other people suffer
so he can get rich.
But journalists don't want
to examine the questionable
means by which he achieved his
wealth -
once he made
his fortune he became
a global socialist, endorsing
global taxes on the very means
he employed to get rich - international
currency speculation and manipulation
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Monday, November 29, 2010
Transportation Security Administration Whores
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Nearly a decade
after the nation's deadliest terrorist
attack, "strict security controls" didn't
stop dozens of illegal immigrants from
receiving government clearance to train
as pilots in the U.S. just as the 9/11
hijackers had done.
The unbelievable story
comes via a Massachusetts
news station that exposes the
government's failure to adequately
protect the nation since Middle Eastern
terrorists, trained at American flight schools,
crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center
and Pentagon.
As a result
of the 2001 massacre,
the government 'supposedly'
implemented strict security measures
to prevent undocumented foreigners
from training at American flight schools
Alarming information
has been exposed by a 30-year
veteran of the federal immigration
system with the help of an Atlanta news
station that's dug deep into the matter and
uncovered disturbing evidence.
It reveals that actual terrorists
have been caught along the border
and the government wants to keep Americans
"in the dark," says Michael Cutler who spent
three decades working as an agent for Immigration
and Naturalization Service before its name changed
as part of the post 9/11 reorganization that created
the Department of Homeland 'Security'.
News of Middle Eastern terrorists
using Mexico to enter the U.S. has trickled
out in the last few years, though the feds have
been largely silent on the matter.
Earlier this year the Department
of Homeland Security warned Texas
law enforcement agencies that a renowned
Al Qaeda terrorist is planning to sneak into
the U.S. through Mexico.
A few years ago
the Drug Enforcement Agency
(DEA) revealed that Islamic terrorists
and violent Mexican drug gangs have
teamed up to successfully penetrate the
U.S. as well as finance terror networks
in the Middle East
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Nearly a decade
after the nation's deadliest terrorist
attack, "strict security controls" didn't
stop dozens of illegal immigrants from
receiving government clearance to train
as pilots in the U.S. just as the 9/11
hijackers had done.
The unbelievable story
comes via a Massachusetts
news station that exposes the
government's failure to adequately
protect the nation since Middle Eastern
terrorists, trained at American flight schools,
crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center
and Pentagon.
As a result
of the 2001 massacre,
the government 'supposedly'
implemented strict security measures
to prevent undocumented foreigners
from training at American flight schools
Alarming information
has been exposed by a 30-year
veteran of the federal immigration
system with the help of an Atlanta news
station that's dug deep into the matter and
uncovered disturbing evidence.
It reveals that actual terrorists
have been caught along the border
and the government wants to keep Americans
"in the dark," says Michael Cutler who spent
three decades working as an agent for Immigration
and Naturalization Service before its name changed
as part of the post 9/11 reorganization that created
the Department of Homeland 'Security'.
News of Middle Eastern terrorists
using Mexico to enter the U.S. has trickled
out in the last few years, though the feds have
been largely silent on the matter.
Earlier this year the Department
of Homeland Security warned Texas
law enforcement agencies that a renowned
Al Qaeda terrorist is planning to sneak into
the U.S. through Mexico.
A few years ago
the Drug Enforcement Agency
(DEA) revealed that Islamic terrorists
and violent Mexican drug gangs have
teamed up to successfully penetrate the
U.S. as well as finance terror networks
in the Middle East
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Eco Green Mafia Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
In post-Climategate America,
people are beginning to appreciate the
magnitude of scientific and political trickery
that spawned the global warming scare.
With the hoax exposed,
backdoor methods are being
used to control Americans' lives
using "climate change" doctrine.
no longer look to the shock and awe
of cap and trade. They'll use the EPA.
destructive policies
comes naturally to a
president and Congress
that forced governmental
health care and financial-sector
takeovers on the American people.
But the president
hasn't deployed the third
weapon in his prosperity-killing
arsenal: energy policy "reform."
Obama's behavior so far
suggests that he wouldn't hesitate
to destroy the economy to force
America to "go green."
With cap and trade dead,
totalitarian regulation is Obama's
best chance to jam greenness
down Americans' throats
The Federal Reserve
plans to inject $600 billion of
the most caustic debt imaginable
into the economy.
This is the Agent Orange
of monetary policies that has the
potential to wreak financial havoc.
In the hope
of generating inflation, the central bank
is going to enable deficit spending by
buying treasury bonds.
You read that correctly :
the primary goal is to erode the
value of the dollar, and we get to
watch our currency and wealth
literally dissolve before our eyes
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
In post-Climategate America,
people are beginning to appreciate the
magnitude of scientific and political trickery
that spawned the global warming scare.
With the hoax exposed,
backdoor methods are being
used to control Americans' lives
using "climate change" doctrine.
no longer look to the shock and awe
of cap and trade. They'll use the EPA.
destructive policies
comes naturally to a
president and Congress
that forced governmental
health care and financial-sector
takeovers on the American people.
But the president
hasn't deployed the third
weapon in his prosperity-killing
arsenal: energy policy "reform."
Obama's behavior so far
suggests that he wouldn't hesitate
to destroy the economy to force
America to "go green."
With cap and trade dead,
totalitarian regulation is Obama's
best chance to jam greenness
down Americans' throats
The Federal Reserve
plans to inject $600 billion of
the most caustic debt imaginable
into the economy.
This is the Agent Orange
of monetary policies that has the
potential to wreak financial havoc.
In the hope
of generating inflation, the central bank
is going to enable deficit spending by
buying treasury bonds.
You read that correctly :
the primary goal is to erode the
value of the dollar, and we get to
watch our currency and wealth
literally dissolve before our eyes
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Enabling Murderous Terrorists
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
A renowned
Muslim 'rights' group
is suing to stop Oklahoma from
implementing a voter-approved
measure prohibiting state courts from
considering Shariah law-the authoritarian
doctrine that inspires Islamists and their
jihadism-when ruling on cases.
The "anti-Islam" law
forbidding judges from contemplating
Islamic principles is unconstitutional, according
to a federal lawsuit filed this week by the Council
on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a national
organization that serves as the U.S. front for the
Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.
Oklahoma voters overwhelmingly
approved-by 70%- the constitutional
amendment that also bans the consideration
of international laws in local cases
Widespread opposition
to healthcare reform is hardly
surprising and has been well documented in
many polls and, incredibly enough, the media.
More than a dozen states have filed lawsuits
challenging the constitutionality of the $938
billion healthcare overhaul that guarantees
coverage for more than 32 million uninsured
Americans and forces individuals to purchase
As opposition mounted,
the government shamelessly
spent hundreds of thousands
of taxpayer dollars on a public
relations campaign to promote
The desperate effort
to sway public opinion has
been largely aimed at senior
citizens who are concerned that
Medicare cuts provide a chunk of the
cash to expand coverage for the uninsured
An ongoing investigation into Obamacare
includes more than 20 public records requests
to unearth details of the degenerate, backroom
deals that ultimately resulted in the law.
Among them are secret,
closed-door meetings held
by the president and vice president with
Health and Human Services officials, former
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid and union officials
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
A renowned
Muslim 'rights' group
is suing to stop Oklahoma from
implementing a voter-approved
measure prohibiting state courts from
considering Shariah law-the authoritarian
doctrine that inspires Islamists and their
jihadism-when ruling on cases.
The "anti-Islam" law
forbidding judges from contemplating
Islamic principles is unconstitutional, according
to a federal lawsuit filed this week by the Council
on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a national
organization that serves as the U.S. front for the
Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.
Oklahoma voters overwhelmingly
approved-by 70%- the constitutional
amendment that also bans the consideration
of international laws in local cases
Widespread opposition
to healthcare reform is hardly
surprising and has been well documented in
many polls and, incredibly enough, the media.
More than a dozen states have filed lawsuits
challenging the constitutionality of the $938
billion healthcare overhaul that guarantees
coverage for more than 32 million uninsured
Americans and forces individuals to purchase
As opposition mounted,
the government shamelessly
spent hundreds of thousands
of taxpayer dollars on a public
relations campaign to promote
The desperate effort
to sway public opinion has
been largely aimed at senior
citizens who are concerned that
Medicare cuts provide a chunk of the
cash to expand coverage for the uninsured
An ongoing investigation into Obamacare
includes more than 20 public records requests
to unearth details of the degenerate, backroom
deals that ultimately resulted in the law.
Among them are secret,
closed-door meetings held
by the president and vice president with
Health and Human Services officials, former
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid and union officials
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Sustainable Development Eco Green Mafia Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
& the Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
A policy
called Sustainable Development
is rapidly moving into nearly every
community in America.
The term "sustainable development"
first appeared in the official report of
the 1987 United Nations World Commission
on Environment and Development, authored
by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Vice President
of the World Socialist Party.
Sustainable Development was created
as a tool for redistribution of wealth.
The policy
was officially introduced in 1992, at the
UN's Earth Summit, in a United Nations
initiative called Agenda 21.
Sustainable Development's
Social Equity plank is based
on a demand for "social justice,"
a phrase first coined by Karl Marx.
It means that individuals
must give up selfish wants for
the needs of the "community."
Through such a policy,
everyone has the right to
a job with a good wage, a
right to health care and a right
to housing.
To assure those rights,
wealth must be redistributed
There is a revolution coming
that is likely to burst the green global
warming bubble : the temperature trend used
by the IPCC (the U.N.'s Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change) to support their
conclusion about anthropogenic global
warming (AGW) is likely to turn out
to be fake.
The situation will become clear
once Virginia's attorney general,
Kenneth Cuccinelli, obtains information
now buried in e-mails at the University
of Virginia.
Or Hearings on Climategate by the U.S.
Congress may uncover the "smoking gun"
that demonstrates that the warming trend
used by the IPCC does not really exist
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
& the Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
A policy
called Sustainable Development
is rapidly moving into nearly every
community in America.
The term "sustainable development"
first appeared in the official report of
the 1987 United Nations World Commission
on Environment and Development, authored
by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Vice President
of the World Socialist Party.
Sustainable Development was created
as a tool for redistribution of wealth.
The policy
was officially introduced in 1992, at the
UN's Earth Summit, in a United Nations
initiative called Agenda 21.
Sustainable Development's
Social Equity plank is based
on a demand for "social justice,"
a phrase first coined by Karl Marx.
It means that individuals
must give up selfish wants for
the needs of the "community."
Through such a policy,
everyone has the right to
a job with a good wage, a
right to health care and a right
to housing.
To assure those rights,
wealth must be redistributed
There is a revolution coming
that is likely to burst the green global
warming bubble : the temperature trend used
by the IPCC (the U.N.'s Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change) to support their
conclusion about anthropogenic global
warming (AGW) is likely to turn out
to be fake.
The situation will become clear
once Virginia's attorney general,
Kenneth Cuccinelli, obtains information
now buried in e-mails at the University
of Virginia.
Or Hearings on Climategate by the U.S.
Congress may uncover the "smoking gun"
that demonstrates that the warming trend
used by the IPCC does not really exist
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Illegal Alien Trespasser Sanctuary City Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
While local
governments across
the U.S. work to contain
the devastating impact of illegal
aliens, lawmakers in one Midwest
city are considering enacting legislation
to attract illegal aliens.
Members of the City Council
in Iowa City announced this week
that they are contemplating passing
a measure to make their municipality
a sanctuary for illegal aliens.
The idea
was introduced
by a group of influential
community leaders that believe
illegal aliens should have protections
In the Obama
Administration's latest
move to bond with Muslims,
a strong supporter of a radical
Islamist theologian and a renowned
jihadist ideologue has been sworn in
as a special adviser to the U.S.
Department of Homeland 'Security'.
'Security' Secretary
Janet Napolihomo proudly
announced this month that she
swore in three new members of
her new Advisory Council, a panel
comprised of local government officials,
academics and private citizens who make
recommendations and advise her on a variety
of issues relating to national security.
Among its new members
is Mohamed Elibiary, a backer
of the Ayatollah Khomeini and a
well-known Egyptian jihadist named
Sayyid Qutb.
In fact,
Elibiary participated in
a tribute to Khomeini, the
ruthless Iranian revolutionary
whose teachings continue to
govern Middle Eastern terrorist
organizations like Al Qaeda
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
While local
governments across
the U.S. work to contain
the devastating impact of illegal
aliens, lawmakers in one Midwest
city are considering enacting legislation
to attract illegal aliens.
Members of the City Council
in Iowa City announced this week
that they are contemplating passing
a measure to make their municipality
a sanctuary for illegal aliens.
The idea
was introduced
by a group of influential
community leaders that believe
illegal aliens should have protections
In the Obama
Administration's latest
move to bond with Muslims,
a strong supporter of a radical
Islamist theologian and a renowned
jihadist ideologue has been sworn in
as a special adviser to the U.S.
Department of Homeland 'Security'.
'Security' Secretary
Janet Napolihomo proudly
announced this month that she
swore in three new members of
her new Advisory Council, a panel
comprised of local government officials,
academics and private citizens who make
recommendations and advise her on a variety
of issues relating to national security.
Among its new members
is Mohamed Elibiary, a backer
of the Ayatollah Khomeini and a
well-known Egyptian jihadist named
Sayyid Qutb.
In fact,
Elibiary participated in
a tribute to Khomeini, the
ruthless Iranian revolutionary
whose teachings continue to
govern Middle Eastern terrorist
organizations like Al Qaeda
G-20 nations met in October to try to hide the fiat currency irrationality ;
The G-20 nations
were trying to organize
the inmates in the fiat currency
asylum to "play nice" and thereby
conceal the fiat currencies' fundamental
"insanity" from the public.
Fiat currency is intrinsically irrational
& the rule of law has become "every nut
for himself".
Once a nation embraces a fiat currency,
a schizophrenic break (economic collapse)
becomes inevitable.
