The Internet is abuzz with news that a US Senate
committee has approved a bill that apparently gives
the President authority to shut down the Internet.
According to,
"A US Senate committee has approved a wide-ranging
cybersecurity bill that some critics have suggested would
give the US president the authority to shut down parts of
the Internet during a cyberattack."
The report continues by saying,
"The bill, introduced earlier this month [by Senators
Joe Lieberman, I-Connecticut, Susan Collins, R-Maine,
and Thomas Carper, D-Delaware], would establish a
White House Office for Cyberspace Policy and a National
Center for Cybersecurity and Communications, which would
work with private US companies to create cybersecurity
requirements for the electric grid, telecommunications
networks and other critical infrastructure."
A report says this about the bill :
"President Obama will be handed the power to shut down
the Internet for at least four months without Congressional
oversight if the Senate votes for the infamous Internet
'kill switch' bill, which was approved by a key Senate
committee yesterday [June 24] and now moves to the floor.
"The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act,
which is being pushed hard by Senator Joe Lieberman,
would hand absolute power to the federal government to
close down networks, and block incoming Internet traffic
from certain countries under a declared national emergency.
"Despite the Center for Democracy and Technology
and 23 other privacy and technology organizations
sending letters to Lieberman and other backers of
the bill expressing concerns that the legislation could
be used to stifle free speech, the Senate Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs Committee passed
the bill in advance of a vote on the Senate floor"
Abolish Climate Change Whores & Saboteurs
of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The Wall Street Journal reports
that President Obama ordered the near doubling
of the communications spectrum today, "to free up
500 megahertz of airwaves as part of a broader strategy
for improving the U.S.'s broadband infrastructure".
Ultimately, segments of these freed-up "airwaves"
(not unlike over-the-air radio station channels) will
be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
The article goes on to say,
"The White House is calling for billions of dollars
in proceeds from the auctions to be used for building a
new public safety network for police and firemen and to
help pay for other 'growth enhancing infrastructure,' like
high speed rail projects".
High speed rail?
As it turns out, this move
by the President is part of a greater government plan.
Who knew?
There's even a government website
dedicated to informing the public.
According to said website,
the plan is all about "innovation
and investment", "inclusion"
and "national purpose".
Chapter 12 of the plan is titled
"Energy and the Environment".
Under sections 12.1 and 12.2
we find references to the Smart Grid of all things.
A "massive information technology buildout" is part
of a plan to "minimize greenhouse gas emissions".
Never mind the state of "climate science" such as it is,
our government is pressing ahead, massively, toward
energy & environmental goals that are at best scientifically
questionable and at worst economically disastrous
The Satanic Commie World Order
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Abolish Wall St. Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
If the financial
reform bill passes,
the bad Wall Street will win,
the good Wall Street will not.
And investors and American families will lose.
As I explained in my article,
The Dodd "Financial Reform" Bill
Lets Soros Off the Hook, the bad Wall Street
consists of the hedge fund short sellers, the
predators who loot investment capital
and slow down economic growth.
New home sales have dropped by 33 percent.
The unemployment picture is not improving.
The stimulus bill did not work.
What is happening to our economy?
I wrote in my book,
Wizards of Wall Street, that we will
never recover from this crisis until
the 7-point action plan is implemented.
My recommendations include
restricting short sale transactions,
ending mark-to-market accounting
completely, restoring the old financial
market circuit breakers, and restoring
the old uptick rule without
any modification.
These changes
will protect invested capital
and save the capitalist system.
You cannot solve a problem
unless you know correctly
and truthfully what caused
the problem.
The elected officials
and the big media lent
deaf ears to my analysis
and forecasts.
But everything
I predicted is unfolding
before our very eyes.
But brace yourself :
The worst is yet to come
unless my recommendations
are implemented completely.
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says
the U.S, can no longer drive global growth.
What does this mean
Abolish the Bailout Whores
& Saboteurs of the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
"As we now approach
the sixth anniversary of IBB's launch,
I'm sad to finally have to admit that Islamic
finance in the UK has been a huge flop," said
Junaid Bhatti, part of the team that set up Islamic
Bank of Britain, the first Shariah-compliant bank
approved by the Financial Services Authority.
"Even HSBC Amanah, probably
the most credible and efficient provider
of halal banking in the UK, has dramatically reduced
its dedicated Islamic banking staff in Britain, and its
marketing volume has been turned way down."
ISLAMIC bank accounts and other financial products
have failed to take off in Britain, according to industry
This is despite hopes that the UK would
become a pioneer in a new growth market.
New banks that were set up to appeal
to the UK's nearly two million Muslims
and Sharia-compliant products created
by the existing high street lenders have
failed to make much of an impact, critics say.
Junaid Bhatti,
part of the team that set up Islamic Bank of Britain,
the first Sharia-compliant bank approved by the
Financial Services Authority, says that the sector
has been a big disappointment.
"IBB may still be limping on as probably
the last bastion of the cause, but it's difficult
to imagine it holding out for much longer."
Competitors have fared even worse
and many had closed or scaled back
their operations significantly,
Mr Bhatti said.
Established banks that launched
Islamic banking products are also
believed to have fared poorly.
HSBC and Lloyds
were seen as having made the biggest efforts
to make inroads, but without much success,
Mr Bhatti said.
"Lloyds, which made a half-hearted stab
at Sharia-compliant products in 2004, doesn't
seem to have promoted its offering for years,"
he said in an article for
The Satanic Commie World Order
reform bill passes,
the bad Wall Street will win,
the good Wall Street will not.
And investors and American families will lose.
As I explained in my article,
The Dodd "Financial Reform" Bill
Lets Soros Off the Hook, the bad Wall Street
consists of the hedge fund short sellers, the
predators who loot investment capital
and slow down economic growth.
New home sales have dropped by 33 percent.
The unemployment picture is not improving.
The stimulus bill did not work.
What is happening to our economy?
I wrote in my book,
Wizards of Wall Street, that we will
never recover from this crisis until
the 7-point action plan is implemented.
My recommendations include
restricting short sale transactions,
ending mark-to-market accounting
completely, restoring the old financial
market circuit breakers, and restoring
the old uptick rule without
any modification.
These changes
will protect invested capital
and save the capitalist system.
You cannot solve a problem
unless you know correctly
and truthfully what caused
the problem.
The elected officials
and the big media lent
deaf ears to my analysis
and forecasts.
But everything
I predicted is unfolding
before our very eyes.
But brace yourself :
The worst is yet to come
unless my recommendations
are implemented completely.
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says
the U.S, can no longer drive global growth.
What does this mean
Abolish the Bailout Whores
& Saboteurs of the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
"As we now approach
the sixth anniversary of IBB's launch,
I'm sad to finally have to admit that Islamic
finance in the UK has been a huge flop," said
Junaid Bhatti, part of the team that set up Islamic
Bank of Britain, the first Shariah-compliant bank
approved by the Financial Services Authority.
"Even HSBC Amanah, probably
the most credible and efficient provider
of halal banking in the UK, has dramatically reduced
its dedicated Islamic banking staff in Britain, and its
marketing volume has been turned way down."
ISLAMIC bank accounts and other financial products
have failed to take off in Britain, according to industry
This is despite hopes that the UK would
become a pioneer in a new growth market.
New banks that were set up to appeal
to the UK's nearly two million Muslims
and Sharia-compliant products created
by the existing high street lenders have
failed to make much of an impact, critics say.
Junaid Bhatti,
part of the team that set up Islamic Bank of Britain,
the first Sharia-compliant bank approved by the
Financial Services Authority, says that the sector
has been a big disappointment.
"IBB may still be limping on as probably
the last bastion of the cause, but it's difficult
to imagine it holding out for much longer."
Competitors have fared even worse
and many had closed or scaled back
their operations significantly,
Mr Bhatti said.
Established banks that launched
Islamic banking products are also
believed to have fared poorly.
HSBC and Lloyds
were seen as having made the biggest efforts
to make inroads, but without much success,
Mr Bhatti said.
"Lloyds, which made a half-hearted stab
at Sharia-compliant products in 2004, doesn't
seem to have promoted its offering for years,"
he said in an article for
The Satanic Commie World Order
Sunday, June 27, 2010
From the Saboteur's Cloakroom of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
House Cloakroom :
June 28 - July 2, 2010
Analysis :
Moving in to the final week
before the July 4th recess,
the House is expected to take up the War Funding
Supplemental, which is an $84.3 billion bill that includes
only 39% for actual defense and military construction.
The bill was originally scheduled to be marked up
in May but has been on hold after amendments were
added to cut non-defense spending from the package.
The House will also take action after negotiating
provisions with Senate conferees on the conference
report for the Financial Regulatory Overhaul bill.
Finally, last Thursday evening, the Senate failed
to file cloture on the tax extenders bill, thus leaving
any action by the House on hold until the Senate can
resolve their differences with the bill and the increase in
taxes and irresponsible spending that would come with it.
Major Committee Action :
The House Homeland Security Committee
Subcommittee on Transportation Security
and Infrastructure Protection will hold a
hearing on air cargo security screening.
The Subcommittee on Emergency
Communications, Preparedness, and
Response will also hold a hearing regarding
the Federal Emergency Management Agency's
(FEMA) Grant Programs Directorate and its future.
The House Science and Technology
Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation
will hold a hearing regarding COMMIE "Smart Grid
Architecture and Standards : Assessing Coordination
and Progress."
Senate Cloakroom :
June 28 - July 2, 2010
Analysis :
The Senate
has set an aggressive agenda for next week.
Several major committee hearings
will take place, and a few large pieces
of legislation are on track to be considered
before the July Fourth recess.
A cloture vote on the Tax Extenders bill failed
last Thursday night, successfully preventing
$48 billion in new taxes.
After that vote failed,
Senator Reid filed cloture
on a small-business lending bill, setting
up a procedural vote on Monday night.
Also, the conference report
to the Financial Regulatory Overhaul bill
was approved early last Friday morning,
clearing the way for a vote on the
conference report later this week.
Major Committee Action :
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary
begins the confirmation hearings for Solicitor
General COMMIE Elena Kagan to succeed
Justice Stevens on the United States Supreme
Court on Monday.
Her hearings are expected to last the entire week.
On Tuesday,
the Senate Armed Services Committee
will begin the confirmation hearing on the
nomination of General David Petraeus for
reappointment to the grade of general
and to be commander of the International
Security Assistance Force and commander
of the U.S. Forces Afghanistan
74% is the percentage of respondents
who strongly agreed with the statement
that judges should "Uphold the values of
those who wrote the U.S. constitution long
ago," making the constitution the top concern
for selecting judges.
What were these "values"
embedded in the Constitution from "long ago?"
According to Matthew Spalding
in We Still Hold These Truths :
Rediscovering Our Principles, Reclaiming
Our Future, the Constitution articulates the
structural protections for eternal principles
set forth in the Declaration of Independence-
Principles such as the rule of law,
equal natural rights, consent of the
governed, and limited government.
If the Constitution acknowledges
eternal principles, how should judges
read the Constitution and apply it
to modern problems?
Keith Whittington explains
the originalist approach in "How to
Read the Constitution : Self-Government
and the Jurisprudence of Originalism," and
The Heritage Guide to the Constitution provides
a clause by clause analysis of the Constitution
with essays from leading Constitutional scholars
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
June 28 - July 2, 2010
Analysis :
Moving in to the final week
before the July 4th recess,
the House is expected to take up the War Funding
Supplemental, which is an $84.3 billion bill that includes
only 39% for actual defense and military construction.
The bill was originally scheduled to be marked up
in May but has been on hold after amendments were
added to cut non-defense spending from the package.
The House will also take action after negotiating
provisions with Senate conferees on the conference
report for the Financial Regulatory Overhaul bill.
Finally, last Thursday evening, the Senate failed
to file cloture on the tax extenders bill, thus leaving
any action by the House on hold until the Senate can
resolve their differences with the bill and the increase in
taxes and irresponsible spending that would come with it.
Major Committee Action :
The House Homeland Security Committee
Subcommittee on Transportation Security
and Infrastructure Protection will hold a
hearing on air cargo security screening.
The Subcommittee on Emergency
Communications, Preparedness, and
Response will also hold a hearing regarding
the Federal Emergency Management Agency's
(FEMA) Grant Programs Directorate and its future.
The House Science and Technology
Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation
will hold a hearing regarding COMMIE "Smart Grid
Architecture and Standards : Assessing Coordination
and Progress."
Senate Cloakroom :
June 28 - July 2, 2010
Analysis :
The Senate
has set an aggressive agenda for next week.
Several major committee hearings
will take place, and a few large pieces
of legislation are on track to be considered
before the July Fourth recess.
A cloture vote on the Tax Extenders bill failed
last Thursday night, successfully preventing
$48 billion in new taxes.
After that vote failed,
Senator Reid filed cloture
on a small-business lending bill, setting
up a procedural vote on Monday night.
Also, the conference report
to the Financial Regulatory Overhaul bill
was approved early last Friday morning,
clearing the way for a vote on the
conference report later this week.
Major Committee Action :
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary
begins the confirmation hearings for Solicitor
General COMMIE Elena Kagan to succeed
Justice Stevens on the United States Supreme
Court on Monday.
Her hearings are expected to last the entire week.
On Tuesday,
the Senate Armed Services Committee
will begin the confirmation hearing on the
nomination of General David Petraeus for
reappointment to the grade of general
and to be commander of the International
Security Assistance Force and commander
of the U.S. Forces Afghanistan
74% is the percentage of respondents
who strongly agreed with the statement
that judges should "Uphold the values of
those who wrote the U.S. constitution long
ago," making the constitution the top concern
for selecting judges.
What were these "values"
embedded in the Constitution from "long ago?"
According to Matthew Spalding
in We Still Hold These Truths :
Rediscovering Our Principles, Reclaiming
Our Future, the Constitution articulates the
structural protections for eternal principles
set forth in the Declaration of Independence-
Principles such as the rule of law,
equal natural rights, consent of the
governed, and limited government.
If the Constitution acknowledges
eternal principles, how should judges
read the Constitution and apply it
to modern problems?
Keith Whittington explains
the originalist approach in "How to
Read the Constitution : Self-Government
and the Jurisprudence of Originalism," and
The Heritage Guide to the Constitution provides
a clause by clause analysis of the Constitution
with essays from leading Constitutional scholars
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
"regime change" Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
To effect "regime change" toward statism :
Why would the Administration
willfully let the Coastal region be damaged,
destroying revenues and lives to create a crisis, as
an "end justifies the means" call for Cap & Trade?
The answer is that we just need to look at the cause
of the systemic financial crisis itself, which was intended
to achieve, as Mohamed El Erian, CEO of PIMCO,
himself called it, "regime change" in the U.S. and globally.
"Regime change" in the U.S. means an inexorable
shift of control and ownership of private sector capital
and productivity of the populous to the federal
government and Federal Reserve.
"Regime change" in the United States entails
a paradigm shift away from free enterprise capitalism
and the establishment of a socialist government which
assumes ownership and control of capital
and human resources.
Its projected culmination to a "New Normal"
of slow economic growth and bigger government
within four years will make it forever impossible for
the U.S. to reinstate the free enterprise capitalist
system, as every political and social act will be
dictated by the elite in Washington.
- To increase the power
of government over the private sector :
- Force Obama's Cap & Trade
bill and energy tax through Congress :
To start the nationalization
of oil and other major industries
Uninformed Taxpayers Again,
Are Aiding & Abetting Illegal Alien
Trespassers & Saboteurs of the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Two months after the Department of Labor
launched a special program to assist and protect
illegal immigrants in the U.S. the Obama cabinet
official who heads the agency is personally
encouraging undocumented workers to
report employers that don't pay them fairly.
In a Spanish-language
public service announcement,
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis assures
that "every worker in America has a
right to be paid fairly, whether
documented or not."
Illegal aliens who are not getting fair wages
are encouraged to call a new hotline set up
by the agency on a new "Podemos Ayudar"
(We Can Help) web page designed to administer
worker protection laws and ensure that employees
are properly paid "regardless of immigration status."
In the short video,
also posted in English,
Solis tells illegal immigrants
that it's a "serious problem"
when workers in this country
are not paid fairly and that all
workers have the right to receive
their salary regardless
of immigration status.
She encourages those who are not
to call the new hotline and assures
it's free and confidential.
"Podemos ayudar,"
(we can help), Solis guarantees
at the end of the brief segment
Why would the Administration
willfully let the Coastal region be damaged,
destroying revenues and lives to create a crisis, as
an "end justifies the means" call for Cap & Trade?
The answer is that we just need to look at the cause
of the systemic financial crisis itself, which was intended
to achieve, as Mohamed El Erian, CEO of PIMCO,
himself called it, "regime change" in the U.S. and globally.
"Regime change" in the U.S. means an inexorable
shift of control and ownership of private sector capital
and productivity of the populous to the federal
government and Federal Reserve.
"Regime change" in the United States entails
a paradigm shift away from free enterprise capitalism
and the establishment of a socialist government which
assumes ownership and control of capital
and human resources.
Its projected culmination to a "New Normal"
of slow economic growth and bigger government
within four years will make it forever impossible for
the U.S. to reinstate the free enterprise capitalist
system, as every political and social act will be
dictated by the elite in Washington.
- To increase the power
of government over the private sector :
- Force Obama's Cap & Trade
bill and energy tax through Congress :
To start the nationalization
of oil and other major industries
Uninformed Taxpayers Again,
Are Aiding & Abetting Illegal Alien
Trespassers & Saboteurs of the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Two months after the Department of Labor
launched a special program to assist and protect
illegal immigrants in the U.S. the Obama cabinet
official who heads the agency is personally
encouraging undocumented workers to
report employers that don't pay them fairly.
In a Spanish-language
public service announcement,
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis assures
that "every worker in America has a
right to be paid fairly, whether
documented or not."
Illegal aliens who are not getting fair wages
are encouraged to call a new hotline set up
by the agency on a new "Podemos Ayudar"
(We Can Help) web page designed to administer
worker protection laws and ensure that employees
are properly paid "regardless of immigration status."
In the short video,
also posted in English,
Solis tells illegal immigrants
that it's a "serious problem"
when workers in this country
are not paid fairly and that all
workers have the right to receive
their salary regardless
of immigration status.
She encourages those who are not
to call the new hotline and assures
it's free and confidential.
"Podemos ayudar,"
(we can help), Solis guarantees
at the end of the brief segment
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Vatican Ancients & Jesuit Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The Templars of the Crown
The governmental and judicial systems within
the United States of America, at both federal
and local state levels, is owned by the "Crown,"
which is a private foreign power.
Before jumping to conclusions about the Queen
of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning
the U.S.A., this is a different "Crown" and is fully
exposed and explained below.
We are specifically referencing the established
Templar Church , known for centuries
by the world as the "Crown."
From this point on, we will also refer to the Crown
as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar,
all three being synonymous.
First, a little historical background.
The Temple Church
was built by the Knights Templar
in two parts: the Round and the Chancel.
The Round Church was consecrated in 1185
and modeled after the circular Church
of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
The Chancel was built in 1240.
The Temple Church serves
both the Inner and Middle Temples
(see below) and is located between Fleet Street
and Victoria Embankment at the Thames River.
Its grounds also house
the Crown Offices at Crown Office Row.
This Temple "Church "
is outside any Canonical jurisdiction.
The Master of the Temple is appointed
and takes his place by sealed (non-public)
patent, without induction or institution.
All licensed Bar Attorneys -
Attorners (see definitions below) - in the U.S.
owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath
in pledge to the Crown Temple, realizing this or not.
This is simply due to the fact
that all Bar Associations throughout the world
are signatories and franchises to the international
Bar Association located at the Inns of Court
at Crown Temple , which are physically located
at Chancery Lane behind Fleet Street in London.
Although they vehemently deny it, all Bar Associations
in the U.S., such as the American Bar Association,
the Florida Bar, or California Bar Association,
are franchises to the Crown.
The Inns of Court
(see below, The Four Inns of Court)
to the Crown Temple use the Banking
and Judicial system of the City of London -
a sovereign and independent territory which is
not a part of Great Britain (just as Washington City,
as DC was called in the 1800's, is not a part of the
north American states, nor is it a state) to defraud,
coerce, and manipulate the American people.
These Fleet Street bankers
and lawyers are committing crimes
in America under the guise and color of law
(see definitions for legal and lawful below).
They are known collectively as the "Crown."
Their lawyers are actually
Templar Bar Attornies, not lawyers
This other Crown is comprised of
a committee of 12 banks headed by
the Bank of England (House of Rothschild).
They rule the world from the 677-acre,
independent sovereign state known as
The City of London, or simply 'The City.'
The City is not a part of England,
just as Washington is not a part of the USA.
The City is referred to as
the wealthiest square mile on earth
and is presided over by a Lord Mayor
who is appointed annually.
When the Queen wishes to conduct business
within the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor
at Temple (Templar) Bar where she requests
permission to enter this private, sovereign state.
The Crown has reaped billions in profits
while operating under the protection
of the British armed forces.
This was not British commerce or British wealth,
but the Crown's commerce and the Crown's wealth.
As of 1850, author Frederick Morton estimated
the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion.
Today, the bonded indebtedness
of the world is held by the Crown.
The aforementioned Temple Bar
is the juristic arm of the Crown
and holds an exclusive monopoly
on global legal fraud through their
Bar Association franchises.
All Bar Associations throughout the world
are signatories and franchises to the International
Bar Association located at the Inns of Court
of the Crown Temple.
The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise
by license that bleeds Canada and Great Britain white,
while the Middle Temple has license to steal from America
The governmental and judicial systems within
the United States of America, at both federal
and local state levels, is owned by the "Crown,"
which is a private foreign power.
Before jumping to conclusions about the Queen
of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning
the U.S.A., this is a different "Crown" and is fully
exposed and explained below.
We are specifically referencing the established
Templar Church , known for centuries
by the world as the "Crown."
From this point on, we will also refer to the Crown
as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar,
all three being synonymous.
First, a little historical background.
The Temple Church
was built by the Knights Templar
in two parts: the Round and the Chancel.
The Round Church was consecrated in 1185
and modeled after the circular Church
of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
The Chancel was built in 1240.
The Temple Church serves
both the Inner and Middle Temples
(see below) and is located between Fleet Street
and Victoria Embankment at the Thames River.
Its grounds also house
the Crown Offices at Crown Office Row.
This Temple "Church "
is outside any Canonical jurisdiction.
The Master of the Temple is appointed
and takes his place by sealed (non-public)
patent, without induction or institution.
All licensed Bar Attorneys -
Attorners (see definitions below) - in the U.S.
owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath
in pledge to the Crown Temple, realizing this or not.
This is simply due to the fact
that all Bar Associations throughout the world
are signatories and franchises to the international
Bar Association located at the Inns of Court
at Crown Temple , which are physically located
at Chancery Lane behind Fleet Street in London.
Although they vehemently deny it, all Bar Associations
in the U.S., such as the American Bar Association,
the Florida Bar, or California Bar Association,
are franchises to the Crown.
The Inns of Court
(see below, The Four Inns of Court)
to the Crown Temple use the Banking
and Judicial system of the City of London -
a sovereign and independent territory which is
not a part of Great Britain (just as Washington City,
as DC was called in the 1800's, is not a part of the
north American states, nor is it a state) to defraud,
coerce, and manipulate the American people.
These Fleet Street bankers
and lawyers are committing crimes
in America under the guise and color of law
(see definitions for legal and lawful below).
They are known collectively as the "Crown."
Their lawyers are actually
Templar Bar Attornies, not lawyers
This other Crown is comprised of
a committee of 12 banks headed by
the Bank of England (House of Rothschild).
They rule the world from the 677-acre,
independent sovereign state known as
The City of London, or simply 'The City.'
The City is not a part of England,
just as Washington is not a part of the USA.
The City is referred to as
the wealthiest square mile on earth
and is presided over by a Lord Mayor
who is appointed annually.
When the Queen wishes to conduct business
within the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor
at Temple (Templar) Bar where she requests
permission to enter this private, sovereign state.
The Crown has reaped billions in profits
while operating under the protection
of the British armed forces.
This was not British commerce or British wealth,
but the Crown's commerce and the Crown's wealth.
As of 1850, author Frederick Morton estimated
the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion.
Today, the bonded indebtedness
of the world is held by the Crown.
The aforementioned Temple Bar
is the juristic arm of the Crown
and holds an exclusive monopoly
on global legal fraud through their
Bar Association franchises.
All Bar Associations throughout the world
are signatories and franchises to the International
Bar Association located at the Inns of Court
of the Crown Temple.
The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise
by license that bleeds Canada and Great Britain white,
while the Middle Temple has license to steal from America
Today, there are only five remaining nations without a Rothschild-controlled central bank ;
Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.
There had been a sixth-Iraq-
but their central bank's independence
ended with our A.D. 2003 invasion.
The true "father" of our modern, monetary-based
economy theory is not the moral Adam Smith-
it's money-lover Mayer Amschel Rothschild.
If the Bible is true and the "love of money" is
the root of all evil, then by embracing a purely
monetary (but immoral) theory of economics
(based on the Rothschilds' "love of money")
we shouldn't be surprised if the result is
something very unpleasant.
In A.D. 1790,
virtually every nation had its own money supply
This is why gov-co hates gold ;
It can't be inflated.
It can't be used to artificially
stimulate the economy.
It doesn't lose purchasing power
and is therefore conducive to savings,
deflation and an economic slowdown.
With a gold currency,
the velocity of money tends to slow
and government can't control the Quantity
of Money (they can't spin gold out of thin air)
to artificially stimulate the economy.
Without a fiat currency that can be inflated at will,
gov-co can't even pretend to control the economy.
Faced with price deflation, government's
powers are limited (as in 2008-2009) to
"inflating" the fiat, paper currency supply.
But if hyper-inflation (emotion-driven inflation)
or hyper-deflation (emotion-driven deflation)
kicks in, the people essentially stampede,
they panic, and government is helpless except
to impose martial law or to provide a new
currency that has intrinsic value (gold or silver coins)
or start another world war to recapture and control
public emotion.
The velocity of money measures the subjective,
emotional component of our economy that can't be
controlled by government officials.
I suspect
that gov-co hates the velocity of money concept
because, if that concept is valid, the government's
pretense to control the economy is fraudulent.
If the federal government
doesn't really control the
economy, why do we need it?
There had been a sixth-Iraq-
but their central bank's independence
ended with our A.D. 2003 invasion.
The true "father" of our modern, monetary-based
economy theory is not the moral Adam Smith-
it's money-lover Mayer Amschel Rothschild.
If the Bible is true and the "love of money" is
the root of all evil, then by embracing a purely
monetary (but immoral) theory of economics
(based on the Rothschilds' "love of money")
we shouldn't be surprised if the result is
something very unpleasant.
In A.D. 1790,
virtually every nation had its own money supply
This is why gov-co hates gold ;
It can't be inflated.
It can't be used to artificially
stimulate the economy.
It doesn't lose purchasing power
and is therefore conducive to savings,
deflation and an economic slowdown.
With a gold currency,
the velocity of money tends to slow
and government can't control the Quantity
of Money (they can't spin gold out of thin air)
to artificially stimulate the economy.
Without a fiat currency that can be inflated at will,
gov-co can't even pretend to control the economy.
Faced with price deflation, government's
powers are limited (as in 2008-2009) to
"inflating" the fiat, paper currency supply.
But if hyper-inflation (emotion-driven inflation)
or hyper-deflation (emotion-driven deflation)
kicks in, the people essentially stampede,
they panic, and government is helpless except
to impose martial law or to provide a new
currency that has intrinsic value (gold or silver coins)
or start another world war to recapture and control
public emotion.
The velocity of money measures the subjective,
emotional component of our economy that can't be
controlled by government officials.
I suspect
that gov-co hates the velocity of money concept
because, if that concept is valid, the government's
pretense to control the economy is fraudulent.
If the federal government
doesn't really control the
economy, why do we need it?
Health Care Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
There are some important differences
between the 1988 Medicare act and the recent
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act :
- Instead of affecting 32 million Americans,
Obamacare affects 300 million.
- Instead of an open-government process,
the health law's legislative process showed
an unforgettable display of congressional
arrogance, vote trading and backroom dealing.
- Instead of broad, bipartisan effort,
Obamacare was forced through on
razor-edge votes, using parliamentary tactics.
- Instead of having wide public support,
Obamacare failed to rouse a majority in
most polls.
In fact, support for its repeal increased
after the health care law was enacted.
Still, ObamaCare has the same fundamental
issues we saw in the Medicare catastrophic
dust-up, which could ensure enough public
demand for its prompt demise.
Massive disruption of the health benefits.
