Saturday, June 26, 2010

Health Care Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

There are some important differences
between the 1988 Medicare act and the recent
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act :

- Instead of affecting 32 million Americans,
Obamacare affects 300 million.

- Instead of an open-government process,
the health law's legislative process showed
an unforgettable display of congressional
arrogance, vote trading and backroom dealing.

- Instead of broad, bipartisan effort,
Obamacare was forced through on
razor-edge votes, using parliamentary tactics.

- Instead of having wide public support,
Obamacare failed to rouse a majority in
most polls.

In fact, support for its repeal increased
after the health care law was enacted.

Still, ObamaCare has the same fundamental
issues we saw in the Medicare catastrophic
dust-up, which could ensure enough public
demand for its prompt demise.

Massive disruption of the health benefits.

Before its repeal,
the Medicare law forced angry seniors to pay
more for a government-designed benefit that
they did not want or need.

In the case of Obamacare,
millions of Americans will see
their existing employment-based
health insurance coverage disappear.

The only debate is how many millions
will be pushed out of their current plans.

Inaccurate claims of fiscal responsibility.

The ill-fated Medicare law's projected
costs at passage doubled within 12 months.

The new health reform law is following suit.

The Congressional Budget Office recently revised
its 10-year cost estimate from a $143 billion deficit
reduction to an additional $115 billion cost.

The new law also is expected to increase insurance
premiums, taxes for the middle class and overall health
care spending.

An explosion of federal bureaucracy.

When Congress enacted
the Medicare catastrophic law,
HHS bureaucracy was tasked with implementation.

Just the electronic- claims processing system would
have affected more than 60,000 pharmacies nationwide.

ObamaCare will create 160
new federal agencies and programs
that impact every aspect of our health care services

A whopping 62 percent of Americans now
say the United States is on the wrong track, yet
President Barack Obama and liberals in Congress
continue to steer the country in the same downhill
direction toward bigger government.

That runaway train picked up more speed this morning,
as a House-Senate conference committee came to a final
agreement on a Wall Street reform bill that's packed with
$19 billion in new taxes and fees on banks
(which consumers will end up paying), a new
consumer-unfriendly Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau, and a complete failure to reform Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac (among the causes
of America's financial nightmare).

Though the Wall Street reform bill is aimed at solving
the problems that led to America's financial collapse,
it entirely ignores one of the major culprits responsible
for our fiscal mess - Fannie and Freddie.

As the Wall Street Journal reports,
"Government-controlled Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac remain a multibillion dollar
drain on the U.S. Treasury, and largely untouched
by this proposal."

Given the sheer scope of the nearly 2,000 page bill,
the biggest concern might be the unknown, unintended
consequences that lie beneath.

As Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) said
during a conference committee meeting,

"My guess is
there are three unintended
consequences on every page of this bill"

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters