What have they done to you already &
What will they try to do to you next ?
Learn All About Them,
They Want To Know Every Thing
About You ;
After All, They Are
The Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes :
In a classic case of misdirection,
while the media are preoccupied
with the fate of the Bush tax cuts,
President Obama is preparing to
attend a United Nations summit
this week to endorse "innovative
finance mechanisms"-global
taxes- to drain even more wealth
out of the U.S. economy.
A draft "outcome document"
produced in advance of the September
20-22 U.N. Summit on the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) commits the
nations of the world to supporting "innovative
financing mechanisms" to supplement foreign
aid spending.
The term
"innovative financing mechanisms"
is a U.N. euphemism for global taxes.
But the document actually goes further,
praising the "Task Force on International
Financial Transactions for Development" for
its work on the subject of mobilizing additional
"resources" for countries to achieve the MDGs.
This is a body
tasked with proposing
and implementing global tax schemes
Over 60% of union employees
now hold government (taxpayer funded)
jobs in America.
That's because unions killed off
private sector manufacturing in America
and government jobs are the only kind of
jobs they can get.
This is exactly what bankrupted Greece
and the European Union countries and has
now cause Cuba, the last standing Soviet
style communist nation on earth, to lay-off
ONE MILLION state (public sector) workers
in an effort to force them back into PRIVATE
SECTOR employment.
Face it folks, communism
doesn't work and eventually,
neither does socialism.
At the end of the day,
every fight in this country
comes down to one issue -
The current cabal in Washington DC
is opposed to individual free will.
Communists, socialists and SEIU
type Democrats also oppose individual
free will.
But 80% of the nation loves free will
and opposes labor unions and public
sector job creation.
While the politically right majority
remains proud of its many divisions,
the left minority marches forward in
lockstep and on October 2nd,
they will march on DC
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
The Satanic Fascist
Socialist Commie World Order