The so-called Cap & Trade legislation embraced
by progressives in the White House, both houses
of the U.S. Congress and left-wing environmentalists
continues to be a priority of neo-Marxists and
power-hungry politicians, according to opponents
of the Obama White House.
And these globalists are suspected of planning a
complete takeover of the oil industry in the U.S.
and perhaps globally, claim critics.
The recent revelations of "junk" science -- even
out-and-out fraud -- have failed to silence the
steady drone of the "sky-is-falling" crowd.
In other words, the progressives wish to change
American society based on the recommendations
of mendacious and corrupt scientists and advocates.
However, with Cap & Trade and other energy
legislation unlikely -- at least for now -- of passing
in both houses of the U.S. Congress, the Obama
Administration and its supporters are seeking the
means to once again bypass the legislative branch.
Failing to sign an energy bill, President Barack
Obama will give us Cap and Trade by fiat.
EPA officials have declared carbon dioxide and
other gases to be a threat to the environment and
to the health of Americans.
They are currently formulating regulations to restrict
emissions from automobiles and trucks, power plants
and other sources.
As with the negative aspects of proposed energy
legislation, such regulatory action will impose
additional costs for doing business in America
Polls across America reveal
that Americans want to preserve
their language and culture.
The message is loud and clear but politicians,
elected by you to serve you, and paid with your
taxes, continue ignoring American citizens
at every opportunity.
It is obvious that the "fix" is in.
Our Lords and Ladies in Washington, DC,
have other plans . . . like corporate welfare,
multiculturalism, misuse of social security, courting
votes from growing numbers of illegal aliens and
basically anything else that will compromise and
undermine America's English language, culture
and heritage.
Today, we have a mass of politicians working
to destroy this country, piece by piece, minute
by minute, law by law.
They serve illegal aliens
more than they serve American citizens.
They defend other countries
more than their own.
They spend billions of our tax dollars to preserve
borders 10,000 miles away while watching our
own borders being invaded with a 'benign neglect'
that would make MacArthur and Eisenhower
turn over in their graves.
American politicians have opened the flood gates
to clashing cultures, clashing religions, multiple
languages, dual citizenship, and the loss of English
as our national language.
It is their recipe for dismantling
our republican form of government.
Before a one-world government can be successful,
the United States must be Balkanized out of existence