Monday, November 29, 2010

Eco Green Mafia Whoredoms

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

In post-Climategate America,
people are beginning to appreciate the
magnitude of scientific and political trickery
that spawned the global warming scare.

With the hoax exposed,
backdoor methods are being
used to control Americans' lives
using "climate change" doctrine.

no longer look to the shock and awe
of cap and trade. They'll use the EPA.

destructive policies
comes naturally to a
president and Congress
that forced governmental
health care and financial-sector
takeovers on the American people.

But the president
hasn't deployed the third
weapon in his prosperity-killing
arsenal: energy policy "reform."

Obama's behavior so far
suggests that he wouldn't hesitate
to destroy the economy to force
America to "go green."

With cap and trade dead,
totalitarian regulation is Obama's
best chance to jam greenness
down Americans' throats

The Federal Reserve
plans to inject $600 billion of
the most caustic debt imaginable
into the economy.

This is the Agent Orange
of monetary policies that has the
potential to wreak financial havoc.

In the hope
of generating inflation, the central bank
is going to enable deficit spending by
buying treasury bonds.

You read that correctly :
the primary goal is to erode the
value of the dollar, and we get to
watch our currency and wealth
literally dissolve before our eyes

The Satanic Fascist World Order