Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Eco Mafia

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Barack Obama's "green economy"
is a mirage, for greenies cannot
compete in the free market.

recently raised the limit
on ethanol in gasoline from 10
to 15 percent, a change that will
harm Americans and the environment.

The environmental
justice-obsessed agency
is actually driving injustice that
will profit farming conglomerates.

The Obama administration's
corporatist soul is showing

The "science" that imagines a tie
between industrial emissions and
"global warming" is fraudulent.

Greenness simply funnels profits
to zealots who seem at peace with
destroying wealth to "heal" a planet which
they judge diseased by human endeavor

After nearly fifty years
of progressive tariff reductions,
America has suffered significant
economic losses.

This comes as a surprise
to many Americans, for years
inebriated with the free trade mantra.

This is because
America does the "free" while the rest
of the world does something else.

China, for example,
manipulates its currency and engages
in persistent dumping, driving down
Chinese prices and displacing
domestic American industries.

Besides the lack of reciprocity,
the WTO violates traditional principles
of international law, since whatever a
nation determines within
its borders is legal.

The results of such one-sided free trade
have been catastrophic for America.

For the first seventy years
of the 20th century -- all protectionist
years -- America ran trade surpluses.

Before NAFTA,
American tariff reductions
were pursued on a multilateral basis,
and tariffs could always be reimposed
selectively to safeguard vital industries.

and later the WTO, shifted this dynamic
considerably, resulting in net job losses
and severe wage depression

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters