Sunday, September 26, 2010

Vote Fraud Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Findings focused
on a Texas group called
Houston Votes, a 'voter' registration
group headed by Steve Caddle, who
also works for the Service Employees
International Union.

Among the findings
were that only 1,793
of the 25,000 registrations
the group submitted appeared
to be valid.

The other registrations
included one of a woman
who registered six times in
the same day; registrations of
non-citizens; so many applications
from one Houston Voters collector
in one day that it was deemed to be
beyond human capability; and 1,597
registrations that named the same person
multiple times, often with different signatures.

But with George Soros
and the shadowy Democracy
Alliance working to elect friendly
to fraud Secretary of States across
the nation, how likely are we to have
truly honest elections?

One of the ways
we can end the current
"jobless recovery' is to repatriate
as many former U.S. manufacturing
jobs as possible, as quickly as possible.

The United States
still produces sought-after
airplanes, weapons, earthmoving
equipment, and farm machinery, for

But in the main,
most of our workers
now toil in the service
sector, and that is the rub:

This country cannot remain
great if most of its workers push
paper or conceive, design, and assemble
what others produce for it overseas.

Without domestic manufacturing,
the private sector keeps offering our
workers fewer and fewer jobs at ever
lower salaries.

The result will be that
more and more of them
will end up either on the public's
dole or in the public's prisons.

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Mark-to-market Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The change
to mark-to-market
accounting in November,
2007, constituted "one of the
greatest crimes against the American
people" by collapsing private sector
access to credit and transferring control
of capital, production and productivity
from the private sector to the federal
government and Federal Reserve.

This is why,
in the accelerating
crisis, which some say
will be a double-dip recession
or even a depression, Obama
seems to be leaving it to Ben
Bernanke and his promise that
the Fed will do "all it can" to try
to ensure an economic recovery.

who believes
that the U.S. is
undergoing "regime
change" away from free
enterprise capitalism to the
establishment of a socialist
government, says that while
the Republicans understand that
Obamanomics has failed, they must
quit acting like "Democrat light" in the
current crisis and recognize that the Federal
Reserve has become part of the problem

is lying to Americans
using fake science.

It refused
to "reconsider
its greenhouse gas
endangerment finding."

It avoided citing
any of the scientists
in its employ, instead
it quoted the chief scientist
of the Environmental Defense
Fund, an organization that is entirely
devoted to the global warming fraud.

That so-called scientist,
Dr. Steven Hamburg, said
"The science behind EPA's
finding is strong. Now America
needs to forge clean energy solutions
that reduce the vast pollution discharged
into our air."

That is a lie.

more CO2
in the atmosphere
would be extremely
beneficial, aiding larger
crop yields to feed Americans
and others worldwide.

It would improve
the health and vitality
of the planet's forests.

Ads on television
touting "carbon sequestration"
are part of the lie.

To sum up,
and any control of CO2
is in its simplest terms, a vehicle
to destroy the nation's economy.

You won't read that
in the BusinessWeek article,
but it is a truth that cannot be
denied and it is a battle for the
future of the nation that must be
won against this administration,
against the EPA, and against the
environmental organizations that have
devoted themselves to this purpose

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Fascist Eco Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

On September 3,
the BlueGreen Alliance
completed a 17-state, 30-city
bus tour, urging Senate action on
comprehensive climate legislation.

The BlueGreen Alliance
was formed in 2006 by the
Sierra Club and the United
Steelworkers as a national
partnership to work for
"expanding the number and
quality of jobs in the clean
energy economy."

Eight U.S. trade unions,
comprising 8.5 million workers,
have joined the Alliance and bought
into the myth that Cap and Trade
legislation will create a green jobs

Steel is an energy-intensive
industry that would be harmed
by legislation to restrict carbon

It's a mystery
why any steel worker
would support Cap and Trade.

According to analysis
from the Institute of Energy
Research and the U.K. House
of Lords, wind turbines and solar
fields are less reliable and two to
four times as expensive as traditional
hydrocarbon fuels for producing

An even greater deficiency
is that wind and solar energy
are intermittently generated.

In 2009, the 33,000 U.S.
wind turbine towers on average
delivered only 23% of their rated

Would you buy a car that
starts only one-quarter
of the time?

Yet government subsidies
and mandates are forcing
substitution of these green

These policies are reducing
the productivity of our energy
industry, thereby hindering U.S.
economic growth and resulting
in net job losses.

Expensive energy creates jobs
only in the energy sector while
resulting in greater job losses
in the rest of the economy

Senator Harry Reid
launched a sneak attack
by adding the "DREAM Act"
to the Defense Authorization Bill.

Although the Defense Bill
was temporarily sidelined,
most expect it to be revived
at a later date.

The Act will allow students
who have lived in America for
five years to obtain a green card
after they attend college or serve
in the military.

This is nothing more than
an amnesty program that gives
citizenship to these illegal immigrants

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Keynesian Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

To link tax cuts with
government spending
reveals how many liberals
believe all of the nation's wealth
belongs to the government, to be
released to the private sector in the
quantity and manner government
deems fit.

John Maynard Keynes
(1883-1946), a British
economist, sought to explain
the Great Depression by expounding
an economic theory based on the circular
flow of money.

The Keynesian theory
asserts that aggregate demand
created by individuals, households,
businesses, and government provides
the most important driving force in an
economy -- not the supply-demand
dynamic of free markets which, Keynes
asserted, lacks any self-balancing mechanism

Beneath the language
of "fairness" and "empowerment,"
the Fair Trade movement is not
one that has faith in the free market,
and it believes that free trade
is exploitative.

It seeks to fix the market,
but it ultimately does the opposite.

The Fair Trade movement
has misdiagnosed the problem -- in part
due to its anti-capitalist foundations --
seeking instead to place the blame on
the free market.

As a result, it tries to make
the market "compassionate,"
and by doing so, it makes
supply/demand difficulties
even worse

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Friday, September 24, 2010

'Justice' & Progressive Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The socialization
of America came out
of the closet back in the
mid-1940s when President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed
his Raw Deal making social engineering
a primary function of the federal government.

Since then,
America has
been on a steady
decline, leaving behind
the concepts of individual
free will in favor of nouveau-
collectivism - labeled progressive
by the international left.

Today, as the Communist Party
and Socialist Party learn to work
inside our two party system via their
collaborative effort, the Democratic
Socialists of America and its legislative
councils, the Progressive and Black
caucuses, the Global Socialization
of America is out in the open
and a foregone conclusion

The systems
of "justice" at play in America today -

One supports individual freedom
and equality of rights (rule of law,
equal justice).

The other system
of justice supports
democracy (rule by the
majority, social justice).

When a Republic
that is granted limited
power is replaced by a
democracy with virtually
unlimited power, the political
recognition of unalienable rights is lost
and mob rule replaces individual rights

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

'Judicial' & Shariah Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The Senate Judiciary Committee
is scheduled to vote on five of 'President'
Obama's leftwing fringe judicial nominees --
candidates that have once been returned
to the President as unacceptable.

As part of that fundamental change
to America that Obama's hoping for,
he's re-nominated all five.

These controversial judges
would have lifetime appointments
to work their hope and change magic
that would alter the notion that judges
should be impartial and decide cases
based on the law and the facts.

Among these so called
'judicial nominees' include,

- A Berkeley professor
with no experience as a
judge or practicing attorney,
he believes that government
healthcare and welfare are
constitutional rights, and that
foreign law should be used in
American courts.

- A judicial activist
that Wisconsin voters
twice rejected for his candidacy
of a seat on the state's supreme
court, yet President Obama insists
on ignoring their expressed will and
imposing him on the people of
Wisconsin by nominating and now
re-nominating him to the federal
district court.

- And A personal injury attorney
who has demonstrated hostility
against business and a pattern
of making large campaign donations
to State Attorneys General who grant
him lucrative contingency-fee contracts
& raises troubling ethical questions

The scope and breadth
of an infiltration of America's
government and by the Muslim
Brotherhood-a worldwide jihadist
entity using violent and non-violent means
to force the supremacy of Islamic
shariah law.

Shariah is the Muslim
legal-political-military doctrine.

"There is a vast swath
of the Islamic world that
takes it as a divine mission
to impose shariah whether that's
done by terrorism or whether it's
done by more sophisticated means,"

"Shariah is antithetical
in very core ways to American
values, stating with the fundamental
premise of the United States, which is
that the governed have a right to make
laws for themselves and make choices
for themselves irrespective of any religious

So that's the dividing line

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Fascist Unionist Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The role of the SEIU,
one of the biggest donors
to Democrats across the nation
and whose former leader boasted
of the amount of union dues that went
to elect Democrats and Barack Obama
(and also noted he expected payback) is
a blight across America.

Andy Stern,
who headed the
SEIU for years, was
the most frequent visitor
to the White House in 2009
and now serves on the commission
supposedly created to examine the deficit.

Home health
aides are a big market for them.

The union is trying to get
state legislators to force their
unionization, & As Obamacare
is implemented, more taxpayer dollars
will flow to such home health care aides.

Nice deal -
except for the patients
and the taxpayers - but
who cares about them?

There are two trade wars
going on at the moment.

One is between
the mercantilist countries and
the United States; the other
is between the Democrats
and the Republicans.

In both wars,
one side is punching
while the other side just
stands there taking punches.

In the trade war between
the mercantilist countries and
the U.S., China and the other
mercantilists intervene in our
markets by manipulating the
price of the dollar, as compared
to their currencies, so that our goods
are overpriced and their goods are
underpriced in world markets.

In the meantime
they keep our products
out of their markets through
various tariff and non-tariff barriers.

There are three positions
on trade when a country is
being punched-out by mercantilists

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

The Gay Old Party & Other Fascist Homosexual Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Gosh, I thought
the Republican Party
was for Bible Readers,
Conservatives, the Constitution,
Family Values, Free Enterprise
& Other Such Masculine Things -
But what was I Thinking ?

The scandal seems to be about
how many secret homosexuals
and homosexual sympathizers have
assumed positions of prominence in
the Republican Party.

In this regard,
it is noteworthy that
the heads of Republican
congressional campaign committees,
Senator John Cornyn and Rep. Pete
Sessions, are scheduled to attend a
national fundraising dinner of the
homosexual Log Cabin Republicans.

The Log Cabin group,
which filed suit against the
Pentagon's homosexual exclusion
policy and advocates its repeal, has
issued a statement hailing the participation
of Cornyn and Sessions in their event.

They are also giving an award
to Grover Norquist, president of
Americans for Tax Reform.

Nicolle Wallace's emergence
on behalf of the gay rights cause
is significant in view of her Republican

Her bio says that,
in addition to being a
senior adviser to the McCain-
Palin campaign from May to
November 2008,

"She served President
George W. Bush as an
assistant to the president
and director of communications
for the White House, as well as
communications director for
President Bush's 2004 campaign"

The mainstream media,
meanwhile, can be expected
not to highlight the fact that the
Democratic Party and its constituency
groups, have made common cause with
communist groups dedicated to the
destruction of the American system,
& in the face of global Islamic terror.

Michael McPhearson
controversial in his own right,
confirmed his participation in the
2008 national convention of the Black
Radical Congress, a gathering that included
representatives of the Communist Party, the
Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and
the National Coalition of Blacks for
Reparations in America.

The theme of the event
was "Forging a Black Liberation
Agenda for the 21st Century."

In addition to USAction,
the official "partners" of an
upcoming the October 2 rally
include the AFL-CIO, Service
Employees International Union (SEIU),
National Council of La Raza, the Campus
Progress affiliate of the Center for American
Progress, Green for All (the Van Jones group),
the American Federation of Teachers,
Pax Christi, Rainbow Push, Color of Change,
United for Peace and Justice, National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force, AFSCME, &
Queers for Economic Justice

The Satanic Fascist World Order

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What Will They Not Try To Do To You ?

What have they done to you already &
What will they try to do to you next ?

Learn All About Them,
They Want To Know Every Thing
About You ;

After All, They Are
The Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes :

In a classic case of misdirection,
while the media are preoccupied
with the fate of the Bush tax cuts,
President Obama is preparing to
attend a United Nations summit
this week to endorse "innovative
finance mechanisms"-global
taxes- to drain even more wealth
out of the U.S. economy.

A draft "outcome document"
produced in advance of the September
20-22 U.N. Summit on the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) commits the
nations of the world to supporting "innovative
financing mechanisms" to supplement foreign
aid spending.

The term
"innovative financing mechanisms"
is a U.N. euphemism for global taxes.

But the document actually goes further,
praising the "Task Force on International
Financial Transactions for Development" for
its work on the subject of mobilizing additional
"resources" for countries to achieve the MDGs.

This is a body
tasked with proposing
and implementing global tax schemes

Over 60% of union employees
now hold government (taxpayer funded)
jobs in America.

That's because unions killed off
private sector manufacturing in America
and government jobs are the only kind of
jobs they can get.

This is exactly what bankrupted Greece
and the European Union countries and has
now cause Cuba, the last standing Soviet
style communist nation on earth, to lay-off
ONE MILLION state (public sector) workers
in an effort to force them back into PRIVATE
SECTOR employment.

Face it folks, communism
doesn't work and eventually,
neither does socialism.

At the end of the day,
every fight in this country
comes down to one issue -

The current cabal in Washington DC
is opposed to individual free will.

Communists, socialists and SEIU
type Democrats also oppose individual
free will.

But 80% of the nation loves free will
and opposes labor unions and public
sector job creation.

While the politically right majority
remains proud of its many divisions,
the left minority marches forward in
lockstep and on October 2nd,
they will march on DC

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Expose, Oppose Protest & Resist :

The Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The Effort to expose
the activities of the International
Council on Local Environmental
Initiatives (ICLEI) is a powerful
new tool to educate local citizens
as to how the United Nations schemes
to entrench global governance through
our city councils.

More and more communities
are beginning to follow our advice
and fight ICLEI.

It is beginning to have an effect.

The Tenth Amendment Movement
is the single most exciting development
in the Third American Revolution.

State legislatures across the nation
are taking aim at federal dictates.

These can't be dismissed
as kooky fringe radicals.

These are representatives
of the people.

It gives power back to the states

The Chinese/Soviet
communist system of education,
including the Pavlovian method, is
being implemented right now in the USA,
as recommended by William Foster, former
chairman of the Communist Party, USA, in his
1930 book "Toward a Soviet America."

He was buried
with honors in the Kremlin.

The conditioning method
is necessary for work force training,
as well as political brainwashing.

Communist governments
are atheist so they consider
their citizens as nothing but animals,
with no soul, conscience, or free will.

The agreements
between the United States
and the USSR and China are
simply the full realization of the
merger of the United States and
the Soviet Union as clearly spelled
out by Rowan Gaither, President of
the Ford Foundation, in his conversation
with Norman Dodd, Research Director
for the Congressional Investigation of the
Tax-Exempt Foundations in 1953, when
Mr. Dodd visited his office
in New York City.

Gaither said to Mr. Dodd:
"All of us here at the policy making
level of the foundation have at one time
or another served in the OSS (Office of
Strategic Services, CIA forerunner) or the
European Economic Administration,
operating under directives
from the White House

Comprehensive Satanic Global Fascism :

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Fair Trade - Free Trade -
Global Trade - World Trade ?

You will be sorry
that you ever endorsed them .

It is a well-known
and documented fact
that Wall Street funded
the Bolshevik Revolution
and the corporate communists
and our government have been
supporting the communist regime
in Russia since 1917.

Extensive exchange
agreements covering
political, municipal, cultural,
economic, legal, law enforcement,
education, science, sports, medicine,
etc. have been signed since 1958 between
the USSR and the USA, including of special
importance the 1985 education agreements
signed by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev
which merged our two education systems and
caused to be implemented the Soviet polytechnical
work force/job quota system and the Pavlovian
outcomes-based method of conditioning/training.

Regionalism is communism
no matter how you slice it.

The sooner Americans get
that unpleasant fact permanently
entered into their brains, and process
that information into appropriate action,
the sooner we will be able to escape what
Orwell described so well in his novel 1984

Why does Trilateral Commission
member Al Gore dedicate his life to
spreading the false gospel
of global warming?

Why did the global elite hijack
the environmental movement in the
60's and 70's in order to preach to
us about the need for Sustainable
Development and Agenda 21?

Why did they create
Agenda 21 in the first place?

Columbia University,
helped to sponsor the Technocracy's
"Continental Energy Audit" that mapped
out an integration strategy, based on energy
distribution and consumption, of Canada, the
U.S. and Mexico.

(Was this the genesis of modern calls
for a North American Community as
espoused by Dr. Robert Pastor?)

Studying global currencies -

The Harvard International Review
published "A New Currency"
in 2004 that stated :

"For those keen to slow global warming,
the most effective actions are in the creation
of strong national carbon currencies."

HIR concluded that
"after seven years of spinning
wheels and wrong analogies, the
international regime to control carbon
is headed, albeit tentatively, down a
productive path."

In 2006, UK Environment Secretary
David Miliband spoke to the Audit
Commission Annual Lecture and
flatly stated, "Imagine a country
where carbon becomes
a new currency."

In short, a Carbon Currency
is designed to manipulate energy
distribution and limit its consumption
in the industrialized world.

But merely calling for
a Carbon Currency means nothing by itself.

There would have to be some method
of measuring, monitoring and controlling
consumption on a global basis.

"Smart Grid :
The Implementation of Tecnocracy"

"President" Obama
has seen fit to spend about
1/3 of stimulus money on building
the so-called "green" economy.

In particular, money is flowing freely
to establish a new "smart" energy grid
that will replace every utility meter in the
U.S. with digitized units, thus providing
2-way communication between your house
and the energy grid masters.

And yes, Smart Grid is the exclusive
creation of the U.S. government.

Funds are not being used
to actually upgrade the infrastructure
(e.g., new high-voltage transmission
systems) but only to implement
monitoring and controlling
of consumers.

Once in place,
Smart Grid will enable
the U.S. Department of Energy
to set and enforce national policies
for both distribution and consumption.
even down to the level of directly
controlling the power hungry devices
in your home, like thermostats, washers,
dryers, refrigerators, etc.

Smart Grid
is simultaneously
being implemented in
a host of other countries
around the world, from Japan
to South Africa to Russia, etc.,
all paid for by their own economic
stimulus packages.

The creation
of international standards
will allow inter-communication
between Smart Grid systems in
different countries.

When they say
"government initiative"
They mean just that.

Using stimulus funds
in order to create jobs
for the "green economy"
may be the ultimate ruse to
finally spike the existing economic
system and usher in the "New
International Economic Order"
that the Trilateral Commission
envisioned in 1973.

The Official State Office Known as "Person" & Related Enslaveries

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The word "person" in legal terminology
is perceived as a general word which
normally includes in its scope a variety
of entities other than human beings.

So how does someone
become a "person" and subject
to regulation by state statutes and laws ?

There is only one way.
You must ask the state for
permission to volunteer to become
a state person.

You must volunteer
because the U.S. Constitution
forbids the state from compelling
you into slavery.

This is found
in the 13th and 14th Amendments

Did you know
that the county Court of record
is your (the people's) Court?

Did you know the county Court
has been closed and the people are
denied remedy by law in a Court of
competent jurisdiction?

Did you know that the elected
county Judge has the sworn duty
to convene that county Court?

Did you know that the county
Commissioners has the sworn duty
to set the time and term
of that county Court?

Did you know that the county Clerk
has the sworn duty to call the Jurors
by notice and publish the docket
of that county Court?

Did you know the agents
of the Bar association have
conspired with the elected officials
in the counties and have closed the
Article III one supreme court of the
We the People in the counties in violation
of the laws and the Constitution for the State?

Did you know
the agents of the Bar association
have the only Courts open in the State
in violation of both the Constitutions for
the State and the 1787-1791 Constitution
for the United States in America?

Did you know the State District
Court's Grand Jury only have authority
for indictments below the grade of felony?

Did you know
the State District Court's
Grand Jury must certify all
grand Jury indictments returned
in the District Courts (both civil and
criminal) to the Article III county Court
of Record (which has been closed)?

Recognize at the outset
that you are dealing with a
bunch of criminals who have
abandoned their responsibilities
as agents of the people by vacating
the government and becoming a
corporation to advance the
commercial interests
of the world.

They attempt
to make a corporation
out of you, too, by writing
your Christian appellation in
all-capital letters, which is a clear
prejudice against you, according to;

Texas Rules of Civil Procedure
(TCRP) Rule 52, Alleging a Corporation :

that a corporation
is incorporated shall be
taken as Truth unless denied
by affidavit of the adverse party,
his agent or his attorney, whether
such corporation is public or private
and however created."

Take note
of the words "however created"
because when those attorneys write
your name in all-capital letters on a
summons or warrant or notice, you
have now been constituted
as a corporation.

Your name
was similarly
corrupted when
a constructive trust
was established as you
volunteered into Social Security,
making you part of the national
socialist democracy and assigning
you an employee I.D. number (SSAN).

We The People
for Independent Texas

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The United Nations Internet Governance Forum

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

For those who are not familiar
with ICANN, the organization is
a nonprofit corporation charged with
regulating and managing the Domain Name
System under which Internet Protocol addresses
and registration of top-level domains (such as
.org and .com) are assigned.

"Governance" of the medium
has been historically minimal and
led by non-governmental entities and
overseen by the U.S. government, which
has exercised a light regulatory touch.

This freedom
allowed the Internet
to grow and develop at
a truly remarkable pace.

However, the United Nations
has sought for some time to acquire
authority over ICANN and the Internet,
at the behest of a number of countries who
wish to tax or regulate it.

Last year, the Obama administration
decided to withdraw U.S. oversight and
protection of ICANN on the justification
that ICANN and the Internet had become too
important internationally to be overseen by any
one nation and reached agreement to affirm
ICANN as "independent" and "not controlled
by any one entity."

that decision opened
the door to U.N. interference
on the basis that all nations have
a stake in the medium.

The Internet Governance Forum
was created to "support the United
Nations Secretary-General in carrying
out the mandate from the World Summit
on the Information Society (WSIS)" to pursue
12 goals which include strengthening and enhancing
"the engagement of stakeholders in existing and/or
future Internet governance mechanisms

The recent global financial panic
and recession had many authors.

Millions of individuals
and businesses made bad
decisions about investing and debt.

Scores of big shots like Dick Fuld,
former CEO of now defunct Lehman
Brothers, gambled big and lost bigger.

And then there were those
few who were in a class by themselves.

Those whose actions
cannot be said to have
directly caused the meltdown
but contributed to it far above all others.

Chief among those few
are former Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan, who
presided over an overly lax monetary
policy and somnambulant financial regulatory
oversight to sow many of the seeds of the
recent disaster.

This is the same Alan Greenspan
who now says we need to raise taxes.

At least in bad judgment he's consistent.
No, he isn't.

As he said before a gathering
at the Council of Foreign Relations,
"I am in favor for the first time in my
life of raising taxes."

To paraphrase a now-famous line
from Senator John Kerry (D-MA),
he was against the tax hikes before he
was for them

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Expose Oppose
Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Environmental, Islamic & United Nations Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Obama has been a major U.N. supporter
since he was in the Senate and sponsored a
bill, the Global Poverty Act (S 2433), to force
U.S. compliance with the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) .

Joseph Biden,
then chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, tried to get it passed into law but
ultimately failed.

As "President,"
Obama is in a position
to actively promote global
taxation measures and clearly
has done so.

The "outcome document"
his administration has already
endorsed will be formally approved
at next week's summit.

The document affirms
the so-called "Monterrey
Consensus" that committed
nations to spending 0.7 percent
of Gross National Product (GNP)
on official development assistance
(ODA), otherwise known as foreign aid.

It says that "The fulfillment
of all ODA commitments is crucial,
including the commitments by many developed
countries to achieve the target of 0.7 percent of
gross national product (GNP) for ODA to
developing countries by 2015."

Over a 13-year period,
from 2002, when the U.N.'s
Financing for Development conference
was held, to the target year of 2015, when
the U.S. is expected to meet the Millennium
Development Goals, this amounts to $845
billion from the U.S. alone, according to Jeffrey
Sachs of the U.N.'s Millennium Project.

"We have fully embraced
the Millennium Development
Goals," Obama told the U.N. in 2009

Ibrahim Abdul-Matin
worked for the organization
"Green for All," and thus also
has connections to Van Jones,
not to mention Al Gore.

"Green for All"
is a national organization
that promotes the so-called
up and coming clean and green
economy, which is allegedly designed
to help people come out of poverty through
assistance from other like-minded groups,
business leaders, and government subsidies.

Here is seen the combination
of environmental social justice with
the redistribution of wealth where
"Green for All" means that environmental
greenbacks and green jobs will be available
for all, i.e., the poor.

Here, environmentalism
is being harnessed to provide
yet another excuse to redistribute wealth.

Perhaps worst of all
is that it was Van Jones
who infamously once said
that "the white polluters and
the white environmentalists are
essentially steering poison into the
people-of-color communities, because
they don't have a racial justice frame."

Here, Van Jones,
a self-proclaimed communist
and a fairly recent convert to the
environmental cause, mixes his black
nationalism/communism with ecological
views that, shockingly enough, can be traced
directly back to the socialistic labyrinth of Nazi
Germany where race and nature, blood and soil,
ethnicity and environmentalism were the rage
of the 1930's and 40's

Illegal Alien Trespasser Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

In his highly publicized quest
to legalize illegal immigrants, Harlot
Harry Reid introduced a measure (Stronger
Economy, Stronger Borders Act of 2009) last
year that would have opened the southern border
and granted residency to millions living in the
country illegally.

That brilliant plan's selling point
was that the economy is far more
secure when those who live in the
shadows of society are recognized.

This week Reid proudly announced
that he's Attaching a contentious measure
(Development, Relief and Education for
Alien Minors or DREAM Act) that has
floated around Congress for years to a
totally unrelated defense bill.

The legislation,
which Reid says is
long overdue, will allow
illegal aliens who attend college
to become legal U.S residents and
eventually citizens.

It will also grant them
heavily discounted tuition
at public institutions of higher
education throughout the nation.

Attaching the DREAM Act
to the defense authorization bill
is a "great strategy," according to
the president of one of the nation's
most influential "Hispanic rights" groups,
the League of United Latin American
Citizens (LULAC).

Formed in the in the 1920s
to combat discrimination in the
U.S. against Mexicans, LULAC
also applauds President Obama's ardent
support of the DREAM Act, calling it the
first of many positive steps to legalize the
nation's "12" million undocumented aliens

A lengthy investigation determined
that the violent threat created by Al Qaeda
and other terrorist organizations is outmatched
by the hazards from jihadists looking to change
American society from within.

"This form of warfare includes
multi-layered cultural subversion,
the co-opting of senior leaders, influence
operations and propaganda and other means
of insinuating Shariah into Western societies,"
the report says.

As an example
of a powerful organization
trying to achieve that goal it
cites the Muslim Brotherhood,
an Islamist group that advocates
terrorism against Israel and the west
and is known as the parent organization
of Hamas and Al Qaeda.

Just last month,
in its fervent crusade
to befriend Muslims, the
White House hosted special
workshops to provide radical
Islamic groups associated with the
Muslim Brotherhood direct access to
U.S. government funding, assistance
and resources.

Earlier in the year
Homeland "Security"
Secretary Janet Napolitano
covertly met with a group of
extremist Arab, Muslim and Sikh
organizations to discuss national
security matters.

Before that
Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton issued
a special order allowing
the reentry of two radical
Islamic academics whose terrorist
ties have for years banned them from
the U.S.

The government should cease
these sorts of outreach efforts to
groups and individuals that want to
destroy America from within, the
security experts warn in their report.

They also ask
the Obama Administration
to reconsider its stance that
Islam is not linked to terrorism

Homosexual Politics, Illegal Alien Trespassers & Islamicism are all part

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

While in Congress
I supported legislation
aimed at ending the practice
of giving automatic citizenship
to children born to parents who
are illegal aliens.

Those bills never got a hearing
or came to a vote, but suddenly
there is widespread interest in the topic.

What has changed?

The topic is in the news
in part because of a report
from the Pew Hispanic Center
showing that 340,000 anchor babies
were born in 2009 and constitute 8
percent of all live births nationally.

We have over 4,000,000
anchor babies under the age of 18.

Such reports put numbers
on a problem that has been
festering for decades.

Birthright citizenship
is not allowed in Mexico,
or in South Africa, France,
Germany, Japan or China.

In fact, it is allowed
almost nowhere except the United States.

Yet, Americans are told
that ending this practice would be "racist."

So, why the sudden interest
in the issue by liberals?

Open-borders advocates
like South Carolina Sen. Lindsey
Graham see the proposal to end birthright
citizenship for children of illegal aliens as a
bargaining chip to get Republican support
for amnesty legislation.

That's a bad bargain Americans should reject

In a speech at American University
in Washington, D.C., President Obama
announced plans to enroll 15 million new
Democrat voters by the year 2016 by way
of an amnesty for illegal aliens.

Then he denounced Republicans
for blocking a "bipartisan approach"
to that legislation.

Didn't happen, you say? Yes, it did.

The proposed transaction
was given a code name and
reported by the mainstream news
media as "comprehensive immigration

Obama's problem is
that over 75 percent
of Americans want to
see genuine border security
as a precondition for even
discussing amnesty legislation.

Yet Obama
and the Democratic
majorities in the House
and Senate are again trying
the old bait-and-switch trick,
which worked so well in 1986.

They want Americans
to accept a new amnesty
as part of a "comprehensive
plan" that includes a promise
of border security somewhere
down the road

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Deem & Pass Amnesty ;

Of The Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs from the Global Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

A backdoor amnesty,
which neither the American people nor their
elected Federal representatives support.

This memorandum
is just the most recent example
of the Administration putting the interests
of those who have disregarded our nation's
immigration laws ahead of those who are
trying to enforce them.

For example,
the Department of Justice
has filed a lawsuit to prevent
implementation of Arizona's immigration
law, which seeks to make a state crime that
which is already illegal under Federal law.

At the same time,
the Administration has
failed to take action against
sanctuary cities that openly refuse
to cooperate with Federal immigration
enforcement efforts.

This memo
raises many serious
questions that deserve
answers, especially given
the Administration's efforts
to block implementation of Arizona's
immigration enforcement law and the
President's support for providing a path
to citizenship for those who have violated
our nation's immigration laws

Illegal immigration imposes
annual costs of $113 billion
on taxpayers.

The federal share of this cost
comes to $29 billion a year.

States and localities each year
shoulder more than $84 billion
annually due to illegal immigration.

Native-born families each pay an
average $1,117 to subsidize illegal aliens.

The report notes that American families
in states with larger illegal populations pay a
higher amount for the services illegals impose.

State and local spending
on illegal aliens is heaviest in California,
the No. 1 immigrant destination.

That state pays out nearly $28 billion
each year to serve illegal aliens.

Outlays pay for education, healthcare
(particularly Medicaid), criminal justice
and welfare.

accounts for the lion's share
of illegal immigration's costs.

Arizona alone
lays out $2.57 billion annually
on the public costs imposed by illegals.

The so-called jobs magnet
may have more power, but it's
hard to escape the conclusion that
the taxpayer subsidy magnet also weighs in
aliens' decision to break U.S. immigration laws

The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup

The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Legislation would effectively eliminate 401(k) plans ;

And create
a second quasi-Social Security system
in which the government would take control
of [seize] the retirement plan savings of
millions of Americans. . . .

A House subcommittee
is considering the advancement
of legislation that would ELIMINATE
401(k) plans and create as an alternative
a 'Guaranteed Retirement Account' for
every worker in the United States.

Under the plan,
Americans' existing 401(k) accounts
would be transferred into the 'Guaranteed
Retirement Account' and would grow at an
average yield of around 3%. . . .

In addition,
the GRA's would require
a mandatory 5% contribution
(tax) by all US workers.

"Like the current Social Security System,
which is failing and is expected to collapse
unless massive reforms are instituted, the
401(k) replacement program would give
no assurance of the protection of funds.

(The "Guaranteed Retirement Account"
would have no actual "guarantee".)

"The government,
just as with Social Security,
could essentially strip the plan
of assets and use those assets
within the general fund. . . .

This would be the largest loss
of wealth and seizure of public
assets in world history."

This plan-
first publicized two years ago-
is still moving forward.


1. Governments at the local,
state and federal levels are going
bankrupt-and they know it.

2. Gov-co will do anything it can
to avoid admitting it's bankrupt.

3. "Anything" can include
causing hyper-inflation to reduce
existing debts and pension obligations,
tax increases, mass employee lays-offs,
pay reductions, seizing 401(k) and IRA
pension funds, and-eventually-
pension-plan defaults.

A currency war is being waged ;

It's not new.
It's been going on for several generations.

That war is ultimately between
the forces of big government and
individual liberty.

All of us are caught in that war.
The primary weapon of big government
is fiat currency.

The primary weapons for liberty is are
1) the Bible and 2) gold or silver coin.

I'm not arguing that gold or silver will
make you free, but those specie-based
moneys will severely restrict the ability of
government to grow so large as to
place you in bondage.

Each of us,
whether we know it or not,
are soldiers in the currency war-
but soldiers for which side?

Insofar as you have confidence
in the fiat currencies and paper debt
instruments, you're a "soldier" fighting
for big government.

Insofar as you trust in God
and seek to store your wealth in gold,
you're a "soldier" for individual Liberty.

Choose you weapons wisely.

En garde!

Stimulus is worse than futile-it compounds the problem ;

The boom-bust cycle is provoked
by government-engineered credit
expansions and the inevitable

Responding to a recession
with another artificial credit
expansion postpones the recovery
and engenders, well, more boom
and bust.

The history
of U.S. recessions confirms this.

The bubble
that burst in 1999 was
followed by new monetary
stimulus almost immediately.

It did not alter
the traumatic recovery process-
which is why 40 percent of the largest
bankruptcy filings between 1980 and
the middle of this decade occurred after
the beginning of 2001.

The stimulus
eventually inflated another bubble.

As Joseph Calandro shows
in his book "Applied Value Investing,"
the housing market began to take off
in the second half of 2001, pushed by
"easy money" policies that proved unable
to reignite the productive economy.

The response
to the continuing recession
was even more stimulus.

The housing market
eventually went wild.

And here we are

Public-private partnerships,
a. k. a. economic fascism must
be exposed and disbanded ;

When freedom warriors
defend the system of modern
capitalism they often undermine
the principals of free enterprise,
secured by the ideal of private property.

This happens as the "defenders"
often play into globalist hands by
virtue of furthering public-private
partnership economics.

Public-private partnership
is the "new economy" brandished
by the agents of modern globalism
under Agenda 21.

The succeeding effort
to abolish private property is the
primary cause for the continuing
collapse of freedom in America.

George Washington warned;
"Private property and freedom
are inseparable."

As freedom fades,
along with American
sovereignty, the notion
of unalienable rights will
become erased from
American consciousness.

We cannot let this happen!

Public-private partnerships
and Sustainable Development
are in your community.

Today, without public awareness
of Agenda 21, the prospects for
free enterprise and for freedom
do look bleak

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Granting "citizenship status" to, so called, anchor babies is abhorrent to the Constitution ;

And the practice
flies in the face of rational
common sense.

I have come to believe
that our leaders, at all levels
of government, practice selective
support for the Constitution.

What I mean by this is that
they will use the Constitution
when it is advantageous to their
position, and use some other
"compelling need" when it does not.

Each time the government skirts
the Constitution and sticks another
needle into the voodoo doll called
citizens rights; the more the people
will start to resist.

At some inevitable point
the people will rise up in
opposition to this repression
to retake what is rightfully theirs.

The question is
what will it take for
Americans to say enough is enough?

Would you willingly give
the federal government the
money it steals from you each
year if it were not for the fear
of the IRS sending agents with
guns, putting liens on your property,
garnishing your bank accounts, and
possibly sending you to jail?

Would a property owner willfully
give up their poultry if it were not
for the fear of the Police coming with
guns while the zoning enforcement officer
steals your property?

We comply out of fear!
Is fear the basis of liberty and freedom?
NO, it is the basis of tyranny!

But it is up to us to stand up to tyranny
at whatever levels it resides and we must
force those that are supposed to protect
our rights to do exactly that.

Leave the rights of the citizen alone
and serve only to protect our rights --
for that is the true reason "Governments
were instituted among men."

In the words of Thomas Jefferson:
"When the people fear their government,
there is tyranny, when the government fears
the people, there is liberty."

They came for the Protestants
and I did not speak out because
I was not a Protestant .

Then they came for the Huguenots
and I did not speak out because
I was not a Huguenot .

Then they came for the Pilgrims
and I did not speak out because
I was not a Pilgrim .

Then they came for the Patriots
and I did not speak out because
I was not a Patriot .

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lame Ducks In A Row :

Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Predicting the extent of "lame duck" legislative
shenanigans that would ensue if one or both houses
of Congress changes hands in the Nov. 2 elections -

This is serious stuff to anyone who cares about,
oh, limited government, rule of law, free markets
and individual liberty.

Not content with the damage they've already done,
liberal lawmakers could really go for broke should
they find themselves on the outs come the morning
of Nov. 3.

"You're So Lame" list of 24 liberal goals -

It begins with more taxpayer-funded abortions
and embryonic stem-cell research; promotion of
same-sex marriage at the expense of traditional
marriage; creating employment rights based on
sexual orientation and ending the military's ban
on homosexuals serving openly.

Efforts to require personnel at military hospitals
to perform abortions and to prohibit drug treatment
or mental health programs from hiring on the basis
of religion if they receive federal dollars.

However, higher income taxes and other concerns
actually outnumber social issues on this lame-duck
menu, among them: more taxpayer funding for liberal
groups; "attacks on free speech" via the FCC's Net
neutrality and "localism" initiatives; ending workers'
right to a secret ballot in union elections; passing
amnesty for illegal immigrants; pushing through new
energy regulations, costs and taxes; and ratifying
misguided treaties such as New START
and the Universal Rights of the Child

The claim that the 14th Amendment confers
citizenship on the children of visitors or illegal
aliens is mistaken.

Neither the text nor the legislative history
supports such an interpretation.

Birthright citizenship is not mandated
by the 14th Amendment and the Supreme
Court has never held that children born of
individuals who are in the United States illegally
are citizens - only that the children of individuals
who are born to legal permanent residents are citizens.

Conferring citizenship on those whose parents
are here illegally is a policy that has developed
almost by default by the executive branch, with
no deliberation by Congress through the normal
legislative process used to decide important public
policy issues.

"Americans are justifiably upset with a policy
that has become standard practice without
their approval,"

Small wonder, since not only are our laws
being taken advantage of by those who are
seeking to evade our normal immigration rules,
but the economic costs to the country and the
average citizen-taxpayer are enormous

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Has the Obama administration simply "ceded" part of our county to Mexico ? ;

Ted Poe addresses Congress on the
federal refusal to secure American
land from illegal aliens.

The federal gov-co not only fails to protect our
own land, it allows sections of US territory to be
effectively seized by Mexican drug dealers
and illegal immigrants.

Has there ever been a previous time
in over two centuries of American history
when the federal government would not fight
to secure our borders and territory? No.

Is this country ruled by a federal government
that is willing to cede AMERICAN LAND
to foreign criminals?!!

The national dishonor
is appalling and unprecedented

Think about it.

If Obummer were proven in public
to be ineligible to hold office, it's likely
that every law (including Universal Health Care)
and every appointment (including Sotomayor's
and Kagen's appointments to the Supreme Court)
that Obummer signed would probably be VOID.

If Obummer is ineligible,
it might be as if every legislative
act, every treaty, every appointment
signed by Obummer never even happened.

I'm not sure that convictions
for federal crimes by US prosecutors
would withstand appeal.

If Obummer's not eligible,
our current Attorney General
is unauthorized and all of his prosecutors
are probably acting without authority, too

The United States of Arabia has arrived ;

Secular leftists defend the "sanctity" of the Koran,
but not the Bible ;

The depths
to which multicultural progressives
are willing to go to accommodate Islam.

Slowly but surely,
America is being forced
to adapt to Muslim sensitivities.

The America
the post-1960s revolutionary left
created is a society without shame
or taboos - including the desecration
of the symbols of people's most
fundamental religious beliefs.

Christianity has been under assault for decades.

Bibles have been burned
by atheists on campuses.

Taxpayers have been forced to fund "art"
in which the crucifix is dipped in urine or the
image of the Virgin Mary covered in manure.

Plays depict Jesus Christ
as a promiscuous homosexual.

And when Christians protest,
they are demonized by liberal elites
as reactionaries and bigots who cannot
appreciate authentic "artistic expression."

Secular leftists defend
the sanctity of the Koran,
but not the Bible - the basis
of Western civilization.

They call for respecting Islam,
but not Christianity.

For them,
Muhammad is untouchable; Jesus isn't.

Just like in Europe,
our secular relativist elites
are powerless to confront
Islamic cultural aggression.

They are not only hypocrites but cowards

The battle over the ground-zero mosque -

It is not coincidental
that the mosque's name,
Cordoba House, takes after
the city in southern Spain that
marked one of radical Islam's
greatest conquests in Europe
during the Middle Ages.

Cordoba was a major center
in the global caliphate being erected
by the rampaging Islamists of the time -
the very caliphate that Osama bin Laden
and his allies seek to restore.

A giant mosque was built
upon the ruins of a Catholic church.

For Islamists,
erecting mosques
on defeated territories
is a sign of subjugation -
the submission of infidels to Allah's rule.

The sad irony is
that most of the victims
of Islamic fascism have been Muslims -
fellow co-religionists - slaughtered by
medieval barbarians.

The ground-zero mosque
disgraces them as much as
everyone else.

Mr. Bloomberg
could have done the
right thing and opposed
the building of the mosque.

Yet his actions show
that liberalism is defenseless
in the face of Islamic supremacism -
as it is all across Europe.

The United States of Arabia has arrived

Fred Phelps says he Will Burn The Koran ;

*As for us
of The Free Enterpriser,
we will instead recommend that
We The People of the United States learn
of How The Catholic Papacy Created Islam :

The Prophet

Fred Phelps says he Will Burn The Koran ;

If doomed americans bully Terry Jones
into not burning it, we will burn it (again)
and the american flag on September 11.

Friday, September 10, 2010

12:00 PM ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2010

As predicted, false prophet Terry Jones
was bullied by sissy, intolerant rebels worldwide
into cancelling plans to burn that blasphemous idol
called the Koran.

As promised, WBC will burn Korans instead,
as well as the Doomed american flag, on Sat.,
Sept. 11 at 12 PM

(media is invited; trouble-making rebels are not).

Like priests-rape-boys Catholicism,
Islam is just another false religious system
with a pedophile as its prophet.

You're not supposed to be finding common ground
with idolatrous perverts, but throwing down their altars,
as God instructed!

"And ye shall make no league
with the inhabitants of this land;
ye shall throw down their altars: but ye have not
obeyed my voice: why have ye done this?" Jud. 2:2

In standing in league with blasphemers, you bring
God's wrath on this rebellious generation.

Woe to you!

September 9, 2010 ;

False prophet Terry Jones
caved-like all false prophets do,
and like we told you he would.

The decree has gone forth from eternity past,
from the LORD God Jehovah :

This nation's doom is imminent,
and the faux "Christians" are through.

Priests rape children already!
It's just a matter of the clean-up
on this divine decree.

This nation is done ;
false, phony "Christians" are done!

It's time to talk
to the false religious systems of the world,
and we'll start with the perverted Muslims
and their pedophile prophet Muhammad.

We will burn your Koran
on 9/11/10 to tell the world
that the Muslims are God's servants
to bring the final affliction to Israel and
the Jews according to the promises of God.

When God called out the children of Israel
as His people, He made them His first fruits
and told them that if they obeyed Him, He would
bless them and leave them in the land.

They did not; they disobeyed, turning to idols
and whoredom, and so they were spewed from
the land.

They have been in stark rebellion
against God from that day to this.

How fitting that these ancient
peoples-modern-day Muslims-should
be God's servants to fulfill that promise.

You 1.2 billion Muslims of the world
have one job left: to march on Jerusalem -
with Beast Obama as your leader.

You bloody brutes
were prepared by God for this hour!