It might happen next month
and it might happen six years from now.
Fiat currency is dead, economies
based on fiat currencies will collapse
The issue
of whether a democracy is
constitutional within the States
of the Union has never been effectively
resolved or publicly considered by any
branch of our federal government.
Hence, the constitutional "anomaly":
despite guarantees or mandates of a
"republican form of government," we
appear to be subjected to an
unconstitutional "democracy".
Unless the terms
"republican form of government"
and "democracy" are synonymous,
our politicians have knowingly subjected
Americans to an unconstitutional system
of government.
This possibility is not only hard
to understand, it's hard to believe.
Why would
several generations
of allegedly "honorable"
politicians and judges combine
to subject the American people
to an unconstitutional government?
were trying to organize
the inmates in the fiat currency
asylum to "play nice" and thereby
conceal the fiat currencies' fundamental
"insanity" from the public.
Fiat currency is intrinsically irrational
& the rule of law has become "every nut
for himself".
Once a nation embraces a fiat currency,
a schizophrenic break (economic collapse)
becomes inevitable.
It might happen next month
and it might happen six years from now.
Fiat currency is dead, economies
based on fiat currencies will collapse
The issue
of whether a democracy is
constitutional within the States
of the Union has never been effectively
resolved or publicly considered by any
branch of our federal government.
Hence, the constitutional "anomaly":
despite guarantees or mandates of a
"republican form of government," we
appear to be subjected to an
unconstitutional "democracy".
Unless the terms
"republican form of government"
and "democracy" are synonymous,
our politicians have knowingly subjected
Americans to an unconstitutional system
of government.
This possibility is not only hard
to understand, it's hard to believe.
Why would
several generations
of allegedly "honorable"
politicians and judges combine
to subject the American people
to an unconstitutional government?
Illegal Alien Trespasser Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
An advocacy group
representing illegal day
laborers collects legal fees
from the city it successfully
sued over a law banning them
from seeking employment
on the street.
It is a slap in the face
for yet another local government
trying to curb illegal Alien Invasion .
to residents' complaints,
Lake Forest passed an ordinance
prohibiting illegal alien day laborers,
mostly large groups of illegal alien men,
from seeking work on public streets and
potential employers from hiring them.
A group representing them
(La Associacion De Trabajadores
De Lake Forest) quickly sued the
city for "harassing" the illegal aliens
While the U.S.
'government' doles
out trillions of taxpayer
dollars for bank bailouts
and economic stimulus, the
administration that promised
unprecedented transparency
has hired a private company to
keep information about the
exorbitant handouts secret.
The U.S.
Treasury Department
has enlisted a consulting
firm to screen public records
requested through the federal
law known as the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA), according
to a San Francisco newspaper that
names the Obama-connected New
Jersey business.
Analysts who will handle Treasury
FOIA requests will have experience
in the use of "exemptions to withhold
information from release to the public."
To keep crucial Treasury records secret,
the Obama Administration picked a firm
(Phacil) -
Earlier this year Phacil
won a small-business award
that was celebrated in a Rose
Garden event with the president
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
An advocacy group
representing illegal day
laborers collects legal fees
from the city it successfully
sued over a law banning them
from seeking employment
on the street.
It is a slap in the face
for yet another local government
trying to curb illegal Alien Invasion .
to residents' complaints,
Lake Forest passed an ordinance
prohibiting illegal alien day laborers,
mostly large groups of illegal alien men,
from seeking work on public streets and
potential employers from hiring them.
A group representing them
(La Associacion De Trabajadores
De Lake Forest) quickly sued the
city for "harassing" the illegal aliens
While the U.S.
'government' doles
out trillions of taxpayer
dollars for bank bailouts
and economic stimulus, the
administration that promised
unprecedented transparency
has hired a private company to
keep information about the
exorbitant handouts secret.
The U.S.
Treasury Department
has enlisted a consulting
firm to screen public records
requested through the federal
law known as the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA), according
to a San Francisco newspaper that
names the Obama-connected New
Jersey business.
Analysts who will handle Treasury
FOIA requests will have experience
in the use of "exemptions to withhold
information from release to the public."
To keep crucial Treasury records secret,
the Obama Administration picked a firm
(Phacil) -
Earlier this year Phacil
won a small-business award
that was celebrated in a Rose
Garden event with the president
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Oppose The World Revolutions
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The Federal Reserve's decision to
print more money and buy more U.S.
debt is a sign that the U.S. capitalist
system is moving closer to collapse.
"This is the type of stuff we accused the
communist and socialist governments of
doing-interfering in free markets through
currency manipulation,"
"What the Fed is doing is not good for
free market capitalism and it is not good
for America."
"The Fed is following the economic models
of Third World countries by printing more
money and devaluing their currencies.
If you keep doing
what Third World economies do, eventually
you will become a Third World economy"
Communist Party USA -
The progressives in the AFL-CIO
and other unions are excused by the
major media for giving special status to
a political party that has always elevated
the interests of world revolution ahead
of the United States.
The CPUSA, when it was directly funded
by Moscow, was viewed by the FBI and the
CIA as a subversive force representing a foreign
ideology and America's destruction.
The CPUSA announced
objective was a "Soviet America."
The CPUSA was so extreme during its heyday
that it not only defended the mass murderer Stalin
but the Hitler-Stalin Pact.
The group also supplied
Soviet espionage agents in the U.S. Government
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The Federal Reserve's decision to
print more money and buy more U.S.
debt is a sign that the U.S. capitalist
system is moving closer to collapse.
"This is the type of stuff we accused the
communist and socialist governments of
doing-interfering in free markets through
currency manipulation,"
"What the Fed is doing is not good for
free market capitalism and it is not good
for America."
"The Fed is following the economic models
of Third World countries by printing more
money and devaluing their currencies.
If you keep doing
what Third World economies do, eventually
you will become a Third World economy"
Communist Party USA -
The progressives in the AFL-CIO
and other unions are excused by the
major media for giving special status to
a political party that has always elevated
the interests of world revolution ahead
of the United States.
The CPUSA, when it was directly funded
by Moscow, was viewed by the FBI and the
CIA as a subversive force representing a foreign
ideology and America's destruction.
The CPUSA announced
objective was a "Soviet America."
The CPUSA was so extreme during its heyday
that it not only defended the mass murderer Stalin
but the Hitler-Stalin Pact.
The group also supplied
Soviet espionage agents in the U.S. Government
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Whores Of Evil & Treason -
The Satanic
Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
& the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
It appears that 'President' 'Obama'
pulled strings to help his shady banker
friend win a tight U.S. Senate race by
delaying an overdue federal report on
his mob-connected bank's failure until
after the election.
Federal regulators will conveniently postpone
issuing a material loss report on Illinois Senate
candidate Alexi Giannoulias' Chicago bank
(Broadway Bank) because releasing it before the
election could create "another political headache"
for Giannoulias in a "close contest" with his
Republican opponent, reports the state's largest
Currently Illinois State Treasurer, Giannoulias
helped operate the family bank before it was shut
down in April for "unsafe banking practices" that
have cost U.S. taxpayers $394.3 million.
For years Broadway Bank did business with
convicted felons and mobsters by providing them
with tens of millions of dollars in "loans" that
inevitably fortified their criminal enterprises.
Besides giving Russian mobsters cash,
Broadway Bank also gave a jailed Democratic
fundraiser and longtime Obama supporter and
benefactor (Antoin Rezko) millions of dollars.
In fact, Giannoulias' bank gave Rezko
a $23 million "loan" while he was embroiled
in a huge federal investigation.
Rezko eventually got convicted
for bribery, mail fraud and money laundering
Eliminating a radical La Raza
studies program in a public school
district is unconstitutional and restricts
free speech, according to a group of Arizona
teachers who are suing the state to reinstate the
taxpayer-financed curriculum that one instructor
says ignited racial hostility.
The Tucson Unified School District's Mexican
American/Raza Studies program was eliminated
earlier this year when the state enacted a measure
to stop funding ethnic studies curriculums that
advocate the overthrow of the U.S. government.
In 1998 the district created the Mexican
American/Raza Studies division, renamed
"Mexican-American Studies" last year to sound
less extremist, to promote the Chicano agenda
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
& the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
It appears that 'President' 'Obama'
pulled strings to help his shady banker
friend win a tight U.S. Senate race by
delaying an overdue federal report on
his mob-connected bank's failure until
after the election.
Federal regulators will conveniently postpone
issuing a material loss report on Illinois Senate
candidate Alexi Giannoulias' Chicago bank
(Broadway Bank) because releasing it before the
election could create "another political headache"
for Giannoulias in a "close contest" with his
Republican opponent, reports the state's largest
Currently Illinois State Treasurer, Giannoulias
helped operate the family bank before it was shut
down in April for "unsafe banking practices" that
have cost U.S. taxpayers $394.3 million.
For years Broadway Bank did business with
convicted felons and mobsters by providing them
with tens of millions of dollars in "loans" that
inevitably fortified their criminal enterprises.
Besides giving Russian mobsters cash,
Broadway Bank also gave a jailed Democratic
fundraiser and longtime Obama supporter and
benefactor (Antoin Rezko) millions of dollars.
In fact, Giannoulias' bank gave Rezko
a $23 million "loan" while he was embroiled
in a huge federal investigation.
Rezko eventually got convicted
for bribery, mail fraud and money laundering
Eliminating a radical La Raza
studies program in a public school
district is unconstitutional and restricts
free speech, according to a group of Arizona
teachers who are suing the state to reinstate the
taxpayer-financed curriculum that one instructor
says ignited racial hostility.
The Tucson Unified School District's Mexican
American/Raza Studies program was eliminated
earlier this year when the state enacted a measure
to stop funding ethnic studies curriculums that
advocate the overthrow of the U.S. government.
In 1998 the district created the Mexican
American/Raza Studies division, renamed
"Mexican-American Studies" last year to sound
less extremist, to promote the Chicano agenda
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Whoredoms of Evil & Treason -
The Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Barack Obama himself
is almost certainly familiar
with the Marxist analytical framework
for understanding what moves history.
The dialectical game plan
of the Obama presidency was obvious :
use the ongoing financial crisis sparked
by subprime mortgage lending to generate
momentum for fundamental restructuring
of the economy.
Blame Bush and big business
for the problems, and use resentment
arising from real economic suffering to
push for game-changers like ObamaCare
and Cap and Trade, putting government in
charge of the commanding heights
of the economy.
Once private enterprise
was so constrained and limited,
further systemic changes would be
child's play.
With everyone dependent
on government approval for
health care, carbon emissions, college
loans, and jobs, no countervailing forces
would be strong enough to limit the power
of the statists.
No longer would the power of capitalism
dictate the terms under which Americans live
So 'President' 'Obama'
really is a socialist after all.
The young Obama
went to socialist conferences
in the 1980s and then became
a participant in the extensive
socialist community in Chicago.
It's safe to say
that whether the president
really is a socialist or not,
Americans don't care.
Whether or not he walks
and talks like a socialist, Americans
just don't hold with a president in the
White House who governs like a socialist
Of course, the socialists that young Barack
Obama palled around with in Chicago didn't
call themselves socialists.
They called themselves radicals,
communitarians, and community organizers.
They didn't want
people to know who they were
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Barack Obama himself
is almost certainly familiar
with the Marxist analytical framework
for understanding what moves history.
The dialectical game plan
of the Obama presidency was obvious :
use the ongoing financial crisis sparked
by subprime mortgage lending to generate
momentum for fundamental restructuring
of the economy.
Blame Bush and big business
for the problems, and use resentment
arising from real economic suffering to
push for game-changers like ObamaCare
and Cap and Trade, putting government in
charge of the commanding heights
of the economy.
Once private enterprise
was so constrained and limited,
further systemic changes would be
child's play.
With everyone dependent
on government approval for
health care, carbon emissions, college
loans, and jobs, no countervailing forces
would be strong enough to limit the power
of the statists.
No longer would the power of capitalism
dictate the terms under which Americans live
So 'President' 'Obama'
really is a socialist after all.
The young Obama
went to socialist conferences
in the 1980s and then became
a participant in the extensive
socialist community in Chicago.
It's safe to say
that whether the president
really is a socialist or not,
Americans don't care.
Whether or not he walks
and talks like a socialist, Americans
just don't hold with a president in the
White House who governs like a socialist
Of course, the socialists that young Barack
Obama palled around with in Chicago didn't
call themselves socialists.
They called themselves radicals,
communitarians, and community organizers.
They didn't want
people to know who they were
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Illegal Alien Trespasser Sanctuary City Whores
Of the Satanic
Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
& the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Mexican drug-smuggling gangs
have deployed assassins to Arizona
and a major cartel has opened a branch
office in California.
The daunting new revelations
come on the heels of previous
reports documenting that federal
agents are overwhelmed by escalating
violence along the Mexican border.
U.S. Border Patrol officers
are increasingly attacked by heavily
armed drug smugglers, even though
they've been ordered to avoid the most
crime-infested stretches because they're
"too dangerous" and patrolling them could result in
an "international incident" of cross border shooting
While some local law
enforcement agencies prefer
to keep their don't-ask-don't-tell
immigration policies quiet, one proudly
announced its longtime sanctuary measure
in the media this week.
The public official elected to enforce the
law in a northern California county practically
bragged that his agency, the Sonoma County
Sheriff's Department, never inquires about
suspects' immigration status.
"We don't care
about their immigration status and we're
prohibited from asking about it," Sheriff
Bill Cogbill told the local newspaper
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
& the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Mexican drug-smuggling gangs
have deployed assassins to Arizona
and a major cartel has opened a branch
office in California.
The daunting new revelations
come on the heels of previous
reports documenting that federal
agents are overwhelmed by escalating
violence along the Mexican border.
U.S. Border Patrol officers
are increasingly attacked by heavily
armed drug smugglers, even though
they've been ordered to avoid the most
crime-infested stretches because they're
"too dangerous" and patrolling them could result in
an "international incident" of cross border shooting
While some local law
enforcement agencies prefer
to keep their don't-ask-don't-tell
immigration policies quiet, one proudly
announced its longtime sanctuary measure
in the media this week.
The public official elected to enforce the
law in a northern California county practically
bragged that his agency, the Sonoma County
Sheriff's Department, never inquires about
suspects' immigration status.
"We don't care
about their immigration status and we're
prohibited from asking about it," Sheriff
Bill Cogbill told the local newspaper
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Eco Mafia
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Barack Obama's "green economy"
is a mirage, for greenies cannot
compete in the free market.
recently raised the limit
on ethanol in gasoline from 10
to 15 percent, a change that will
harm Americans and the environment.
The environmental
justice-obsessed agency
is actually driving injustice that
will profit farming conglomerates.
The Obama administration's
corporatist soul is showing
The "science" that imagines a tie
between industrial emissions and
"global warming" is fraudulent.
Greenness simply funnels profits
to zealots who seem at peace with
destroying wealth to "heal" a planet which
they judge diseased by human endeavor
After nearly fifty years
of progressive tariff reductions,
America has suffered significant
economic losses.
This comes as a surprise
to many Americans, for years
inebriated with the free trade mantra.
This is because
America does the "free" while the rest
of the world does something else.
China, for example,
manipulates its currency and engages
in persistent dumping, driving down
Chinese prices and displacing
domestic American industries.
Besides the lack of reciprocity,
the WTO violates traditional principles
of international law, since whatever a
nation determines within
its borders is legal.
The results of such one-sided free trade
have been catastrophic for America.
For the first seventy years
of the 20th century -- all protectionist
years -- America ran trade surpluses.
Before NAFTA,
American tariff reductions
were pursued on a multilateral basis,
and tariffs could always be reimposed
selectively to safeguard vital industries.
and later the WTO, shifted this dynamic
considerably, resulting in net job losses
and severe wage depression
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Barack Obama's "green economy"
is a mirage, for greenies cannot
compete in the free market.
recently raised the limit
on ethanol in gasoline from 10
to 15 percent, a change that will
harm Americans and the environment.
The environmental
justice-obsessed agency
is actually driving injustice that
will profit farming conglomerates.
The Obama administration's
corporatist soul is showing
The "science" that imagines a tie
between industrial emissions and
"global warming" is fraudulent.
Greenness simply funnels profits
to zealots who seem at peace with
destroying wealth to "heal" a planet which
they judge diseased by human endeavor
After nearly fifty years
of progressive tariff reductions,
America has suffered significant
economic losses.
This comes as a surprise
to many Americans, for years
inebriated with the free trade mantra.
This is because
America does the "free" while the rest
of the world does something else.
China, for example,
manipulates its currency and engages
in persistent dumping, driving down
Chinese prices and displacing
domestic American industries.
Besides the lack of reciprocity,
the WTO violates traditional principles
of international law, since whatever a
nation determines within
its borders is legal.
The results of such one-sided free trade
have been catastrophic for America.
For the first seventy years
of the 20th century -- all protectionist
years -- America ran trade surpluses.
Before NAFTA,
American tariff reductions
were pursued on a multilateral basis,
and tariffs could always be reimposed
selectively to safeguard vital industries.
and later the WTO, shifted this dynamic
considerably, resulting in net job losses
and severe wage depression
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Fraudclosure won't go away any time soon ;
It's going to grow until it erupts
into the single biggest scandal
America's ever seen.
The political heat should be devastating.
Because fraudclosure
involves the systematic, institutionalized
robbery of several million homes from
several million homeowners and families.
Fraudclosure will ultimately destroy
some our biggest banks and some of
our biggest politicians.
It won't die quickly or quietly.
It will fester for another five, maybe ten years.
It will precipitate
financial, political and national ruin.
Intrinsic madness underlies
public apathy and ignorance,
Global Free Trade, multinational
corporate power and greed, fiat
currencies and treasonous
So long as the currency wars rage,
those of you who have savings, pension
funds, etc., that are denominated in fiat
currencies, are going to lose your assets
and learn hate Global Free Trade.
Global Free Trade
(and the resulting New World Order)
are fundamentally and inherently adverse
to the interests of all productive individuals
and nations who have (or hope to have)
savings and to retirees relying on their
savings and pension funds
into the single biggest scandal
America's ever seen.
The political heat should be devastating.
Because fraudclosure
involves the systematic, institutionalized
robbery of several million homes from
several million homeowners and families.
Fraudclosure will ultimately destroy
some our biggest banks and some of
our biggest politicians.
