The Satanic
Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
& the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
It appears that 'President' 'Obama'
pulled strings to help his shady banker
friend win a tight U.S. Senate race by
delaying an overdue federal report on
his mob-connected bank's failure until
after the election.
Federal regulators will conveniently postpone
issuing a material loss report on Illinois Senate
candidate Alexi Giannoulias' Chicago bank
(Broadway Bank) because releasing it before the
election could create "another political headache"
for Giannoulias in a "close contest" with his
Republican opponent, reports the state's largest
Currently Illinois State Treasurer, Giannoulias
helped operate the family bank before it was shut
down in April for "unsafe banking practices" that
have cost U.S. taxpayers $394.3 million.
For years Broadway Bank did business with
convicted felons and mobsters by providing them
with tens of millions of dollars in "loans" that
inevitably fortified their criminal enterprises.
Besides giving Russian mobsters cash,
Broadway Bank also gave a jailed Democratic
fundraiser and longtime Obama supporter and
benefactor (Antoin Rezko) millions of dollars.
In fact, Giannoulias' bank gave Rezko
a $23 million "loan" while he was embroiled
in a huge federal investigation.
Rezko eventually got convicted
for bribery, mail fraud and money laundering
Eliminating a radical La Raza
studies program in a public school
district is unconstitutional and restricts
free speech, according to a group of Arizona
teachers who are suing the state to reinstate the
taxpayer-financed curriculum that one instructor
says ignited racial hostility.
The Tucson Unified School District's Mexican
American/Raza Studies program was eliminated
earlier this year when the state enacted a measure
to stop funding ethnic studies curriculums that
advocate the overthrow of the U.S. government.
In 1998 the district created the Mexican
American/Raza Studies division, renamed
"Mexican-American Studies" last year to sound
less extremist, to promote the Chicano agenda
The Satanic Fascist World Order