Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
A renowned
Muslim 'rights' group
is suing to stop Oklahoma from
implementing a voter-approved
measure prohibiting state courts from
considering Shariah law-the authoritarian
doctrine that inspires Islamists and their
jihadism-when ruling on cases.
The "anti-Islam" law
forbidding judges from contemplating
Islamic principles is unconstitutional, according
to a federal lawsuit filed this week by the Council
on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a national
organization that serves as the U.S. front for the
Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.
Oklahoma voters overwhelmingly
approved-by 70%- the constitutional
amendment that also bans the consideration
of international laws in local cases
Widespread opposition
to healthcare reform is hardly
surprising and has been well documented in
many polls and, incredibly enough, the media.
More than a dozen states have filed lawsuits
challenging the constitutionality of the $938
billion healthcare overhaul that guarantees
coverage for more than 32 million uninsured
Americans and forces individuals to purchase
As opposition mounted,
the government shamelessly
spent hundreds of thousands
of taxpayer dollars on a public
relations campaign to promote
The desperate effort
to sway public opinion has
been largely aimed at senior
citizens who are concerned that
Medicare cuts provide a chunk of the
cash to expand coverage for the uninsured
An ongoing investigation into Obamacare
includes more than 20 public records requests
to unearth details of the degenerate, backroom
deals that ultimately resulted in the law.
Among them are secret,
closed-door meetings held
by the president and vice president with
Health and Human Services officials, former
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid and union officials
The Satanic Fascist World Order