Before its repeal,
the Medicare law forced angry seniors to pay
more for a government-designed benefit that
they did not want or need.
In the case of Obamacare,
millions of Americans will see
their existing employment-based
health insurance coverage disappear.
The only debate is how many millions
will be pushed out of their current plans.
Inaccurate claims of fiscal responsibility.
The ill-fated Medicare law's projected
costs at passage doubled within 12 months.
The new health reform law is following suit.
The Congressional Budget Office recently revised
its 10-year cost estimate from a $143 billion deficit
reduction to an additional $115 billion cost.
The new law also is expected to increase insurance
premiums, taxes for the middle class and overall health
care spending.
An explosion of federal bureaucracy.
When Congress enacted
the Medicare catastrophic law,
HHS bureaucracy was tasked with implementation.
Just the electronic- claims processing system would
have affected more than 60,000 pharmacies nationwide.
ObamaCare will create 160
new federal agencies and programs
that impact every aspect of our health care services
A whopping 62 percent of Americans now
say the United States is on the wrong track, yet
President Barack Obama and liberals in Congress
continue to steer the country in the same downhill
direction toward bigger government.
That runaway train picked up more speed this morning,
as a House-Senate conference committee came to a final
agreement on a Wall Street reform bill that's packed with
$19 billion in new taxes and fees on banks
(which consumers will end up paying), a new
consumer-unfriendly Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau, and a complete failure to reform Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac (among the causes
of America's financial nightmare).
Though the Wall Street reform bill is aimed at solving
the problems that led to America's financial collapse,
it entirely ignores one of the major culprits responsible
for our fiscal mess - Fannie and Freddie.
As the Wall Street Journal reports,
"Government-controlled Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac remain a multibillion dollar
drain on the U.S. Treasury, and largely untouched
by this proposal."
Given the sheer scope of the nearly 2,000 page bill,
the biggest concern might be the unknown, unintended
consequences that lie beneath.
As Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) said
during a conference committee meeting,
"My guess is
there are three unintended
consequences on every page of this bill"
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
between the 1988 Medicare act and the recent
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act :
- Instead of affecting 32 million Americans,
Obamacare affects 300 million.
- Instead of an open-government process,
the health law's legislative process showed
an unforgettable display of congressional
arrogance, vote trading and backroom dealing.
- Instead of broad, bipartisan effort,
Obamacare was forced through on
razor-edge votes, using parliamentary tactics.
- Instead of having wide public support,
Obamacare failed to rouse a majority in
most polls.
In fact, support for its repeal increased
after the health care law was enacted.
Still, ObamaCare has the same fundamental
issues we saw in the Medicare catastrophic
dust-up, which could ensure enough public
demand for its prompt demise.
Massive disruption of the health benefits.
Before its repeal,
the Medicare law forced angry seniors to pay
more for a government-designed benefit that
they did not want or need.
In the case of Obamacare,
millions of Americans will see
their existing employment-based
health insurance coverage disappear.
The only debate is how many millions
will be pushed out of their current plans.
Inaccurate claims of fiscal responsibility.
The ill-fated Medicare law's projected
costs at passage doubled within 12 months.
The new health reform law is following suit.
The Congressional Budget Office recently revised
its 10-year cost estimate from a $143 billion deficit
reduction to an additional $115 billion cost.
The new law also is expected to increase insurance
premiums, taxes for the middle class and overall health
care spending.
An explosion of federal bureaucracy.
When Congress enacted
the Medicare catastrophic law,
HHS bureaucracy was tasked with implementation.
Just the electronic- claims processing system would
have affected more than 60,000 pharmacies nationwide.
ObamaCare will create 160
new federal agencies and programs
that impact every aspect of our health care services
A whopping 62 percent of Americans now
say the United States is on the wrong track, yet
President Barack Obama and liberals in Congress
continue to steer the country in the same downhill
direction toward bigger government.
That runaway train picked up more speed this morning,
as a House-Senate conference committee came to a final
agreement on a Wall Street reform bill that's packed with
$19 billion in new taxes and fees on banks
(which consumers will end up paying), a new
consumer-unfriendly Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau, and a complete failure to reform Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac (among the causes
of America's financial nightmare).
Though the Wall Street reform bill is aimed at solving
the problems that led to America's financial collapse,
it entirely ignores one of the major culprits responsible
for our fiscal mess - Fannie and Freddie.
As the Wall Street Journal reports,
"Government-controlled Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac remain a multibillion dollar
drain on the U.S. Treasury, and largely untouched
by this proposal."
Given the sheer scope of the nearly 2,000 page bill,
the biggest concern might be the unknown, unintended
consequences that lie beneath.
As Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) said
during a conference committee meeting,
"My guess is
there are three unintended
consequences on every page of this bill"
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Enslaved By the Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
I contend that the government
is the 21st-century master -- new and improved.
And the new Master has a monopoly on slavery.
That monopoly on slavery has allowed for enough
creativity in the government that all the government
seems to occupy its time with is considering,
"How can I get more productivity out of my slaves?"
Many think that the "slave mentality"
is for only blacks or the poor, but they are wrong.
How many things are all Americans conditioned
to accept without question or protestation?
Once you buy your home,
the government demands a property tax,
and you have been conditioned to pay it.
Is there a time
when enough taxes have been paid,
and you can own your home outright?
Perhaps we have willfully accepted
illegal immigration, only now getting to
the point of making it an issue thanks to Arizona.
Perhaps all but Arizona have bought into
the new terminology of "undocumented worker."
Do all illegal immigrants work?
Are some of them
undocumented criminals
or even undocumented terrorists?
One could educate oneself out of
the slave mentality if it weren't for the fact that we
begin acquiring the slave mentality in government schools
President Obama's crisis leadership
is like that of trial lawyer.
The Obama approach towards the oil spill
in the Gulf of Mexico has the same storyline
as television commercials which describe some
sad and poignant medical problems which plague
many Americans and which then offer hope...sort of.
These sponsors do not offer any new cure
or better treatment for heartrending diseases.
Instead, they say : We can sue someone for you.
Lawyers, like community organizers, argue --
and Obama is both lawyer and community organizer.
These professional advocates view the folks
who really do things in life -- oilmen, farmers,
drug manufacturers, retailers, and such --
as the cause of our problems.
Lawsuits, agitation, regulation, and other sorts
of constrictive and punitive actions are the solution
proposed by people like Barack Obama, Esq.
The Democratic Party
is increasingly The Lawyers' Party.
Not only are Barack and Michelle lawyers,
but Harry and Nancy are too, as are many
other Democrat leaders.
Democrats, led by Barack,
are approaching the oil spill
as if an Esquire, an attorney representing a client
is the 21st-century master -- new and improved.
And the new Master has a monopoly on slavery.
That monopoly on slavery has allowed for enough
creativity in the government that all the government
seems to occupy its time with is considering,
"How can I get more productivity out of my slaves?"
Many think that the "slave mentality"
is for only blacks or the poor, but they are wrong.
How many things are all Americans conditioned
to accept without question or protestation?
Once you buy your home,
the government demands a property tax,
and you have been conditioned to pay it.
Is there a time
when enough taxes have been paid,
and you can own your home outright?
Perhaps we have willfully accepted
illegal immigration, only now getting to
the point of making it an issue thanks to Arizona.
Perhaps all but Arizona have bought into
the new terminology of "undocumented worker."
Do all illegal immigrants work?
Are some of them
undocumented criminals
or even undocumented terrorists?
One could educate oneself out of
the slave mentality if it weren't for the fact that we
begin acquiring the slave mentality in government schools
President Obama's crisis leadership
is like that of trial lawyer.
The Obama approach towards the oil spill
in the Gulf of Mexico has the same storyline
as television commercials which describe some
sad and poignant medical problems which plague
many Americans and which then offer hope...sort of.
These sponsors do not offer any new cure
or better treatment for heartrending diseases.
Instead, they say : We can sue someone for you.
Lawyers, like community organizers, argue --
and Obama is both lawyer and community organizer.
These professional advocates view the folks
who really do things in life -- oilmen, farmers,
drug manufacturers, retailers, and such --
as the cause of our problems.
Lawsuits, agitation, regulation, and other sorts
of constrictive and punitive actions are the solution
proposed by people like Barack Obama, Esq.
The Democratic Party
is increasingly The Lawyers' Party.
Not only are Barack and Michelle lawyers,
but Harry and Nancy are too, as are many
other Democrat leaders.
Democrats, led by Barack,
are approaching the oil spill
as if an Esquire, an attorney representing a client
Saboteur & Cheat of A Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime ;
President Obama wants to transform
our market economy into a government-controlled
economy; he wants to transform our family-centered
society into a government-centered society; and the
President wants to transform our national philosophy,
founded upon the primacy of the individual and the
supremacy of God, to one founded on the primacy
of the collective good and the supremacy
of the central government.
Mr. Obama's problem is that the Constitution
of the United States stands in his way.
The Framers of the Constitution
founded our nation with the understanding
that rights are not grants from government,
they are gifts from God.
And the Founders erected the Constitution
as a wall designed to stop any President from
fundamentally transforming our country.
And so the President has to wage
an all-out war on the Constitution as it is written.
President Obama wants to change
the Constitution by packing our federal courts
with judges and jurists that believe in what they
call a '21st century Constitution,' which is
malleable and changeable at a whim,
and that's a problem.
There isn't anything clandestine
about what the President is doing-
it's a pretty well-designed plan-
and they are executing it in the light of day,
but they're trying to divert our attention from
the challenge to the Constitution
that their programs advance
Obama's response to the Gulf oil spill crisis is not
bad management or incompetence but a deliberate
policy of making the crisis and devastation worse in
order to usher in more federal control of the U.S.
Obama's agenda of socialism explains why he failed
to work with BP to get the oil spill cleaned up, using
proven technologies and offers of help
from other countries.
But is Obama a dupe?
Or something more?
The unanswered questions argue
for a serious investigation into the communist networks
in Chicago and Hawaii that spawned the current occupant
of the oval office.
Trevor Loudon, who exposed Van Jones has been
busy breaking all kinds of stories about the influence
of Marxists over Obama.
These are stories, of course,
that are routinely ignored by the liberal media.
In addition to his New Zeal blog,
Loudon recently unveiled a new project
and website called KeyWiki, offering this
critical information to those who are interested.
It will give you everything you need to know
about Obama that our major media have
done their best to carefully conceal
our market economy into a government-controlled
economy; he wants to transform our family-centered
society into a government-centered society; and the
President wants to transform our national philosophy,
founded upon the primacy of the individual and the
supremacy of God, to one founded on the primacy
of the collective good and the supremacy
of the central government.
Mr. Obama's problem is that the Constitution
of the United States stands in his way.
The Framers of the Constitution
founded our nation with the understanding
that rights are not grants from government,
they are gifts from God.
And the Founders erected the Constitution
as a wall designed to stop any President from
fundamentally transforming our country.
And so the President has to wage
an all-out war on the Constitution as it is written.
President Obama wants to change
the Constitution by packing our federal courts
with judges and jurists that believe in what they
call a '21st century Constitution,' which is
malleable and changeable at a whim,
and that's a problem.
There isn't anything clandestine
about what the President is doing-
it's a pretty well-designed plan-
and they are executing it in the light of day,
but they're trying to divert our attention from
the challenge to the Constitution
that their programs advance
Obama's response to the Gulf oil spill crisis is not
bad management or incompetence but a deliberate
policy of making the crisis and devastation worse in
order to usher in more federal control of the U.S.
Obama's agenda of socialism explains why he failed
to work with BP to get the oil spill cleaned up, using
proven technologies and offers of help
from other countries.
But is Obama a dupe?
Or something more?
The unanswered questions argue
for a serious investigation into the communist networks
in Chicago and Hawaii that spawned the current occupant
of the oval office.
Trevor Loudon, who exposed Van Jones has been
busy breaking all kinds of stories about the influence
of Marxists over Obama.
These are stories, of course,
that are routinely ignored by the liberal media.
In addition to his New Zeal blog,
Loudon recently unveiled a new project
and website called KeyWiki, offering this
critical information to those who are interested.
It will give you everything you need to know
about Obama that our major media have
done their best to carefully conceal
1st Amendment Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Michael Copps,
a Federal Communications Commissioner, warns that
if you propose government funding for newspapers, then
"[s]ome guy is probably going to be on cable screaming
up and down saying you're Mao Zedong."
He seems to be scoffing at the notion that such funding
is akin to a totalitarian effort at thought control.
But should he be so sure?
Copps himself cites the ideas of Robert McChesney,
a professor at the University of Illinois and founder
of the group Free Press.
Randolph May writes about McChesney
at the Free State Foundation blog, noting
some quotes that show McChesney clearly
embraces the socialist label for himself.
More importantly, the quotes reveal that McChesney
sees government funding of news as essential to the
socialist project to overthrow capitalism.
For example, he has written :
Instead of waiting for the revolution to happen,
we learned that unless you make significant changes
in the media, it will be vastly more difficult to have
a revolution.
While the media is not the single most important
issue in the world, it is one of the core issues that
any successful Left project needs to
integrate into its strategic program
Senators Sanders (I-VT), Harking (D-IA)
and White house (D-RI) are circulating a bill
that would drastically increase the death tax
at the worst possible time :
Such a policy move would be a body blow
to a weakly recovering economy and would
clearly signal to everyone that this Congress
has no intention of breathing new life
into the American dream.
The death tax is currently expired for 2010.
The repeal of the death tax
was a decade-long policy first brought
into law with the 2001 tax relief package.
That legislation phased down the death tax
through 2009 before repealing it in 2010.
But because the tax relief was passed
under budget reconciliation rules, the policy
to repeal the death tax could not apply outside
a 10 year budget window.
As a result current law has always shown
the death tax coming back to life in 2011.
If Congress does nothing and the death tax does
rise from the dead next year it will come back with
a punitive rate of 55 percent and exemption
of $1 million ($2 million for couples), enough
by itself seriously to slow the recovery.
This draconian tax rate
and less-than-generous
exemption level is not enough for
Senators Sanders, Harkin and White house, however
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
a Federal Communications Commissioner, warns that
if you propose government funding for newspapers, then
"[s]ome guy is probably going to be on cable screaming
up and down saying you're Mao Zedong."
He seems to be scoffing at the notion that such funding
is akin to a totalitarian effort at thought control.
But should he be so sure?
Copps himself cites the ideas of Robert McChesney,
a professor at the University of Illinois and founder
of the group Free Press.
