Saturday, June 26, 2010

Today, there are only five remaining nations without a Rothschild-controlled central bank ;

Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.

There had been a sixth-Iraq-
but their central bank's independence
ended with our A.D. 2003 invasion.

The true "father" of our modern, monetary-based
economy theory is not the moral Adam Smith-
it's money-lover Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

If the Bible is true and the "love of money" is
the root of all evil, then by embracing a purely
monetary (but immoral) theory of economics
(based on the Rothschilds' "love of money")
we shouldn't be surprised if the result is
something very unpleasant.

In A.D. 1790,
virtually every nation had its own money supply

This is why gov-co hates gold ;

It can't be inflated.
It can't be used to artificially
stimulate the economy.

It doesn't lose purchasing power
and is therefore conducive to savings,
deflation and an economic slowdown.

With a gold currency,
the velocity of money tends to slow
and government can't control the Quantity
of Money (they can't spin gold out of thin air)
to artificially stimulate the economy.

Without a fiat currency that can be inflated at will,
gov-co can't even pretend to control the economy.

Faced with price deflation, government's
powers are limited (as in 2008-2009) to
"inflating" the fiat, paper currency supply.

But if hyper-inflation (emotion-driven inflation)
or hyper-deflation (emotion-driven deflation)
kicks in, the people essentially stampede,
they panic, and government is helpless except
to impose martial law or to provide a new
currency that has intrinsic value (gold or silver coins)
or start another world war to recapture and control
public emotion.

The velocity of money measures the subjective,
emotional component of our economy that can't be
controlled by government officials.

I suspect
that gov-co hates the velocity of money concept
because, if that concept is valid, the government's
pretense to control the economy is fraudulent.

If the federal government
doesn't really control the
economy, why do we need it?