Saturday, September 11, 2010

Has the Obama administration simply "ceded" part of our county to Mexico ? ;

Ted Poe addresses Congress on the
federal refusal to secure American
land from illegal aliens.

The federal gov-co not only fails to protect our
own land, it allows sections of US territory to be
effectively seized by Mexican drug dealers
and illegal immigrants.

Has there ever been a previous time
in over two centuries of American history
when the federal government would not fight
to secure our borders and territory? No.

Is this country ruled by a federal government
that is willing to cede AMERICAN LAND
to foreign criminals?!!

The national dishonor
is appalling and unprecedented

Think about it.

If Obummer were proven in public
to be ineligible to hold office, it's likely
that every law (including Universal Health Care)
and every appointment (including Sotomayor's
and Kagen's appointments to the Supreme Court)
that Obummer signed would probably be VOID.

If Obummer is ineligible,
it might be as if every legislative
act, every treaty, every appointment
signed by Obummer never even happened.

I'm not sure that convictions
for federal crimes by US prosecutors
would withstand appeal.

If Obummer's not eligible,
our current Attorney General
is unauthorized and all of his prosecutors
are probably acting without authority, too