Randolph May writes about McChesney
at the Free State Foundation blog, noting
some quotes that show McChesney clearly
embraces the socialist label for himself.
More importantly, the quotes reveal that McChesney
sees government funding of news as essential to the
socialist project to overthrow capitalism.
For example, he has written :
Instead of waiting for the revolution to happen,
we learned that unless you make significant changes
in the media, it will be vastly more difficult to have
a revolution.
While the media is not the single most important
issue in the world, it is one of the core issues that
any successful Left project needs to
integrate into its strategic program
Senators Sanders (I-VT), Harking (D-IA)
and White house (D-RI) are circulating a bill
that would drastically increase the death tax
at the worst possible time :
Such a policy move would be a body blow
to a weakly recovering economy and would
clearly signal to everyone that this Congress
has no intention of breathing new life
into the American dream.
The death tax is currently expired for 2010.
The repeal of the death tax
was a decade-long policy first brought
into law with the 2001 tax relief package.
That legislation phased down the death tax
through 2009 before repealing it in 2010.
But because the tax relief was passed
under budget reconciliation rules, the policy
to repeal the death tax could not apply outside
a 10 year budget window.
As a result current law has always shown
the death tax coming back to life in 2011.
If Congress does nothing and the death tax does
rise from the dead next year it will come back with
a punitive rate of 55 percent and exemption
of $1 million ($2 million for couples), enough
by itself seriously to slow the recovery.
This draconian tax rate
and less-than-generous
exemption level is not enough for
Senators Sanders, Harkin and White house, however
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Illegal Alien Trespasser Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
When the open-borders lobby runs out of excuses
for amnesty, their final resort is to "do it for the children."
Last year Nancy Pelosi told a crowd
in San Francisco that "Our future is about
our children" and "Taking parents from their
children ... that's un-American."
When the speaker of the House considers enforcing
our immigration laws "un-American," it becomes the
constitutional duty of the states to stand against illegal
This is why I introduced SB 1070
into the Arizona legislature, which has
prompted a much needed national debate
about immigration
Boasting a population that is 97% Hispanic,
more than half foreign born, and 40% illegal,
the Los Angeles County, Calif., incorporated city
of Maywood has achieved the Reconquista goal.
It is now as lawless
and chaotic as any place in Mexico.
Maywood is a warning
to every city and town in America.
The Maywood City Council announced
this week that after years of radical policies,
corruption and scandal, the city was broke
and all city employees would be laid off
and essential city services contracted out
to neighboring cities or to L.A.
County government.
How did this happen?
Until recently,
Maywood was the model
for "brown power" politics.
Maywood was the first California city
with an elected Hispanic City Council,
one of the first "sanctuary" cities for illegal
aliens, the first city to pass a resolution calling
for a boycott of Arizona after that state passed
a law to enforce federal immigration laws, the
first California city to order its police department
not to enforce state laws requiring drivers to
have licenses to drive, the first American city
to call on Congress to grant amnesty to all illegals
for amnesty, their final resort is to "do it for the children."
Last year Nancy Pelosi told a crowd
in San Francisco that "Our future is about
our children" and "Taking parents from their
children ... that's un-American."
When the speaker of the House considers enforcing
our immigration laws "un-American," it becomes the
constitutional duty of the states to stand against illegal
This is why I introduced SB 1070
into the Arizona legislature, which has
prompted a much needed national debate
about immigration
Boasting a population that is 97% Hispanic,
more than half foreign born, and 40% illegal,
the Los Angeles County, Calif., incorporated city
of Maywood has achieved the Reconquista goal.
It is now as lawless
and chaotic as any place in Mexico.
Maywood is a warning
to every city and town in America.
The Maywood City Council announced
this week that after years of radical policies,
corruption and scandal, the city was broke
and all city employees would be laid off
and essential city services contracted out
to neighboring cities or to L.A.
County government.
How did this happen?
Until recently,
Maywood was the model
for "brown power" politics.
Maywood was the first California city
with an elected Hispanic City Council,
one of the first "sanctuary" cities for illegal
aliens, the first city to pass a resolution calling
for a boycott of Arizona after that state passed
a law to enforce federal immigration laws, the
first California city to order its police department
not to enforce state laws requiring drivers to
have licenses to drive, the first American city
to call on Congress to grant amnesty to all illegals
Elena Kagan Another Saboteur from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
A Supreme Court nominee best known for helping
Bill Clinton cover up scandals as a top lawyer in the
impeached president's White House.
The former Ivy League Law School dean is a proven
liberal activist and political operative with no judicial
experience and a controversial history.
As her Senate confirmation hearings approach,
Kagan has already come under fire for a series
of scandals.
She helped the most investigated president in history
stall a sexual-harassment lawsuit and worked behind
the scenes to make an illegal real estate scheme
(known as Whitewater) disappear for the former
commander-in-chief and his equally corrupt wife the
former U.S. Senator and current Secretary of State.
Kagan also took millions of dollars from the Saudis
as dean of Harvard Law School and a chunk of it
reportedly came from 9/11 mastermind
Osama bin Laden.
Then there are her financial ties to Goldman Sachs,
the global investment firm embroiled in a major fraud
Kagan was a handsomely paid "advisor"
at the embattled Wall Street titan that donates
generously to Democrats and some believe she
will be the firm's "Golden Girl" on the
Supreme Court if she gets confirmed.
As Obama's solicitor general, Kagan repeatedly
argued in favor of government secrecy which
contradicts the administration's promise of
In four of five cases involving
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),
Kagan defended government secrecy, according
to Justice Department documents cited in a news story.
The Supreme Court
took her side in those four cases, allowing lower
court rulings in the government's favor to stand
Accountability Saboteurs
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
President Obama and his cabinet
love to brag about the administration's
unprecedented transparency, but the reality
is that numerous government agencies keep
denying the investigative arm of Congress
access to information essential to probes
that help weed out corruption.
Among the key federal agencies that block
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
investigators from obtaining information are the
departments of Justice, Defense, Homeland Security
and Health and Human Services, according to the
congressional newspaper that broke the story
this week.
This undoubtedly impedes
the independent nonpartisan
agency's mission of ensuring
federal government accountability.
Despite addressing the issue months ago,
GAO investigators continue to encounter
scores of delays and denials when they attempt
to access information, according to the GAO's
comptroller general who complained about the
matter in a letter to U.S. Senators this week.
Some are longstanding procedures
that for years have impeded access
and others reflect "misinterpretations"
of the GAO's authorities, the letter says
Bill Clinton cover up scandals as a top lawyer in the
impeached president's White House.
The former Ivy League Law School dean is a proven
liberal activist and political operative with no judicial
experience and a controversial history.
As her Senate confirmation hearings approach,
Kagan has already come under fire for a series
of scandals.
She helped the most investigated president in history
stall a sexual-harassment lawsuit and worked behind
the scenes to make an illegal real estate scheme
(known as Whitewater) disappear for the former
commander-in-chief and his equally corrupt wife the
former U.S. Senator and current Secretary of State.
Kagan also took millions of dollars from the Saudis
as dean of Harvard Law School and a chunk of it
reportedly came from 9/11 mastermind
Osama bin Laden.
Then there are her financial ties to Goldman Sachs,
the global investment firm embroiled in a major fraud
Kagan was a handsomely paid "advisor"
at the embattled Wall Street titan that donates
generously to Democrats and some believe she
will be the firm's "Golden Girl" on the
Supreme Court if she gets confirmed.
As Obama's solicitor general, Kagan repeatedly
argued in favor of government secrecy which
contradicts the administration's promise of
In four of five cases involving
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),
Kagan defended government secrecy, according
to Justice Department documents cited in a news story.
The Supreme Court
took her side in those four cases, allowing lower
court rulings in the government's favor to stand
Accountability Saboteurs
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
President Obama and his cabinet
love to brag about the administration's
unprecedented transparency, but the reality
is that numerous government agencies keep
denying the investigative arm of Congress
access to information essential to probes
that help weed out corruption.
Among the key federal agencies that block
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
investigators from obtaining information are the
departments of Justice, Defense, Homeland Security
and Health and Human Services, according to the
congressional newspaper that broke the story
this week.
This undoubtedly impedes
the independent nonpartisan
agency's mission of ensuring
federal government accountability.
Despite addressing the issue months ago,
GAO investigators continue to encounter
scores of delays and denials when they attempt
to access information, according to the GAO's
comptroller general who complained about the
matter in a letter to U.S. Senators this week.
Some are longstanding procedures
that for years have impeded access
and others reflect "misinterpretations"
of the GAO's authorities, the letter says
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Commie FCC 're-defining' Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in April
that the Communications Act only allows the FCC
to regulate "telecommunications" service."
And, since the FCC has earlier concluded
that broadband Internet service was NOT
"telecommunications," that means - the court
decided - the FCC generally could not regulate
So how does the FCC,
led by Chairman Julius Genachowski,
propose to get around that problem?
By re-defining broadband
as a "telecommunications service," after all
The ongoing process to add
unnecessary regulation across
the entire internet.
The complicated proposed rules
for the new medium are an old story of regulation :
It does put government
in the unprecedented role of perhaps sitting between
the producer and the consumer in the internet space.
Wedging itself between two mutually
benefiting parties in the name of fairness
is perhaps what government regulation does best
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
that the Communications Act only allows the FCC
to regulate "telecommunications" service."
And, since the FCC has earlier concluded
that broadband Internet service was NOT
"telecommunications," that means - the court
decided - the FCC generally could not regulate
So how does the FCC,
led by Chairman Julius Genachowski,
propose to get around that problem?
By re-defining broadband
as a "telecommunications service," after all
The ongoing process to add
unnecessary regulation across
the entire internet.
The complicated proposed rules
for the new medium are an old story of regulation :
It does put government
in the unprecedented role of perhaps sitting between
the producer and the consumer in the internet space.
Wedging itself between two mutually
benefiting parties in the name of fairness
is perhaps what government regulation does best
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Oil Rig Sabotage By the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
What should worry the American people most
is the new life Obama's oil crisis has pumped into
the failed Cap & Trade legislation.
Remember Cap & Trade?
The Carbon Fuel tax?
Cap & Trade or, if you prefer,
Cap & Tax, didn't die during the December,
2009 blizzard that greeted the environmental
bureaucrats flying into Copenhagen, Denmark
to attend the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (which was
initially called the UN Framework Convention
on Global Warming)
until climate skeptics hacked hundreds of computer
files and private emails exchanges between the world's
leading global warming "experts," and released the data
to the media in Europe on Nov. 9, 2009, less than a
month before the Copenhagen Conference.
Obama intended, on the last day of the conference,
to back door Cap & Trade into the United States
by signing what was known as the Copenhagen
Preparing for the Conference, the House enacted
their version of Cap & Trade, the Waxman-Markey
Bill (be sure you remember both Henry Waxman
[D-CA] and Edward Markey [D-MA]
on election day.)
That legislation will ultimately bankrupt
every American, and control the settings
on the thermostat in your house, summer
and winter alike.
(That is, if you still have a home
after Cap & Trade destroys the company
you work for and you no longer have a job
Was this the Hegelian plan all along?
To foment a crisis in the Gulf
to condition the masses that the world
must adopt Agenda 21 "sustainable development"
as its model for energy or pay the environmental
Before you dismiss this notion as insanity, there
are many troubling questions that demand answers.
Questions that imply foreknowledge and planning.
Questions of "coincidence."
For example, is it "coincidental"
the numerous incredible financial and business
transactions that took place in the days, weeks,
and months prior to the rig explosion?
We know the ties between
British Petroleum and Goldman Sachs run deep.
Peter Sutherland,
the chairman of Goldman Sachs International
also served as chairman of BP right up until
last year, according to a 2009 bio on the site
of the Trilateral Commission.
It says, "Peter Sutherland
is chairman of BP plc
(1997 - current).
He is also chairman
of Goldman Sachs International
(1995 - current).
He was appointed chairman
of the London School of Economics in 2008.
He is currently UN special representative
for migration and development.
Before these appointments,
he was the founding director-general
of the World Trade Organisation.
He had previously served as director general
of GATT since July 1993 and was instrumental in
concluding the Uruguay GATT Round Negotiations."
"It turns out that Goldman Sachs placed shorts
on TransOcean stock days before the explosions
rocked the rig in the Gulf of Mexico sending stocks
plunging while GS profits soared - benefitting
once again from a huge disaster, having done
the same with airline stocks prior to 911
then again with the housing bubble."
It's important
to note the cozy relationship between
Goldman Sachs and the Obama administration.
According to McClatchy,
while Goldman Sachs was under fire
from the Securities and Exchange Commission,
and their lawyers were in negotiations with the
regulatory agency, Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein
was a repeated visitor to the White House.
He attended events with Obama
and met with Larry Summers, Obama's
top economic advisor.
Obama's 2008 campaign benefited from $994,795
worth of campaign donations from Goldman employees
and their relatives.
The Gulf disaster,
coming on the heels
of the Congressional hearing and SEC
"investigation," served to distract attention
from the ongoing financial fraud and economic
meltdown caused by Goldman and others
is the new life Obama's oil crisis has pumped into
the failed Cap & Trade legislation.
Remember Cap & Trade?
The Carbon Fuel tax?
Cap & Trade or, if you prefer,
Cap & Tax, didn't die during the December,
2009 blizzard that greeted the environmental
bureaucrats flying into Copenhagen, Denmark
to attend the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (which was
initially called the UN Framework Convention
on Global Warming)
until climate skeptics hacked hundreds of computer
files and private emails exchanges between the world's
leading global warming "experts," and released the data
to the media in Europe on Nov. 9, 2009, less than a
month before the Copenhagen Conference.
Obama intended, on the last day of the conference,
to back door Cap & Trade into the United States
by signing what was known as the Copenhagen
Preparing for the Conference, the House enacted
their version of Cap & Trade, the Waxman-Markey
Bill (be sure you remember both Henry Waxman
[D-CA] and Edward Markey [D-MA]
on election day.)
That legislation will ultimately bankrupt
every American, and control the settings
on the thermostat in your house, summer
and winter alike.
(That is, if you still have a home
after Cap & Trade destroys the company
you work for and you no longer have a job
Was this the Hegelian plan all along?
To foment a crisis in the Gulf
to condition the masses that the world
must adopt Agenda 21 "sustainable development"
as its model for energy or pay the environmental
Before you dismiss this notion as insanity, there
are many troubling questions that demand answers.
Questions that imply foreknowledge and planning.
Questions of "coincidence."
