Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Most Republicans also
remain opposed to any actions
that would make energy less reliable
and affordable.
More importantly,
next year's likely House committee
chairs have served notice that they will
carefully examine EPA's alleged scientific
evidence for its job-killing "endangerment"
decision - and investigate the data manipulation
and other irregularities in climate change research
conducted under the auspices of the U. N.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
and various government and university labs.
The world is finally catching on
to the junk science and is no longer
willing to give up dreams of electrified
homes, shops and offices, jobs, and
improved health and nutrition.
Many incoming senators
and congressmen openly challenged
climate chaos claims and voiced deep
concern that cap-and-tax and its bastard
offspring would further traumatize our
economy (for no environmental gain)
George Soros
may be the biggest
political fat cat of all time.
Convicted in France
of insider trading, Soros
specializes in weakening or
collapsing the currencies of entire
nations for his own selfish interests.
He is known as the man
who broke the Bank of England.
His power is such
that his statements alone
can cause currencies to go
up or down.
Other people suffer
so he can get rich.
But journalists don't want
to examine the questionable
means by which he achieved his
wealth -
once he made
his fortune he became
a global socialist, endorsing
global taxes on the very means
he employed to get rich - international
currency speculation and manipulation
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters