What should worry the American people most
is the new life Obama's oil crisis has pumped into
the failed Cap & Trade legislation.
Remember Cap & Trade?
The Carbon Fuel tax?
Cap & Trade or, if you prefer,
Cap & Tax, didn't die during the December,
2009 blizzard that greeted the environmental
bureaucrats flying into Copenhagen, Denmark
to attend the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (which was
initially called the UN Framework Convention
on Global Warming)
until climate skeptics hacked hundreds of computer
files and private emails exchanges between the world's
leading global warming "experts," and released the data
to the media in Europe on Nov. 9, 2009, less than a
month before the Copenhagen Conference.
Obama intended, on the last day of the conference,
to back door Cap & Trade into the United States
by signing what was known as the Copenhagen
Preparing for the Conference, the House enacted
their version of Cap & Trade, the Waxman-Markey
Bill (be sure you remember both Henry Waxman
[D-CA] and Edward Markey [D-MA]
on election day.)
That legislation will ultimately bankrupt
every American, and control the settings
on the thermostat in your house, summer
and winter alike.
(That is, if you still have a home
after Cap & Trade destroys the company
you work for and you no longer have a job
Was this the Hegelian plan all along?
To foment a crisis in the Gulf
to condition the masses that the world
must adopt Agenda 21 "sustainable development"
as its model for energy or pay the environmental
Before you dismiss this notion as insanity, there
are many troubling questions that demand answers.
Questions that imply foreknowledge and planning.
Questions of "coincidence."
For example, is it "coincidental"
the numerous incredible financial and business
transactions that took place in the days, weeks,
and months prior to the rig explosion?
We know the ties between
British Petroleum and Goldman Sachs run deep.
Peter Sutherland,
the chairman of Goldman Sachs International
also served as chairman of BP right up until
last year, according to a 2009 bio on the site
of the Trilateral Commission.
It says, "Peter Sutherland
is chairman of BP plc
(1997 - current).
He is also chairman
of Goldman Sachs International
(1995 - current).
He was appointed chairman
of the London School of Economics in 2008.
He is currently UN special representative
for migration and development.
Before these appointments,
he was the founding director-general
of the World Trade Organisation.
He had previously served as director general
of GATT since July 1993 and was instrumental in
concluding the Uruguay GATT Round Negotiations."
"It turns out that Goldman Sachs placed shorts
on TransOcean stock days before the explosions
rocked the rig in the Gulf of Mexico sending stocks
plunging while GS profits soared - benefitting
once again from a huge disaster, having done
the same with airline stocks prior to 911
then again with the housing bubble."
It's important
to note the cozy relationship between
Goldman Sachs and the Obama administration.
According to McClatchy,
while Goldman Sachs was under fire
from the Securities and Exchange Commission,
and their lawyers were in negotiations with the
regulatory agency, Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein
was a repeated visitor to the White House.
He attended events with Obama
and met with Larry Summers, Obama's
top economic advisor.
Obama's 2008 campaign benefited from $994,795
worth of campaign donations from Goldman employees
and their relatives.
The Gulf disaster,
coming on the heels
of the Congressional hearing and SEC
"investigation," served to distract attention
from the ongoing financial fraud and economic
meltdown caused by Goldman and others