From the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
It has taken the better part
of two and a quarter centuries
for the people of the United States
of America to arrive again on the
domestic field of battle.
This defining moment
should have been reached
well over one hundred years ago,
however; the informed and energized
constitutional patriots simply were ignored
and shouted down from 1871 forward.
The unholy Illuminati
and all of its tentacles around the world
up to and including the United Nations,
the Bilderbergers, the Council on foreign
Relations, the most evil Bohemian Grove
perverts, the ACLU, the SPLC, Planned
Parenthood, ACORN, etc., etc., lead the
offensive to destroy our nation and our
historical fight for freedom.
The ideals of this administration,
evidenced by their rhetoric and willingness
to abandon the Constitution, to defy their
oaths, to wage war against the ideology
of liberty this nation was founded on, in
my opinion, is treasonous.
The number of self avowed socialists
and Communists in positions of leadership,
selected by the President, can leave no doubt;
the enemy is within the gate.
We are led today by a political insurgency
that has more in common with Karl Marx
and Vladimir Lenin than it does with
Thomas Jefferson or James Madison.
We live in a time
when individual liberty
is replaced with forced charity
by stealing from one who has earned
it to give to someone who has not
The Satanic Fascist World Order