For example, is it "coincidental"
the numerous incredible financial and business
transactions that took place in the days, weeks,
and months prior to the rig explosion?
We know the ties between
British Petroleum and Goldman Sachs run deep.
Peter Sutherland,
the chairman of Goldman Sachs International
also served as chairman of BP right up until
last year, according to a 2009 bio on the site
of the Trilateral Commission.
It says, "Peter Sutherland
is chairman of BP plc
(1997 - current).
He is also chairman
of Goldman Sachs International
(1995 - current).
He was appointed chairman
of the London School of Economics in 2008.
He is currently UN special representative
for migration and development.
Before these appointments,
he was the founding director-general
of the World Trade Organisation.
He had previously served as director general
of GATT since July 1993 and was instrumental in
concluding the Uruguay GATT Round Negotiations."
"It turns out that Goldman Sachs placed shorts
on TransOcean stock days before the explosions
rocked the rig in the Gulf of Mexico sending stocks
plunging while GS profits soared - benefitting
once again from a huge disaster, having done
the same with airline stocks prior to 911
then again with the housing bubble."
It's important
to note the cozy relationship between
Goldman Sachs and the Obama administration.
According to McClatchy,
while Goldman Sachs was under fire
from the Securities and Exchange Commission,
and their lawyers were in negotiations with the
regulatory agency, Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein
was a repeated visitor to the White House.
He attended events with Obama
and met with Larry Summers, Obama's
top economic advisor.
Obama's 2008 campaign benefited from $994,795
worth of campaign donations from Goldman employees
and their relatives.
The Gulf disaster,
coming on the heels
of the Congressional hearing and SEC
"investigation," served to distract attention
from the ongoing financial fraud and economic
meltdown caused by Goldman and others
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Climate Action Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
BP has been a special interest pushing for
carbon pricing on Capitol Hill for years now.
It was a founding member
of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership,
a corporatist entity that exists to enact
"fair climate change."
And of course by "fair" they mean
whatever subsidies and mandates they
can extract from the federal government
to best protect their bottom line.
So this February, BP actually pulled
out of USCAP because they thought :
"We can be more effective
if we show up in the discussion as BP."
As The Washington Examiner's
Tim Carney reports :
"They made out particularly
well in the House's climate bill,
while natural gas producers suffered."
As far as the strategy in the Senate goes,
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel
told The New York Times last week that
Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) would
use elements of the Kerry-Lieberman American
Power Act, the Cantwell-Collins carbon pricing
plan, and the Bingaman renewable energy standard bill.
A Senate aide told Politico :
"An energy deal must include
some serious effort to price carbon
as a way to slow climate change."
The important thing to remember
is that none of this is new.
As Heritage Foundation
Senate Relations Deputy Dan Holler reported
the day before the Deepwater Horizon explosion,
Reid has been planning a bait-and-switch from the
beginning :
First bringing up the Kerry-Lieberman
cap-and-trade bill, striking it, and then
replacing it with the less well known
Bingaman renewable energy standards.
The left knows that the American public
has been educated about the economic harms
of cap-and-trade, and they are hoping they can
use the BP oil spill to pass renewable energy
standards (RES) before the public wises up.
Don't be fooled :
An RES is just another way for the enviro-left
to inflict an economy-killing energy tax on the
American public.
The Heritage Foundation's
Center for Data Analysis has
crunched the numbers and found
that an RES would :
1) Raise electricity prices by 36 percent
for households and 60 percent for industry ;
2) Cut national income (GDP)
by $5.2 trillion between 2012 and 2035 ;
3) Cut national income
by $2,400 per year for a family of four ;
4) Reduce employment
by more than 1,000,000 jobs and ;
5) Add more than $10,000 to a family
of four's share of the national debt by 2035
Social Security tax receipts
for the first half of 2010 :
$346.9 billion ;
Social Security benefits payments
for the same period :
$347.3 billion.
Before this year,
projections have always been
that Social Security wouldn't cross
that line into negative cash flow
for five years or so.
Now it's a reality.
Congress has been spending
Social Security's positive cash flow for years.
Now there's no positive cash flow to spend.
These deficits are a result
of the current economic climate.
Federal revenues
have continued to dwindle
as job creation stagnates,
reducing tax collection along with it.
Unemployment has also forced
many Americans into early retirement,
adding to the ranks of those dependent
on Social Security.
Whether the current Social Security deficits
are temporary or not, they are projected to
become permanent in 2016.
From then on,
the Social Security Trust Fund
is expected to pay out benefits until 2037.
But even that isn't reassuring,
since "the Trust Fund contains no actual assets.
The government bonds it holds
are simply a form of IOU, a measure
of how much money the government
owes the system.
It says nothing
about where the government
will get the money to pay back those IOUs."
In other words, the Trust Fund
doesn't actually have any real money in it.
Social Security benefits will not be
reduced in response to today's growing deficits.
Instead, taxpayers will pay the difference,
via the Treasury, to keep benefits checks from bouncing
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds & Saboteurs
carbon pricing on Capitol Hill for years now.
It was a founding member
of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership,
a corporatist entity that exists to enact
"fair climate change."
And of course by "fair" they mean
whatever subsidies and mandates they
can extract from the federal government
to best protect their bottom line.
So this February, BP actually pulled
out of USCAP because they thought :
"We can be more effective
if we show up in the discussion as BP."
As The Washington Examiner's
Tim Carney reports :
"They made out particularly
well in the House's climate bill,
while natural gas producers suffered."
As far as the strategy in the Senate goes,
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel
told The New York Times last week that
Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) would
use elements of the Kerry-Lieberman American
Power Act, the Cantwell-Collins carbon pricing
plan, and the Bingaman renewable energy standard bill.
A Senate aide told Politico :
"An energy deal must include
some serious effort to price carbon
as a way to slow climate change."
The important thing to remember
is that none of this is new.
As Heritage Foundation
Senate Relations Deputy Dan Holler reported
the day before the Deepwater Horizon explosion,
Reid has been planning a bait-and-switch from the
beginning :
First bringing up the Kerry-Lieberman
cap-and-trade bill, striking it, and then
replacing it with the less well known
Bingaman renewable energy standards.
The left knows that the American public
has been educated about the economic harms
of cap-and-trade, and they are hoping they can
use the BP oil spill to pass renewable energy
standards (RES) before the public wises up.
Don't be fooled :
An RES is just another way for the enviro-left
to inflict an economy-killing energy tax on the
American public.
The Heritage Foundation's
Center for Data Analysis has
crunched the numbers and found
that an RES would :
1) Raise electricity prices by 36 percent
for households and 60 percent for industry ;
2) Cut national income (GDP)
by $5.2 trillion between 2012 and 2035 ;
3) Cut national income
by $2,400 per year for a family of four ;
4) Reduce employment
by more than 1,000,000 jobs and ;
5) Add more than $10,000 to a family
of four's share of the national debt by 2035
Social Security tax receipts
for the first half of 2010 :
$346.9 billion ;
Social Security benefits payments
for the same period :
$347.3 billion.
Before this year,
projections have always been
that Social Security wouldn't cross
that line into negative cash flow
for five years or so.
Now it's a reality.
Congress has been spending
Social Security's positive cash flow for years.
Now there's no positive cash flow to spend.
These deficits are a result
of the current economic climate.
Federal revenues
have continued to dwindle
as job creation stagnates,
reducing tax collection along with it.
Unemployment has also forced
many Americans into early retirement,
adding to the ranks of those dependent
on Social Security.
Whether the current Social Security deficits
are temporary or not, they are projected to
become permanent in 2016.
From then on,
the Social Security Trust Fund
is expected to pay out benefits until 2037.
But even that isn't reassuring,
since "the Trust Fund contains no actual assets.
The government bonds it holds
are simply a form of IOU, a measure
of how much money the government
owes the system.
It says nothing
about where the government
will get the money to pay back those IOUs."
In other words, the Trust Fund
doesn't actually have any real money in it.
Social Security benefits will not be
reduced in response to today's growing deficits.
Instead, taxpayers will pay the difference,
via the Treasury, to keep benefits checks from bouncing
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds & Saboteurs
Territorial "states" may have been created in A.D. 1948 as an alternative to the States of the Union ;
I'm told that the Supreme Court
of the United States ruled in Baker v Carr
that the federal courts were incapable
of answering a "political question".
This raises the possibility
that if a sophisticated defendant
based his defense on the presence
of a "political question," the federal
courts might be precluded from
hearing or deciding the case.
I've therefore become a
student of the concept of "political".
Political choice,
political decisions, political argument,
political doctrine are on my radar.
What follows is a Findlaw search
of the USSC (US Supreme Court)
data base for highlights of all USSC
cases that used the term "political choice".
Note that the concept of "political choice"
did not reach the USSC until A.D. 1953.
It seems odd that the concept
of "political choice" did not reach
the Supremes for the first 160 years
of our country's history.
But there is evidence (28 USC 81-131)
that suggests that a set of territorial "states"
may have been created in A.D. 1948 as an
alternative to the States of the Union.
I believe that slowly,
over the course of the next 20 years,
these "territorial states" completely supplanted
the governments of the States of the Union.
If I'm right, since A.D. 1948,
there's been a new and fundamental
"political choice" for the people
of The United States of America :
Whether they wish to transact
within a State of the Union or
"in this state" (the "territorial states").
I begin to suspect that
"political choice" may be
so intimately involved with
the the terms "choice of venue"
and "choice of law" as to be nearly synonymous
Last week, in "Increased Efficiency
Causes Increased Economic Vulnerability,"
I introduced the idea that as a man, business
or corporation becomes more efficient, he/it
also becomes more economically vulnerable.
I argued that, paradoxically, each increase
in efficiency was derived from our "margin for error"
and as a result, the more efficient an entity became,
the more vulnerable it became to injury or destruction
caused by seemingly trivial events.
This week, I'll argue
that increased economic efficiency
also leads to increased political vulnerability-
including increased government paranoia, increased
political instability and increased political oppression.
. Our fiat currency (paper or digital "money"
without gold or silver backing that is intrinsically
worthless) was originally promoted as a device
by means of which "liquidity" could be instantly
created and managed by the government and/or
Federal Reserve.
The object was to avoid slumps in the business
cycle and increase the efficiency of our economy.
That rationale sounded great,
but the consequence of being able
to spin an endless supply of fiat dollars
into circulation has been the creation of
a governmental and private debt that's
too great to ever be repaid.
monetary efficiency has increased
our vulnerability to an economic collapse
of the United States ruled in Baker v Carr
that the federal courts were incapable
of answering a "political question".
This raises the possibility
that if a sophisticated defendant
based his defense on the presence
of a "political question," the federal
courts might be precluded from
hearing or deciding the case.
I've therefore become a
student of the concept of "political".
Political choice,
political decisions, political argument,
political doctrine are on my radar.
What follows is a Findlaw search
of the USSC (US Supreme Court)
data base for highlights of all USSC
cases that used the term "political choice".
Note that the concept of "political choice"
did not reach the USSC until A.D. 1953.
It seems odd that the concept
of "political choice" did not reach
the Supremes for the first 160 years
of our country's history.
But there is evidence (28 USC 81-131)
that suggests that a set of territorial "states"
may have been created in A.D. 1948 as an
alternative to the States of the Union.
I believe that slowly,
over the course of the next 20 years,
these "territorial states" completely supplanted
the governments of the States of the Union.
If I'm right, since A.D. 1948,
there's been a new and fundamental
"political choice" for the people
of The United States of America :
Whether they wish to transact
within a State of the Union or
"in this state" (the "territorial states").
I begin to suspect that
"political choice" may be
so intimately involved with
the the terms "choice of venue"
and "choice of law" as to be nearly synonymous
Last week, in "Increased Efficiency
Causes Increased Economic Vulnerability,"
I introduced the idea that as a man, business
or corporation becomes more efficient, he/it
also becomes more economically vulnerable.
I argued that, paradoxically, each increase
in efficiency was derived from our "margin for error"
and as a result, the more efficient an entity became,
the more vulnerable it became to injury or destruction
caused by seemingly trivial events.
This week, I'll argue
that increased economic efficiency
also leads to increased political vulnerability-
including increased government paranoia, increased
political instability and increased political oppression.
. Our fiat currency (paper or digital "money"
without gold or silver backing that is intrinsically
worthless) was originally promoted as a device
by means of which "liquidity" could be instantly
created and managed by the government and/or
Federal Reserve.
The object was to avoid slumps in the business
cycle and increase the efficiency of our economy.
That rationale sounded great,
but the consequence of being able
to spin an endless supply of fiat dollars
into circulation has been the creation of
a governmental and private debt that's
too great to ever be repaid.
monetary efficiency has increased
our vulnerability to an economic collapse
Monday, June 14, 2010
Saboteurs Cloakroom of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
From The Commie House
and Senate Cloakroom : June 14 - 18, 2010
House Cloakroom Analysis
A recent Gallup poll shows the mounting debt tops
American fears and yet Congress continues to pursue
legislation that would deepen the debt crisis.
This week the House will move to consider legislation
intended to increase the availability of credit to small
businesses but with a price tag of $33 billion with no
offsets made to pay for the program it will only grow
the level of our unsustainable debt.
Additionally, one should question the necessity of this
measure when it clearly duplicates efforts made in the
original $700 Billion TARP bill.
Also on the docket for the week is the FY 2010
War Funding Supplemental bill meant to pay for on
going operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The total cost of the bill is $84.3 billion dollars, although
only $33 billion is actually war funding and the rest is a
whole list of other "emergency" priorities including $23
billion to bailout the states.
Lastly, the House may consider the DISCLOSE Act,
the Democrats response to the Supreme Court case
Citizens United.
Major Committee Action :
The House Science and Technology Subcommittee
on Energy and Environment will hold a hearing on
renewable energy development.
Heritage outlines what renewables really cost Americans.
Lastly, Heritage Analyst Anthony Kim will testify in front
of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on
Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection on
"Foreign Manufacturers' Liability and Clean Energy
Senate Cloakroom Analysis :
The Senate will continue its work on the so-called tax
extenders package, which raises taxes, spending and
the deficit.
It is clear the Senate has missed the message
from the American people.
Floor Action :
The Senate will continue work on the American Jobs
and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 (HR4213).
Several District Court judges are likely to be confirmed
How Commie Obamacare
will affect choice in health care coverage :
One provision bars insurance companies from putting
a limit on how much they will pay in medical claims.