It won't die quickly or quietly.
It will fester for another five, maybe ten years.
It will precipitate
financial, political and national ruin.
Intrinsic madness underlies
public apathy and ignorance,
Global Free Trade, multinational
corporate power and greed, fiat
currencies and treasonous
So long as the currency wars rage,
those of you who have savings, pension
funds, etc., that are denominated in fiat
currencies, are going to lose your assets
and learn hate Global Free Trade.
Global Free Trade
(and the resulting New World Order)
are fundamentally and inherently adverse
to the interests of all productive individuals
and nations who have (or hope to have)
savings and to retirees relying on their
savings and pension funds
Criminal Politics ;
The war on capitalism
& the war on wealth
by the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes :
The Fed's new action,
labeled "quantitative easing"
or QE2, follows a first attempt
at "QE" that certainly does not
seem to have been effective,
judging apparent results.
All "QE" means
is that the Federal Reserve
is printing more money and buying
more government debt.
In total,
the Fed will have created
$2.5 trillion out of the blue
After decades of trying to push
the global warming scam to a point
where billions could be made selling
and trading bogus "carbon credits", the
global schemers have abandoned it in the
wake of 2009 revelations that a handful of
rogue climate scientists were literally
inventing the data to support it.
The ultimate goal
is one-world government
directed from the United Nations
by unelected bureaucrats who are
soulless strangers to the truth,
to morality, to humanity.
The United States
supports this abomination
to the tune of billions every year
The Satanic Fascist World Order
& the war on wealth
by the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes :
The Fed's new action,
labeled "quantitative easing"
or QE2, follows a first attempt
at "QE" that certainly does not
seem to have been effective,
judging apparent results.
All "QE" means
is that the Federal Reserve
is printing more money and buying
more government debt.
In total,
the Fed will have created
$2.5 trillion out of the blue
After decades of trying to push
the global warming scam to a point
where billions could be made selling
and trading bogus "carbon credits", the
global schemers have abandoned it in the
wake of 2009 revelations that a handful of
rogue climate scientists were literally
inventing the data to support it.
The ultimate goal
is one-world government
directed from the United Nations
by unelected bureaucrats who are
soulless strangers to the truth,
to morality, to humanity.
The United States
supports this abomination
to the tune of billions every year
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Conservatives Defend Your Country
From the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
It has taken the better part
of two and a quarter centuries
for the people of the United States
of America to arrive again on the
domestic field of battle.
This defining moment
should have been reached
well over one hundred years ago,
however; the informed and energized
constitutional patriots simply were ignored
and shouted down from 1871 forward.
The unholy Illuminati
and all of its tentacles around the world
up to and including the United Nations,
the Bilderbergers, the Council on foreign
Relations, the most evil Bohemian Grove
perverts, the ACLU, the SPLC, Planned
Parenthood, ACORN, etc., etc., lead the
offensive to destroy our nation and our
historical fight for freedom.
The ideals of this administration,
evidenced by their rhetoric and willingness
to abandon the Constitution, to defy their
oaths, to wage war against the ideology
of liberty this nation was founded on, in
my opinion, is treasonous.
The number of self avowed socialists
and Communists in positions of leadership,
selected by the President, can leave no doubt;
the enemy is within the gate.
We are led today by a political insurgency
that has more in common with Karl Marx
and Vladimir Lenin than it does with
Thomas Jefferson or James Madison.
We live in a time
when individual liberty
is replaced with forced charity
by stealing from one who has earned
it to give to someone who has not
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
It has taken the better part
of two and a quarter centuries
for the people of the United States
of America to arrive again on the
domestic field of battle.
This defining moment
should have been reached
well over one hundred years ago,
however; the informed and energized
constitutional patriots simply were ignored
and shouted down from 1871 forward.
The unholy Illuminati
and all of its tentacles around the world
up to and including the United Nations,
the Bilderbergers, the Council on foreign
Relations, the most evil Bohemian Grove
perverts, the ACLU, the SPLC, Planned
Parenthood, ACORN, etc., etc., lead the
offensive to destroy our nation and our
historical fight for freedom.
The ideals of this administration,
evidenced by their rhetoric and willingness
to abandon the Constitution, to defy their
oaths, to wage war against the ideology
of liberty this nation was founded on, in
my opinion, is treasonous.
The number of self avowed socialists
and Communists in positions of leadership,
selected by the President, can leave no doubt;
the enemy is within the gate.
We are led today by a political insurgency
that has more in common with Karl Marx
and Vladimir Lenin than it does with
Thomas Jefferson or James Madison.
We live in a time
when individual liberty
is replaced with forced charity
by stealing from one who has earned
it to give to someone who has not
The Satanic Fascist World Order
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