Sunday, September 19, 2010

Expose, Oppose Protest & Resist :

The Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The Effort to expose
the activities of the International
Council on Local Environmental
Initiatives (ICLEI) is a powerful
new tool to educate local citizens
as to how the United Nations schemes
to entrench global governance through
our city councils.

More and more communities
are beginning to follow our advice
and fight ICLEI.

It is beginning to have an effect.

The Tenth Amendment Movement
is the single most exciting development
in the Third American Revolution.

State legislatures across the nation
are taking aim at federal dictates.

These can't be dismissed
as kooky fringe radicals.

These are representatives
of the people.

It gives power back to the states

The Chinese/Soviet
communist system of education,
including the Pavlovian method, is
being implemented right now in the USA,
as recommended by William Foster, former
chairman of the Communist Party, USA, in his
1930 book "Toward a Soviet America."

He was buried
with honors in the Kremlin.

The conditioning method
is necessary for work force training,
as well as political brainwashing.

Communist governments
are atheist so they consider
their citizens as nothing but animals,
with no soul, conscience, or free will.

The agreements
between the United States
and the USSR and China are
simply the full realization of the
merger of the United States and
the Soviet Union as clearly spelled
out by Rowan Gaither, President of
the Ford Foundation, in his conversation
with Norman Dodd, Research Director
for the Congressional Investigation of the
Tax-Exempt Foundations in 1953, when
Mr. Dodd visited his office
in New York City.

Gaither said to Mr. Dodd:
"All of us here at the policy making
level of the foundation have at one time
or another served in the OSS (Office of
Strategic Services, CIA forerunner) or the
European Economic Administration,
operating under directives
from the White House