This may sound like a consumer-friendly change, but in
practice it threatens to abolish lower-cost coverage options.
"The ban could in effect outlaw the plans or make them
so restrictive that insurance companies would raise rates
to the point they become unaffordable."
Increased prices would likely cause many low-wage
workers with limited-benefit plans-of which there are
1.4 million-to go without coverage until 2014, when
they will be eligible for taxpayer-funded subsidies to
help them buy insurance in a government-run exchange.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Obamacare could well force hundreds of thousands
of currently insured low-income workers to "go bare"
for the next three years, and then use tax money to
start buying them coverage.
In a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius, close to three dozen employer
groups explain that "while it surely was not the intent
of Congress or the administration to increase the number
of uninsured, this provision will likely produce exactly
this result for some of the most vulnerable of our
population, e.g. lower-wage, part-time, seasonal and
temporary workers who can only obtain and afford
limited-benefit medical insurance coverage."
President Obama publicly vowed that insurers would
"no longer be able to place some arbitrary cap on the
amount of coverage you can receive in a given year or
in a lifetime."
He failed to mention
that caps are one way to provide low-cost
insurance to those who might otherwise have none
and Senate Cloakroom : June 14 - 18, 2010
House Cloakroom Analysis
A recent Gallup poll shows the mounting debt tops
American fears and yet Congress continues to pursue
legislation that would deepen the debt crisis.
This week the House will move to consider legislation
intended to increase the availability of credit to small
businesses but with a price tag of $33 billion with no
offsets made to pay for the program it will only grow
the level of our unsustainable debt.
Additionally, one should question the necessity of this
measure when it clearly duplicates efforts made in the
original $700 Billion TARP bill.
Also on the docket for the week is the FY 2010
War Funding Supplemental bill meant to pay for on
going operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The total cost of the bill is $84.3 billion dollars, although
only $33 billion is actually war funding and the rest is a
whole list of other "emergency" priorities including $23
billion to bailout the states.
Lastly, the House may consider the DISCLOSE Act,
the Democrats response to the Supreme Court case
Citizens United.
Major Committee Action :
The House Science and Technology Subcommittee
on Energy and Environment will hold a hearing on
renewable energy development.
Heritage outlines what renewables really cost Americans.
Lastly, Heritage Analyst Anthony Kim will testify in front
of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on
Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection on
"Foreign Manufacturers' Liability and Clean Energy
Senate Cloakroom Analysis :
The Senate will continue its work on the so-called tax
extenders package, which raises taxes, spending and
the deficit.
It is clear the Senate has missed the message
from the American people.
Floor Action :
The Senate will continue work on the American Jobs
and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 (HR4213).
Several District Court judges are likely to be confirmed
How Commie Obamacare
will affect choice in health care coverage :
One provision bars insurance companies from putting
a limit on how much they will pay in medical claims.
This may sound like a consumer-friendly change, but in
practice it threatens to abolish lower-cost coverage options.
"The ban could in effect outlaw the plans or make them
so restrictive that insurance companies would raise rates
to the point they become unaffordable."
Increased prices would likely cause many low-wage
workers with limited-benefit plans-of which there are
1.4 million-to go without coverage until 2014, when
they will be eligible for taxpayer-funded subsidies to
help them buy insurance in a government-run exchange.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Obamacare could well force hundreds of thousands
of currently insured low-income workers to "go bare"
for the next three years, and then use tax money to
start buying them coverage.
In a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius, close to three dozen employer
groups explain that "while it surely was not the intent
of Congress or the administration to increase the number
of uninsured, this provision will likely produce exactly
this result for some of the most vulnerable of our
population, e.g. lower-wage, part-time, seasonal and
temporary workers who can only obtain and afford
limited-benefit medical insurance coverage."
President Obama publicly vowed that insurers would
"no longer be able to place some arbitrary cap on the
amount of coverage you can receive in a given year or
in a lifetime."
He failed to mention
that caps are one way to provide low-cost
insurance to those who might otherwise have none
Illegal Alien Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
In an unexpected but welcome victory for
immigration enforcement, a notoriously liberal
federal appellate court has ruled that a southern
California city can enforce a law that allows police
to arrest illegal alien day laborers who solicit work
on public streets.
The surprise ruling, issued this week by the
San Francisco-based 9th Circuit Court of
Appeals, comes amid legal defeats to a number
of local ordinances enacted to help curb a
nationwide crisis caused by illegal immigration.
In this case, the Los Angeles County city
of Redondo Beach initially suffered a legal defeat.
In 2006 a federal judge ruled that the city's ban
on day laborer solicitations violates the First
Amendment free speech rights of illegal immigrants
and targets a certain group.
The measure was actually passed more than two
decades ago but the city didn't begin enforcing it
until 2004 and an immigration advocacy group filed
a lawsuit after police arrested numerous violators.
Judicial Watch filed an amicus curiae brief
with the federal appellate court in support of the city.
In its decision, a divided 9th Circuit panel consisting
of three judges said that Redondo Beach's ordinance
is a reasonable response to traffic problems that officials
say day laborers soliciting work are causing at two
city intersections.
Furthermore, the ruling says that Redondo Beach's
law is constitutional because the activities it aims to
restrict are broad and it specifically addresses
safety concerns.
In a dissenting opinion, Judge Kim Wardlaw
maintains that the measure violates day laborers'
free speech rights because its "overbroad and thus
violates well-established principles of our First
Amendment jurisprudence." Laws in other parts
other country designed to ban day laborers have
faced similar scrutiny from different courts
In a baffling development, a major U.S. county is
allowing Mexico's government to operate a satellite
consular office to offer the area's illegal immigrants
identification cards that will facilitate life in the
United States.
Mexican officials kindly asked the Homeland
Security agency charged with immigration enforcement
not to enforce the law in the area while the cards-
known as Matricula Consular-are being issued .
One U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) official claimed to be amazed that the "Mexican
government has the gall to tell us what to do."
Even more amazing is that the federal agency is
obliging and that officials in the nation's most populous
county-Los Angeles-are even allowing it to happen.
The Mexican consular office is operating on Santa
Catalina Island, a small resort community located
about 22 miles off the Southern California coast
with a population of about 3,000.
The majority of the residents on the L.A. County
island are illegal immigrants from Mexico.
The Mexican consul's office first offered the photo
identification cards to illegal immigrant workers on
the island two years ago.
Incredibly, the easily forged Mexican Matricula cards
are widely accepted as ID in the U.S. and can be used
to apply for government services, establish credit and
open bank accounts.
They have also been accepted to fraudulently obtain
home loans from some of the nation's top lenders.
A few weeks ago, the Mexican consular office in
Los Angeles issued a flier advertising this week's
effort to issue Matricula cards to as many illegal
immigrants as possible.
The event was originally scheduled for the Catalina
Island Country Club, but was later moved to a nearby
church because a Republican congressman who
represents the area warned that State Department
permission is required to host a foreign government.
Churches are supposedly exempt
under the the Vienna Convention
immigration enforcement, a notoriously liberal
federal appellate court has ruled that a southern
California city can enforce a law that allows police
to arrest illegal alien day laborers who solicit work
on public streets.
The surprise ruling, issued this week by the
San Francisco-based 9th Circuit Court of
Appeals, comes amid legal defeats to a number
of local ordinances enacted to help curb a
nationwide crisis caused by illegal immigration.
In this case, the Los Angeles County city
of Redondo Beach initially suffered a legal defeat.
In 2006 a federal judge ruled that the city's ban
on day laborer solicitations violates the First
Amendment free speech rights of illegal immigrants
and targets a certain group.
The measure was actually passed more than two
decades ago but the city didn't begin enforcing it
until 2004 and an immigration advocacy group filed
a lawsuit after police arrested numerous violators.
Judicial Watch filed an amicus curiae brief
with the federal appellate court in support of the city.
In its decision, a divided 9th Circuit panel consisting
of three judges said that Redondo Beach's ordinance
is a reasonable response to traffic problems that officials
say day laborers soliciting work are causing at two
city intersections.
Furthermore, the ruling says that Redondo Beach's
law is constitutional because the activities it aims to
restrict are broad and it specifically addresses
safety concerns.
In a dissenting opinion, Judge Kim Wardlaw
maintains that the measure violates day laborers'
free speech rights because its "overbroad and thus
violates well-established principles of our First
Amendment jurisprudence." Laws in other parts
other country designed to ban day laborers have
faced similar scrutiny from different courts
In a baffling development, a major U.S. county is
allowing Mexico's government to operate a satellite
consular office to offer the area's illegal immigrants
identification cards that will facilitate life in the
United States.
Mexican officials kindly asked the Homeland
Security agency charged with immigration enforcement
not to enforce the law in the area while the cards-
known as Matricula Consular-are being issued .
One U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) official claimed to be amazed that the "Mexican
government has the gall to tell us what to do."
Even more amazing is that the federal agency is
obliging and that officials in the nation's most populous
county-Los Angeles-are even allowing it to happen.
The Mexican consular office is operating on Santa
Catalina Island, a small resort community located
about 22 miles off the Southern California coast
with a population of about 3,000.
The majority of the residents on the L.A. County
island are illegal immigrants from Mexico.
The Mexican consul's office first offered the photo
identification cards to illegal immigrant workers on
the island two years ago.
Incredibly, the easily forged Mexican Matricula cards
are widely accepted as ID in the U.S. and can be used
to apply for government services, establish credit and
open bank accounts.
They have also been accepted to fraudulently obtain
home loans from some of the nation's top lenders.
A few weeks ago, the Mexican consular office in
Los Angeles issued a flier advertising this week's
effort to issue Matricula cards to as many illegal
immigrants as possible.
The event was originally scheduled for the Catalina
Island Country Club, but was later moved to a nearby
church because a Republican congressman who
represents the area warned that State Department
permission is required to host a foreign government.
Churches are supposedly exempt
under the the Vienna Convention
Economic saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
While the Administration pushed through a failed
stimulus bill, continued the mantra of "too big to fail"
and lobbied for bailout after bailout for private companies,
something was happening to our friends in Greece.
All the spending, entitlement programs, and massive debt
began to catch up with that government and would soon
spur panic across the globe.
The United States
is eerily marching down the same path as Greece.
That path is marked with reckless spending,
soaring debt and historically high deficits.
The United States FY 2009 deficit reached a
record high of $1.4 trillion, or 9.9% of the GDP.
If we continue to follow the President's proposed
budget, over the next ten years our average deficit
will surpass the number that brought Greece to its knees.
Interestingly enough, the CBO reports that the US
debt will jump dramatically from 53% to 63% between
FY 2009 and FY 2010.
And, just yesterday the Treasury Department estimated
that by 2015 the ratio of US debt to GDP would rise
102% to nearly $20 trillion.
One thing remains clear -
the United States has a spending problem.
Rather than reign in spending during tough economic
times the liberals in Congress have pushed through a
massive health care bill that sinks us further into debt,
allows the government to control over 1/6 of our nation's
economy and does nothing to lower health care costs.
Americans are still unemployed,
they are still hurting, and they are
forced to watch their government
pass down a burdensome debt to
their children and grandchildren
Americans judge the national debt on par
with terrorism as the top threat facing the nation.
Further, independents - a crucial constituency
during an election year - believe the debt to be
the single most threatening issue facing the country,
even topping terrorism.
A quick analysis
of the numbers reveals why the public is alarmed.
Today debt held by the public stands at
approximately $8.6 trillion, up from around
$7.5 trillion less than a year ago.
Over the past 30 years, debt held by the public has
averaged about 39.4 percent of gross domestic product,
and last year stood at 53 percent, the highest since 1955.
Unfortunately, instead of taking swift actions to address
the worsening problem, Congress and the White House
have chosen to double down on the unrestrained spending
policies of the past.
Obama's budget (the only budget available because
Congressional Democrats refuse to draft one this year)
sees debt held by the public hitting 90 percent of GDP
by 2020.
As the world is currently seeing in Greece
and across Europe, there are consequences
to excessive debt levels.
The American people understand
the danger; the question is when our leaders will
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds & Saboteurs
stimulus bill, continued the mantra of "too big to fail"
and lobbied for bailout after bailout for private companies,
something was happening to our friends in Greece.
All the spending, entitlement programs, and massive debt
began to catch up with that government and would soon
spur panic across the globe.
The United States
is eerily marching down the same path as Greece.
That path is marked with reckless spending,
soaring debt and historically high deficits.
The United States FY 2009 deficit reached a
record high of $1.4 trillion, or 9.9% of the GDP.
If we continue to follow the President's proposed
budget, over the next ten years our average deficit
will surpass the number that brought Greece to its knees.
Interestingly enough, the CBO reports that the US
debt will jump dramatically from 53% to 63% between
FY 2009 and FY 2010.
And, just yesterday the Treasury Department estimated
that by 2015 the ratio of US debt to GDP would rise
102% to nearly $20 trillion.
One thing remains clear -
the United States has a spending problem.
Rather than reign in spending during tough economic
times the liberals in Congress have pushed through a
massive health care bill that sinks us further into debt,
allows the government to control over 1/6 of our nation's
economy and does nothing to lower health care costs.
Americans are still unemployed,
they are still hurting, and they are
forced to watch their government
pass down a burdensome debt to
their children and grandchildren
Americans judge the national debt on par
with terrorism as the top threat facing the nation.
Further, independents - a crucial constituency
during an election year - believe the debt to be
the single most threatening issue facing the country,
even topping terrorism.
A quick analysis
of the numbers reveals why the public is alarmed.
Today debt held by the public stands at
approximately $8.6 trillion, up from around
$7.5 trillion less than a year ago.
Over the past 30 years, debt held by the public has
averaged about 39.4 percent of gross domestic product,
and last year stood at 53 percent, the highest since 1955.
Unfortunately, instead of taking swift actions to address
the worsening problem, Congress and the White House
have chosen to double down on the unrestrained spending
policies of the past.
Obama's budget (the only budget available because
Congressional Democrats refuse to draft one this year)
sees debt held by the public hitting 90 percent of GDP
by 2020.
As the world is currently seeing in Greece
and across Europe, there are consequences
to excessive debt levels.
The American people understand
the danger; the question is when our leaders will
The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds & Saboteurs
Illegal Aliens & Their Enablers of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
"President Obama and the federal government
continue to be derelict in securing the nation's
southern border.
These new government documents depict a chaotic
and dangerous situation for our nation's Border
Patrol agents - and for border states such as
Arizona," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Previous Mexican Government incursion
documents obtained by Judicial Watch describe
incidents involving shots fired on both sides of the
border, unmarked helicopters invading U.S. airspace,
drug smuggling, and confrontations between U.S.
Border Patrol agents and members
of the Mexican military.
Judicial Watch, the public interest group
that investigates and prosecutes government corruption,
announced that on March 22, 2010, it received records
from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) concerning
Mexican Government incursions and encounters
along the U.S. border.
The documents which are incomplete and do not
contain all of the relevant data nonetheless indicate
an increase in the number of incursions in 2008
and 2009.
Judicial Watch's analysis of the data shows :
76 Mexican Government incursions from January
2008 to December 2009 (data missing from February
50 Mexican Government incursions in 2008 alone,
which is double the number of incursions from
the previous year
528 assaults against CBP agents from January -
June 2008
11 assaults against National Guard
agents with CBP from January - June 2008
A universal children's health insurance program
created by Illinois' corrupt former governor is covering
mostly illegal immigrants and costing taxpayers tens of
millions of dollars amid a perplexing $13 billion
state budget deficit.
About 75% of the children enrolled in the All Kids
Health Care program (also known as KidCare) are
illegal aliens and the annual cost of covering them is
nearly $55 million, according to a state audit of the
5-year-old insurance program.
The findings, issued recently by the Illinois State
Auditor General, are detailed in a 14-page report
that's been largely ignored by the mainstream media.
It reveals that two-thirds of the 71,665 children enrolled
in the program in 2009 are undocumented immigrants.
Illinois taxpayers dished out an astounding $54.9 million
to provide them with medical insurance that year alone
and there's no telling what future tabs will be
as the enrollees grow.
When former Governor Rod Blagojevich, whose
federal corruption trial is set to begin this week,
proudly signed legislation to create the insurance
program, he assured it would help families who can't
afford health insurance but "are doing everything they're
supposed to do-working hard, paying their taxes."
The program is supposed to be partially funded by
low monthly premiums charged to families.
The reality is that the severely mismanaged insurance
program keeps paying medical claims when families
don't pay their premiums and many claims are paid
after recipients are too old to participate.
Additionally, All Kids
is only serving about a third of its intended
beneficiaries at double the cost estimated by
legislators who created it with great fanfare
continue to be derelict in securing the nation's
southern border.
These new government documents depict a chaotic
and dangerous situation for our nation's Border
Patrol agents - and for border states such as
Arizona," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Previous Mexican Government incursion
documents obtained by Judicial Watch describe
incidents involving shots fired on both sides of the
border, unmarked helicopters invading U.S. airspace,
drug smuggling, and confrontations between U.S.
Border Patrol agents and members
of the Mexican military.
Judicial Watch, the public interest group
that investigates and prosecutes government corruption,
announced that on March 22, 2010, it received records
from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) concerning
Mexican Government incursions and encounters
along the U.S. border.
The documents which are incomplete and do not
contain all of the relevant data nonetheless indicate
an increase in the number of incursions in 2008
and 2009.
Judicial Watch's analysis of the data shows :
76 Mexican Government incursions from January
2008 to December 2009 (data missing from February
50 Mexican Government incursions in 2008 alone,
which is double the number of incursions from
the previous year
528 assaults against CBP agents from January -
June 2008
11 assaults against National Guard
agents with CBP from January - June 2008
A universal children's health insurance program
created by Illinois' corrupt former governor is covering
mostly illegal immigrants and costing taxpayers tens of
millions of dollars amid a perplexing $13 billion
state budget deficit.
About 75% of the children enrolled in the All Kids
Health Care program (also known as KidCare) are
illegal aliens and the annual cost of covering them is
nearly $55 million, according to a state audit of the
5-year-old insurance program.
The findings, issued recently by the Illinois State
Auditor General, are detailed in a 14-page report
that's been largely ignored by the mainstream media.
It reveals that two-thirds of the 71,665 children enrolled
in the program in 2009 are undocumented immigrants.
Illinois taxpayers dished out an astounding $54.9 million
to provide them with medical insurance that year alone
and there's no telling what future tabs will be
as the enrollees grow.
When former Governor Rod Blagojevich, whose
federal corruption trial is set to begin this week,
proudly signed legislation to create the insurance
program, he assured it would help families who can't
afford health insurance but "are doing everything they're
supposed to do-working hard, paying their taxes."
The program is supposed to be partially funded by
low monthly premiums charged to families.
The reality is that the severely mismanaged insurance
program keeps paying medical claims when families
don't pay their premiums and many claims are paid
after recipients are too old to participate.
Additionally, All Kids
is only serving about a third of its intended
beneficiaries at double the cost estimated by
legislators who created it with great fanfare
EPA Economic Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
United States Senators went on record
last week and the result was unfortunate.
53 Senators voted against a resolution offered
by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) that would
have disapproved of the Environmental Protection
Agency's backdoor global warming regulations.
Today's outcome was a victory for anti-growth
environmentalists, but a devastating loss for the
American people.
The EPA's regulations will marginalize any potential
economic recovery by making investment and job
creation more expensive.
Why? Because the costs of regulation are staggering.
The EPA estimates the average permit will
cost applicants $125,000 and 866 hours of labor.
Some businesses will simply close.
The lucky ones will move overseas,
cancel expansion plans and just lower wages.
All of those are bad options considering
the American economy has lost nearly
8 million jobs over the past 30 months.
Despite the outcome of today's vote, many liberals
recognize the EPA cannot be left to its own devices,
which means there will be other, more subtle efforts
to limit the EPA's regulatory dragnet.
Chief among them is a proposal offered by
Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV). His proposal
would simply delay the implementation of the
EPA's regulation.
Delaying these destructive regulations is not inherently
bad, but it does not address the fact that bad regulations
are indeed coming.
It creates regulatory uncertainty, is bad
for the economy and bad for the American people
The global fiscal stimulus championed last year
by the Obama administration is coming undone,
repudiated by the same Group of 20 that
endorsed it last year.
Now, against a backdrop of a widening sovereign
debt crisis, we need to abandon short-term thinking
in favour of the long-term investments needed for
sustained recovery.
Indeed, the current period of uncertain and fragile
economic rebound poses a critical opportunity to
ponder the principles that can revitalize economic
More than ever, the urgency to adhere to sensible
principles is high as a wave of interventionism has
seen government take more control of our private
economic activity, wearing away economic freedom
hard won through years of determined work.
Government's rush to fix the perceived causes of
the economic crisis has demonstrated the dangers
of interventionist policies by big government.
Rather than fixing economic
problems, they can actually exacerbate them.
Unfortunately, our government seems to be
exhibiting a "fire, ready, aim" mindset with
regards to government action in the economy.
Fixing something without fully understanding why
it's broken can be very dangerous and further erode
our economic freedom.
"[President Obama] and his advisers ignored one
of the key insights of modern macroeconomics :
That the result of fiscal policy depends not only on
current taxes and spending but also on their expected
trajectories in the future."
Policy choices made at this critical juncture of the
economic uncertainty will indisputably shape the
growth trajectory for our economy in coming years
last week and the result was unfortunate.
53 Senators voted against a resolution offered
by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) that would
have disapproved of the Environmental Protection
Agency's backdoor global warming regulations.
Today's outcome was a victory for anti-growth
environmentalists, but a devastating loss for the
American people.
The EPA's regulations will marginalize any potential
economic recovery by making investment and job
creation more expensive.
Why? Because the costs of regulation are staggering.
The EPA estimates the average permit will
cost applicants $125,000 and 866 hours of labor.
Some businesses will simply close.
The lucky ones will move overseas,
cancel expansion plans and just lower wages.
All of those are bad options considering
the American economy has lost nearly
8 million jobs over the past 30 months.
Despite the outcome of today's vote, many liberals
recognize the EPA cannot be left to its own devices,
which means there will be other, more subtle efforts
to limit the EPA's regulatory dragnet.
Chief among them is a proposal offered by
Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV). His proposal
would simply delay the implementation of the
EPA's regulation.
Delaying these destructive regulations is not inherently
bad, but it does not address the fact that bad regulations
are indeed coming.
It creates regulatory uncertainty, is bad
for the economy and bad for the American people
The global fiscal stimulus championed last year
by the Obama administration is coming undone,
repudiated by the same Group of 20 that
endorsed it last year.
Now, against a backdrop of a widening sovereign
debt crisis, we need to abandon short-term thinking
in favour of the long-term investments needed for
sustained recovery.
Indeed, the current period of uncertain and fragile
economic rebound poses a critical opportunity to
ponder the principles that can revitalize economic
More than ever, the urgency to adhere to sensible
principles is high as a wave of interventionism has
seen government take more control of our private
economic activity, wearing away economic freedom
hard won through years of determined work.
Government's rush to fix the perceived causes of
the economic crisis has demonstrated the dangers
of interventionist policies by big government.
Rather than fixing economic
problems, they can actually exacerbate them.
Unfortunately, our government seems to be
exhibiting a "fire, ready, aim" mindset with
regards to government action in the economy.
Fixing something without fully understanding why
it's broken can be very dangerous and further erode
our economic freedom.
"[President Obama] and his advisers ignored one
of the key insights of modern macroeconomics :
That the result of fiscal policy depends not only on
current taxes and spending but also on their expected
trajectories in the future."
Policy choices made at this critical juncture of the
economic uncertainty will indisputably shape the
growth trajectory for our economy in coming years
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Unconstitutionalists of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Eight former Federal Election
Commissioners recently wrote
in The Wall Street Journal :
Perhaps the most striking thing
about the Disclose Act is that, while
the Supreme Court overturned limits
on spending by both corporations and
unions, Disclose seeks to reimpose them
only on corporations.
The FEC must constantly fight
to overcome the perception that
the law is merely a partisan tool
of dominant political interests.
Failure to maintain an evenhanded approach
towards unions and corporations threatens public
confidence in the integrity of the electoral system.
Citizens United did not make
it legal to buy and sell politicians.
There are sill bribery laws on the books for that.
All Citizens United did was uphold
some of the most important rights in our country :
The right to engage in free speech, particularly
political speech, and the right to freely associate.
The DISCLOSE Act, however,
is designed to do exactly the opposite.
At the committee markup
Rep.Michael Capuano (D-MA) said
that he wished it were possible to ban
all outside groups from participating in
elections and that he hoped the
DISCLOSE Act would do just that.
This is what
the DISCLOSE Act is really about :
Protecting incumbents
favored by big labor and their leftist allies
Last Friday
brought yet another grim jobs report.
The 'economy' created 431,000 jobs in May
according to the report, but 411,000 of them
were temporary government jobs working
on the Census.
All those jobs will disappear
when the Census is complete.
The jobs report is the latest signal that the stimulus
has failed to create jobs and that the economy is
still far from full recovery.
With the economy still in a precarious position,
this is no time to raise taxes on anyone.
Yet that is just what Congress
and President Obama plan to do.
Congress is currently working
on a bill that will raise taxes by $43 billion.
These tax hikes
will slow job creation and economic recovery -
These latest tax hikes
come close on the heels
of the health care law that
raised taxes more than $500 billion.
It seems like Washington can never
get enough of our hard earned money.
The next tax hike on the docket is allowing
the 2001 and 2003 tax relief to expire.
Most expect Congress to keep the tax relief
in place for families making less than $250,000
a year ($200,000 for singles), but families
earning above that mark will likely see their tax
rates go up from 35 percent to 39.6 percent.
But that's not all.
Tax rates on dividends could go up from
15 percent to 39.6 percent and the rate on
capital gains from 15 percent to 20 percent
Commissioners recently wrote
in The Wall Street Journal :
Perhaps the most striking thing
about the Disclose Act is that, while
the Supreme Court overturned limits
on spending by both corporations and
unions, Disclose seeks to reimpose them
only on corporations.
The FEC must constantly fight
to overcome the perception that
the law is merely a partisan tool
of dominant political interests.
Failure to maintain an evenhanded approach
towards unions and corporations threatens public
confidence in the integrity of the electoral system.
Citizens United did not make
it legal to buy and sell politicians.
There are sill bribery laws on the books for that.
All Citizens United did was uphold
some of the most important rights in our country :
The right to engage in free speech, particularly
political speech, and the right to freely associate.
The DISCLOSE Act, however,
is designed to do exactly the opposite.
At the committee markup
Rep.Michael Capuano (D-MA) said
that he wished it were possible to ban
all outside groups from participating in
elections and that he hoped the
DISCLOSE Act would do just that.
This is what
the DISCLOSE Act is really about :
Protecting incumbents
favored by big labor and their leftist allies
Last Friday
brought yet another grim jobs report.
The 'economy' created 431,000 jobs in May
according to the report, but 411,000 of them
were temporary government jobs working
on the Census.
All those jobs will disappear
when the Census is complete.
The jobs report is the latest signal that the stimulus
has failed to create jobs and that the economy is
still far from full recovery.
With the economy still in a precarious position,
this is no time to raise taxes on anyone.
Yet that is just what Congress
and President Obama plan to do.
Congress is currently working
on a bill that will raise taxes by $43 billion.
These tax hikes
will slow job creation and economic recovery -
These latest tax hikes
come close on the heels
of the health care law that
raised taxes more than $500 billion.
It seems like Washington can never
get enough of our hard earned money.
The next tax hike on the docket is allowing
the 2001 and 2003 tax relief to expire.
Most expect Congress to keep the tax relief
in place for families making less than $250,000
a year ($200,000 for singles), but families
earning above that mark will likely see their tax
rates go up from 35 percent to 39.6 percent.
But that's not all.
Tax rates on dividends could go up from
15 percent to 39.6 percent and the rate on
capital gains from 15 percent to 20 percent
The death of democratic socialism of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Will the US economy
end up in a Depression ?
Karl Denninger has a hard-hitting
piece about our economic future
that reaches a similar conclusion.
He believes that our economy
could contract as much as 40%.
While that might be difficult
to accept, his points are well taken.
If I were to object, it would be regarding
the magnitude rather than the direction.
But his number
might eventually be correct.
This economy is about to implode.
There is no question that we are in
for a massive change in our lifestyles.
We are witnessing the
death of democratic socialism.
We are at the point
where the Ponzi concept
of "extend and pretend" has
been extended beyond social
commitments and banking
systems to entire economies.
We are approaching what
Ludwig von Mises described
as "the crack-up boom":
There is no means of avoiding
the final collapse of a boom brought
about by credit [debt] expansion.