The Day of Vengeance is in God's heart;
His Final Indignation against the children of
Israel is coming-soon!

Beast Obama will be king
of the world-and he will lead
the Muslims (and other false religions)
and their armies to march on Jerusalem.

It will be an amazing thing.
It's coming soon.

President Obama :
forget about this nation; it's through!

Focus your attention on your role
as King of the World.

We are the prophets of God in this earth,
and we are telling you: you and the Muslims
will march on Jerusalem.

You'd better heed our words!

Meanwhile, we will also burn the flag
of this doomed, rebellious, disobedient
nation of proud sinners.

While you sissy brats browbeat and jockey
with the false prophet Terry Jones-pretending
like the lives of those soldiers are your political
and personal pawns-we will tell you the truth.

The blood of the dead soldiers
is dripping off the hands of General

The blaspheming talking heads
(politicians, talk show hosts, false
prophets, arrogant Pentagon perverts)
of this nation of proud sinners have put
the bulls-eye of God on the backs of these

Burning the Koran
could not possibly imperil
your soldiers any more than you have!

God hates Doomed america!
God hates Muslims!

We will burn your Koran
and bloody-Doomed-american-fag-flag
(whore Old Glory) to remind you it's so!

Shut up
about harming international relationships -
the world already abhors you, Doomed america!


The Satanic Commie World Order

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The Justice Department enabling voter fraud -
just in time for the November elections.

This is due to the Department's refusal
to enforce the part of Section 8 of the National
Voter Registration Act that requires states to remove
ineligible voters from their registration rolls - people
who have died or moved away, and felons who have
not yet had their voting rights restored.

The longer such names remain on a registration list,
the greater the chances that a fraudulent vote will be
cast in their names.

In 2009 that the Obama administration had dismissed
without explanation a lawsuit filed against Missouri
Democratic secretary of state Robin Carnahan during
the Bush administration over her failure to comply
with this provision of the NVRA.

This happened only a month after Carnahan
announced she was running for the Senate.

Besides the obvious political motivations, I know
from sources inside the Civil Rights Division that the
Obama political appointees have no intention
of enforcing this provision

Mark Metcalf, has given testimony
about our immigration court system before
the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee
on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border
Security, and International Law.

Metcalf is a former immigration judge
who writes about the disdain the Obama
administration has shown toward the rule of law
with its wholesale dismissal of thousands of cases
against illegal aliens.

It is also ignoring the more than 600,000 outstanding
deportation orders already issued by immigration courts
(unless a particular alien has a criminal record)

This will, Metcalf points out, "assure that more illegal
immigration will follow - with illegal [alien]s confident
that the administration, which refused to secure this
nation's borders, will not remove those who enter
and remain illegally"

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Obummer's administration is a "gangster regime" ;

Obummer accused
of "erecting a socialist dictatorship"
& Obummer's impeachment is called for.

I'm amazed by the sight of a mainstream,
Washington DC newspaper offering an open
indictment of President Obummer.

This is virulent-and well done.
This is a must read.

The article signals the end
of the Obummer administration.

I believe the "powers that be" have signaled
that they're prepared to dump the Kenyan

Arizona's problem with the federales
is ultimately based on UN law rather than
some constitutional or statutory law.

If that were true, then the real adversary
in the "illegal alien" problem may be the U.N. -
and whatever treaties have been
negotiated with the U.N.

Dear Voters of the United States - The Evil Stench of Satanic Global Fascist Socialism is Very Strong In Washington D.C. these days ;

The White House
and various federal agencies-including
the Department of Homeland Security-have
hosted a special workshop to provide members
of radical Islamic groups with direct access to U.S.
government funding, assistance and resources.

The administration is flexing its legal muscle
in its ardent quest to befriend the enemy.

A federal civil rights agency
known as the U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed
discrimination lawsuits against companies in
Nebraska, California and Colorado for discriminating
against Muslims by not accommodating prayer breaks
and forbidding a headscarf on the job.

Also this week, the Justice Department
met with a coalition of Islamic groups that
demand the administration criminally prosecute
anti-Muslim rhetoric as hate speech.

Besides investing more resources
to combat discrimination against Muslims,
coalition leaders want Attorney General Eric
Holder to "make a strong public statement"
condemning hate crimes, harassment
and discrimination against Muslims

Federal inspectors
have specifically identified
more than 110 companies with suspect
documents for multiple illegal alien workers
yet none of them were fined
or criminally charged.

They include a California business
with suspicious documents for 93%
of its employees, an Illinois firm with
dubious paperwork for nearly all of its
200 employees and a Texas manufacturer
with bogus files for more than half of its
107-member workforce.

Additionally, ICE agents
in Atlanta reached a secret
agreement with a manufacturing
firm that had questionable records
on file for 574 of its 1,187 employees.

The undisclosed agreement
allowed the company to avoid
criminal prosecution on the condition
that it complies with certain agency
requirements, though ICE would not
provide additional details.

So much for
Homeland Security Secretary
Janet Napolitano's promise that,
under her leadership, the agency
will focus on "renewing a priority
on employers who are making money
off of these illegal immigrants and giving
them jobs that should be going
to American workers"

We Must Oppose : Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The National Immigration
and Customs Enforcement Council
and its affiliated local councils cast a
unanimous 259-0 vote of no confidence
in ICE Director John Morton and Assistant
Director Phyllis Coven .

The National Council members criticized
the ICE leadership and claim they created
"misguided and reckless initiatives," and claim
ICE managers "abandoned the Agency's core
mission of enforcing United States immigration
laws and providing for public safety, and have
instead directed their attention to campaigning
for policies and programs related to amnesty."

Besides Morton's and Coven's low marks,
the Obama Administration recently appointed
a former police chief, who believes in illegal alien
sanctuary city policies, to command the immigration
enforcement program that entails federal agents
working with local police departments
on cases involving illegal aliens

When Attorney General Eric Holder
should be prosecuting terrorists, he is
wasting time manufacturing baseless
lawsuits against patriotic sheriffs -

With terrorists lurking throughout the nation,
illegal aliens preying on American citizens, and
government corruption a daily occurrence -

These [latest] actions by the Attorney General
are an abuse of power and examples of misplaced
priorities, according to a growing number
of Americans.

Holder Protects Illegal Aliens & Attacks Patriots -

"This is an empty-suit attorney general
[Eric Holder] wasting taxpayers' money
on an investigation of a law enforcement
chief who cares more than Obama's minions
about the safety and security of Americans.

This is a federal government that's out of control