United States Senators went on record
last week and the result was unfortunate.
53 Senators voted against a resolution offered
by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) that would
have disapproved of the Environmental Protection
Agency's backdoor global warming regulations.
Today's outcome was a victory for anti-growth
environmentalists, but a devastating loss for the
American people.
The EPA's regulations will marginalize any potential
economic recovery by making investment and job
creation more expensive.
Why? Because the costs of regulation are staggering.
The EPA estimates the average permit will
cost applicants $125,000 and 866 hours of labor.
Some businesses will simply close.
The lucky ones will move overseas,
cancel expansion plans and just lower wages.
All of those are bad options considering
the American economy has lost nearly
8 million jobs over the past 30 months.
Despite the outcome of today's vote, many liberals
recognize the EPA cannot be left to its own devices,
which means there will be other, more subtle efforts
to limit the EPA's regulatory dragnet.
Chief among them is a proposal offered by
Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV). His proposal
would simply delay the implementation of the
EPA's regulation.
Delaying these destructive regulations is not inherently
bad, but it does not address the fact that bad regulations
are indeed coming.
It creates regulatory uncertainty, is bad
for the economy and bad for the American people
The global fiscal stimulus championed last year
by the Obama administration is coming undone,
repudiated by the same Group of 20 that
endorsed it last year.
Now, against a backdrop of a widening sovereign
debt crisis, we need to abandon short-term thinking
in favour of the long-term investments needed for
sustained recovery.
Indeed, the current period of uncertain and fragile
economic rebound poses a critical opportunity to
ponder the principles that can revitalize economic
More than ever, the urgency to adhere to sensible
principles is high as a wave of interventionism has
seen government take more control of our private
economic activity, wearing away economic freedom
hard won through years of determined work.
Government's rush to fix the perceived causes of
the economic crisis has demonstrated the dangers
of interventionist policies by big government.
Rather than fixing economic
problems, they can actually exacerbate them.
Unfortunately, our government seems to be
exhibiting a "fire, ready, aim" mindset with
regards to government action in the economy.
Fixing something without fully understanding why
it's broken can be very dangerous and further erode
our economic freedom.
"[President Obama] and his advisers ignored one
of the key insights of modern macroeconomics :
That the result of fiscal policy depends not only on
current taxes and spending but also on their expected
trajectories in the future."
Policy choices made at this critical juncture of the
economic uncertainty will indisputably shape the
growth trajectory for our economy in coming years