The alternative is only whether the crisis
should come sooner as the result of a
voluntary abandonment of further credit
(debt) expansion, or later as a final and total
catastrophe of the currency system involved
The major public employee union,
the Association of Federal, State, County,
and Municipal Employees (ASFSCME), is
now stepping up efforts to swing elections to
politicians who will do their bidding.
Recall, how Barack Obama rebuked
the Supreme Court during his State of
the Union address for its Citizens United
ruling - the ruling that affirmed that corporations
enjoy first amendment rights during campaigns?
All a smoke screen,
a feint to distract attention
that the ruling has prompted unions,
especially public unions, to pour money
into campaigns.
According to an article in the Hill,
AFSCME will spend $50 million dollars
by November on political campaigns.
The teachers union is spending money
to defeat candidates who favor charter schools.
They are spending millions
to defeat Blanche Lincoln in the
Democratic Senatorial primary in Arkansas.
Remember that report
when government workers complain
about being underpaid and overworked?
They have it exactly backwards :
overpaid and underworked is more apt.
As a matter of fact, Barack Obama
is making it easier for government workers
to slack off because his administration is drafting
new rules that cut back the monitoring of how
government workers fill their day.
The AFSCME was also behind efforts
to secretly fund anti-Tea Party efforts via
its pouring money into so-called "astroturf"
groups that disguise the source of the funding,
while appearing to be genuine grassroots efforts .
The AFSCME does not want
taxpayers asserting their rights.
They just want to force them to pay
their ever-increasing taxes because they
are also spending their union dues to
campaign for tax hikes, and for
candidates who will vote for them .
It has been flush times
for public employees - on our dime -
and they want the gravy train to
continue flowing: from our wallets
and savings accounts to theirs
end up in a Depression ?
Karl Denninger has a hard-hitting
piece about our economic future
that reaches a similar conclusion.
He believes that our economy
could contract as much as 40%.
While that might be difficult
to accept, his points are well taken.
If I were to object, it would be regarding
the magnitude rather than the direction.
But his number
might eventually be correct.
This economy is about to implode.
There is no question that we are in
for a massive change in our lifestyles.
We are witnessing the
death of democratic socialism.
We are at the point
where the Ponzi concept
of "extend and pretend" has
been extended beyond social
commitments and banking
systems to entire economies.
We are approaching what
Ludwig von Mises described
as "the crack-up boom":
There is no means of avoiding
the final collapse of a boom brought
about by credit [debt] expansion.
The alternative is only whether the crisis
should come sooner as the result of a
voluntary abandonment of further credit
(debt) expansion, or later as a final and total
catastrophe of the currency system involved
The major public employee union,
the Association of Federal, State, County,
and Municipal Employees (ASFSCME), is
now stepping up efforts to swing elections to
politicians who will do their bidding.
Recall, how Barack Obama rebuked
the Supreme Court during his State of
the Union address for its Citizens United
ruling - the ruling that affirmed that corporations
enjoy first amendment rights during campaigns?
All a smoke screen,
a feint to distract attention
that the ruling has prompted unions,
especially public unions, to pour money
into campaigns.
According to an article in the Hill,
AFSCME will spend $50 million dollars
by November on political campaigns.
The teachers union is spending money
to defeat candidates who favor charter schools.
They are spending millions
to defeat Blanche Lincoln in the
Democratic Senatorial primary in Arkansas.
Remember that report
when government workers complain
about being underpaid and overworked?
They have it exactly backwards :
overpaid and underworked is more apt.
As a matter of fact, Barack Obama
is making it easier for government workers
to slack off because his administration is drafting
new rules that cut back the monitoring of how
government workers fill their day.
The AFSCME was also behind efforts
to secretly fund anti-Tea Party efforts via
its pouring money into so-called "astroturf"
groups that disguise the source of the funding,
while appearing to be genuine grassroots efforts .
The AFSCME does not want
taxpayers asserting their rights.
They just want to force them to pay
their ever-increasing taxes because they
are also spending their union dues to
campaign for tax hikes, and for
candidates who will vote for them .
It has been flush times
for public employees - on our dime -
and they want the gravy train to
continue flowing: from our wallets
and savings accounts to theirs
Saboteurs Against Free Enterprise : The Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The explosion of information online has
transformed the lives of everyone for the better.
But Now comes the latest
Federal Trade Commission "discussion draft paper"
suggesting that these advances must be hobbled,
taxed and maybe even reversed-because they
hurt the newspaper industry.
Dead-tree media's salvation, it seems,
lies in hobbling social media and making
search engines as user-unfriendly as possible.
Oh, and newspapers will need
one more thing : Government subsidies.
That's why we need the tax hikes-
especially on Internet and 3G phone users.
But newspapers
never made money on hard news.
Serious reporting, say from Afghanistan,
has simply never paid its way.
What paid for newspapers
were the automotive sections, real-estate,
home-and-garden, travel, or technology,
where advertisers could target their ads.
The Internet, has been one giant system
for stripping away such cross-subsidies.
Why look to the newspaper real-estate listings
when you can get more up-to-date, searchable
info on Zillow-or better travel deals on Orbitz,
or a broader range of movie showtimes on Yahoo?
Google has been the most
powerful unbundling agent of all.
It lets users find the one article
they are looking for, rather than
making them buy the entire paper
that paid the reporter.
It lets advertisers reach the one customer
who is searching for their product, rather than
making them advertise to an entire class of readers.
The FTC finds this pernicious.
It proposes more than a dozen remedies,
several of them silly, some outright dangerous.
Among the latter : a proposal to extend
the Copyright Act to make facts proprietary.
That's right, a paper would own the facts
it uncovered, not just the way it phrases them.
Why make facts proprietary?
The FTC paper notes that "the copyright act
allows parasitic aggregators to 'free ride' on
others' substantial journalistic investments, by
protecting only expression and not the underlying
facts, which are often gathered at great expense."
The silly proposals include these jewels :
Establish a "journalism" division
of AmeriCorps "to ensure that young
people who love journalism will stay in the field."
Increase funding
for PBS and NPR "to build and maintain
strong newsrooms at the state and local levels."
Establish a National Fund for Local News,
financed by current or new fees on "telecom
users, television and radio broadcast licensees,
or Internet service providers"- all to be
administered through state
Local News Fund Councils.
(Ah, new local bureaucracies with taxing
authority-what could possibly go wrong?)
Give news organizations
a tax credit for every journalist they employ.
This could help pay their salaries.
Do you sense a theme here?
Save "responsible" journalism
by having government subsidize it.
What better way to assure fierce journalistic
independence and watchdog vigilance?
The FTC rather spreads itself
on revenue-raising proposals :
Small Business Administration-insured
loans for new nonprofit journalism organizations.
Higher postal subsidies
for newspapers and periodicals.
A broadcast spectrum tax
(call it the "Tax on Rush") "which should
result in a fund of between $3 and $6 billion."
A tax on consumer electronics
(dubbed "the iPad Tax" by the New York Post)
worth "approximately $4 billion annually."
A Spectrum auction tax, "with the
proceeds going to the public-media fund."
Advertising taxes,
including a 2 percent sales tax on ads
that would generate "$5 to $6 billion annually."
An ISP-cell phone tax,
which at "3 percent on the monthly
fees would generate $6 billion annually."
You get the picture :
Soak a burgeoning and vital business
to keep a dying one on life-support.
The FTC is making several tragic mistakes.
The first is to confuse the delivery
method with the goods delivered.
To use the oft-repeated analogy,
they assume the horse and buggy is
essential to providing transportation.
The FTC says newspapers have not yet
found a new, sustainable business model,
and there is reason for concern that such
a business model may not emerge.
Here, they confuse journalism
with newspapers, and an informed
public with newspaper jobs.
In fact, Americans have never been
better informed or more engaged.
What needs to be saved
is not newspapers but content.
Companies such as Google,
which realize that they depend
on content, are busy coming up
with 21st century ways to create
new models-rather than using the
state's power of taxation to keep
a 17th century industry on life support.
Why does the FTC want to do any of this?
I am not a mind reader,
but the FTC is an "independent"
agency run by people appointed
by the Obama Administration, which
has been antagonistic to an Internet it
cannot control and nostalgic for the good
old days when the news was controlled
by a handful of mostly liberal newsmen
In total the U.S. economy has now lost a net
of 2.2 million jobs since President Barack Obama
signed his stimulus bill, and his administration is now
7.2 million jobs short of what he promised his $862
billion stimulus would help create by 2010.
Former Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL)
pressed prominent Keynesian economist
and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia
University Jeffrey Sachs on whether it was too
early to declare President Obama's stimulus
a failure.
had to ask the question twice,
but Sachs finally relented: "It did fail."
Massive government deficit
spending does not stimulate job creation.
President Obama does not have a secret vault
of money he can just throw at the American people.
The resources the government
spends come from the economy.
When the government increases spending,
it crowds out the resources that business
owners could have invested in their enterprises.
Private investment falls
sharply when government spending rises.
Annual private fixed nonresidential investment
has fallen by $327 billion since the recession
started- a 19 percent drop.
Less private investment means less hiring.
And then there is the rest
of the Obama agenda that has created,
and is creating, significant economic uncertainty :
Obamacare, EPA carbon regulations,
financial regulations and impending tax hikes.
Renouncing these policies,
and canceling the rest of the
stimulus, would do more to spur
private sector job creation than
anything this White House has done so far
The Commie Federal Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
transformed the lives of everyone for the better.
But Now comes the latest
Federal Trade Commission "discussion draft paper"
suggesting that these advances must be hobbled,
taxed and maybe even reversed-because they
hurt the newspaper industry.
Dead-tree media's salvation, it seems,
lies in hobbling social media and making
search engines as user-unfriendly as possible.
Oh, and newspapers will need
one more thing : Government subsidies.
That's why we need the tax hikes-
especially on Internet and 3G phone users.
But newspapers
never made money on hard news.
Serious reporting, say from Afghanistan,
has simply never paid its way.
What paid for newspapers
were the automotive sections, real-estate,
home-and-garden, travel, or technology,
where advertisers could target their ads.
The Internet, has been one giant system
for stripping away such cross-subsidies.
Why look to the newspaper real-estate listings
when you can get more up-to-date, searchable
info on Zillow-or better travel deals on Orbitz,
or a broader range of movie showtimes on Yahoo?
Google has been the most
powerful unbundling agent of all.
It lets users find the one article
they are looking for, rather than
making them buy the entire paper
that paid the reporter.
It lets advertisers reach the one customer
who is searching for their product, rather than
making them advertise to an entire class of readers.
The FTC finds this pernicious.
It proposes more than a dozen remedies,
several of them silly, some outright dangerous.
Among the latter : a proposal to extend
the Copyright Act to make facts proprietary.
That's right, a paper would own the facts
it uncovered, not just the way it phrases them.
Why make facts proprietary?
The FTC paper notes that "the copyright act
allows parasitic aggregators to 'free ride' on
others' substantial journalistic investments, by
protecting only expression and not the underlying
facts, which are often gathered at great expense."
The silly proposals include these jewels :
Establish a "journalism" division
of AmeriCorps "to ensure that young
people who love journalism will stay in the field."
Increase funding
for PBS and NPR "to build and maintain
strong newsrooms at the state and local levels."
Establish a National Fund for Local News,
financed by current or new fees on "telecom
users, television and radio broadcast licensees,
or Internet service providers"- all to be
administered through state
Local News Fund Councils.
(Ah, new local bureaucracies with taxing
authority-what could possibly go wrong?)
Give news organizations
a tax credit for every journalist they employ.
This could help pay their salaries.
Do you sense a theme here?
Save "responsible" journalism
by having government subsidize it.
What better way to assure fierce journalistic
independence and watchdog vigilance?
The FTC rather spreads itself
on revenue-raising proposals :
Small Business Administration-insured
loans for new nonprofit journalism organizations.
Higher postal subsidies
for newspapers and periodicals.
A broadcast spectrum tax
(call it the "Tax on Rush") "which should
result in a fund of between $3 and $6 billion."
A tax on consumer electronics
(dubbed "the iPad Tax" by the New York Post)
worth "approximately $4 billion annually."
A Spectrum auction tax, "with the
proceeds going to the public-media fund."
Advertising taxes,
including a 2 percent sales tax on ads
that would generate "$5 to $6 billion annually."
An ISP-cell phone tax,
which at "3 percent on the monthly
fees would generate $6 billion annually."
You get the picture :
Soak a burgeoning and vital business
to keep a dying one on life-support.
The FTC is making several tragic mistakes.
The first is to confuse the delivery
method with the goods delivered.
To use the oft-repeated analogy,
they assume the horse and buggy is
essential to providing transportation.
The FTC says newspapers have not yet
found a new, sustainable business model,
and there is reason for concern that such
a business model may not emerge.
Here, they confuse journalism
with newspapers, and an informed
public with newspaper jobs.
In fact, Americans have never been
better informed or more engaged.
What needs to be saved
is not newspapers but content.
Companies such as Google,
which realize that they depend
on content, are busy coming up
with 21st century ways to create
new models-rather than using the
state's power of taxation to keep
a 17th century industry on life support.
Why does the FTC want to do any of this?
I am not a mind reader,
but the FTC is an "independent"
agency run by people appointed
by the Obama Administration, which
has been antagonistic to an Internet it
cannot control and nostalgic for the good
old days when the news was controlled
by a handful of mostly liberal newsmen
In total the U.S. economy has now lost a net
of 2.2 million jobs since President Barack Obama
signed his stimulus bill, and his administration is now
7.2 million jobs short of what he promised his $862
billion stimulus would help create by 2010.
Former Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL)
pressed prominent Keynesian economist
and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia
University Jeffrey Sachs on whether it was too
early to declare President Obama's stimulus
a failure.
had to ask the question twice,
but Sachs finally relented: "It did fail."
Massive government deficit
spending does not stimulate job creation.
President Obama does not have a secret vault
of money he can just throw at the American people.
The resources the government
spends come from the economy.
When the government increases spending,
it crowds out the resources that business
owners could have invested in their enterprises.
Private investment falls
sharply when government spending rises.
Annual private fixed nonresidential investment
has fallen by $327 billion since the recession
started- a 19 percent drop.
Less private investment means less hiring.
And then there is the rest
of the Obama agenda that has created,
and is creating, significant economic uncertainty :
Obamacare, EPA carbon regulations,
financial regulations and impending tax hikes.
Renouncing these policies,
and canceling the rest of the
stimulus, would do more to spur
private sector job creation than
anything this White House has done so far
The Commie Federal Cloakroom
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
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