Saturday, November 13, 2010

Whoredoms of Evil & Treason -

The Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Barack Obama himself
is almost certainly familiar
with the Marxist analytical framework
for understanding what moves history.

The dialectical game plan
of the Obama presidency was obvious :
use the ongoing financial crisis sparked
by subprime mortgage lending to generate
momentum for fundamental restructuring
of the economy.

Blame Bush and big business
for the problems, and use resentment
arising from real economic suffering to
push for game-changers like ObamaCare
and Cap and Trade, putting government in
charge of the commanding heights
of the economy.

Once private enterprise
was so constrained and limited,
further systemic changes would be
child's play.

With everyone dependent
on government approval for
health care, carbon emissions, college
loans, and jobs, no countervailing forces
would be strong enough to limit the power
of the statists.

No longer would the power of capitalism
dictate the terms under which Americans live

So 'President' 'Obama'
really is a socialist after all.

The young Obama
went to socialist conferences
in the 1980s and then became
a participant in the extensive
socialist community in Chicago.

It's safe to say
that whether the president
really is a socialist or not,
Americans don't care.

Whether or not he walks
and talks like a socialist, Americans
just don't hold with a president in the
White House who governs like a socialist

Of course, the socialists that young Barack
Obama palled around with in Chicago didn't
call themselves socialists.

They called themselves radicals,
communitarians, and community organizers.

They didn't want
people to know who they were

The Satanic Fascist World Order