Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The death of democratic socialism of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Will the US economy
end up in a Depression ?

Karl Denninger has a hard-hitting
piece about our economic future
that reaches a similar conclusion.

He believes that our economy
could contract as much as 40%.

While that might be difficult
to accept, his points are well taken.

If I were to object, it would be regarding
the magnitude rather than the direction.

But his number
might eventually be correct.

This economy is about to implode.

There is no question that we are in
for a massive change in our lifestyles.

We are witnessing the
death of democratic socialism.

We are at the point
where the Ponzi concept
of "extend and pretend" has
been extended beyond social
commitments and banking
systems to entire economies.

We are approaching what
Ludwig von Mises described
as "the crack-up boom":

There is no means of avoiding
the final collapse of a boom brought
about by credit [debt] expansion.

The alternative is only whether the crisis
should come sooner as the result of a
voluntary abandonment of further credit
(debt) expansion, or later as a final and total
catastrophe of the currency system involved

The major public employee union,
the Association of Federal, State, County,
and Municipal Employees (ASFSCME), is
now stepping up efforts to swing elections to
politicians who will do their bidding.

Recall, how Barack Obama rebuked
the Supreme Court during his State of
the Union address for its Citizens United
ruling - the ruling that affirmed that corporations
enjoy first amendment rights during campaigns?

All a smoke screen,
a feint to distract attention
that the ruling has prompted unions,
especially public unions, to pour money
into campaigns.

According to an article in the Hill,
AFSCME will spend $50 million dollars
by November on political campaigns.

The teachers union is spending money
to defeat candidates who favor charter schools.

They are spending millions
to defeat Blanche Lincoln in the
Democratic Senatorial primary in Arkansas.

Remember that report
when government workers complain
about being underpaid and overworked?

They have it exactly backwards :
overpaid and underworked is more apt.

As a matter of fact, Barack Obama
is making it easier for government workers
to slack off because his administration is drafting
new rules that cut back the monitoring of how
government workers fill their day.

The AFSCME was also behind efforts
to secretly fund anti-Tea Party efforts via
its pouring money into so-called "astroturf"
groups that disguise the source of the funding,
while appearing to be genuine grassroots efforts .

The AFSCME does not want
taxpayers asserting their rights.

They just want to force them to pay
their ever-increasing taxes because they
are also spending their union dues to
campaign for tax hikes, and for
candidates who will vote for them .

It has been flush times
for public employees - on our dime -
and they want the gravy train to
continue flowing: from our wallets
and savings accounts to theirs