Monday, June 14, 2010

Saboteurs Cloakroom of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

From The Commie House
and Senate Cloakroom : June 14 - 18, 2010

House Cloakroom Analysis

A recent Gallup poll shows the mounting debt tops
American fears and yet Congress continues to pursue
legislation that would deepen the debt crisis.

This week the House will move to consider legislation
intended to increase the availability of credit to small
businesses but with a price tag of $33 billion with no
offsets made to pay for the program it will only grow
the level of our unsustainable debt.

Additionally, one should question the necessity of this
measure when it clearly duplicates efforts made in the
original $700 Billion TARP bill.

Also on the docket for the week is the FY 2010
War Funding Supplemental bill meant to pay for on
going operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The total cost of the bill is $84.3 billion dollars, although
only $33 billion is actually war funding and the rest is a
whole list of other "emergency" priorities including $23
billion to bailout the states.

Lastly, the House may consider the DISCLOSE Act,
the Democrats response to the Supreme Court case
Citizens United.

Major Committee Action :

The House Science and Technology Subcommittee
on Energy and Environment will hold a hearing on
renewable energy development.

Heritage outlines what renewables really cost Americans.

Lastly, Heritage Analyst Anthony Kim will testify in front
of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on
Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection on
"Foreign Manufacturers' Liability and Clean Energy

Senate Cloakroom Analysis :

The Senate will continue its work on the so-called tax
extenders package, which raises taxes, spending and
the deficit.

It is clear the Senate has missed the message
from the American people.

Floor Action :

The Senate will continue work on the American Jobs
and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 (HR4213).

Several District Court judges are likely to be confirmed

How Commie Obamacare
will affect choice in health care coverage :

One provision bars insurance companies from putting
a limit on how much they will pay in medical claims.

This may sound like a consumer-friendly change, but in
practice it threatens to abolish lower-cost coverage options.

"The ban could in effect outlaw the plans or make them
so restrictive that insurance companies would raise rates
to the point they become unaffordable."

Increased prices would likely cause many low-wage
workers with limited-benefit plans-of which there are
1.4 million-to go without coverage until 2014, when
they will be eligible for taxpayer-funded subsidies to
help them buy insurance in a government-run exchange.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Obamacare could well force hundreds of thousands
of currently insured low-income workers to "go bare"
for the next three years, and then use tax money to
start buying them coverage.

In a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius, close to three dozen employer
groups explain that "while it surely was not the intent
of Congress or the administration to increase the number
of uninsured, this provision will likely produce exactly
this result for some of the most vulnerable of our
population, e.g. lower-wage, part-time, seasonal and
temporary workers who can only obtain and afford
limited-benefit medical insurance coverage."

President Obama publicly vowed that insurers would
"no longer be able to place some arbitrary cap on the
amount of coverage you can receive in a given year or
in a lifetime."

He failed to mention
that caps are one way to provide low-cost
insurance to those who might otherwise have none