Wednesday, September 8, 2010

We Must Oppose : Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The National Immigration
and Customs Enforcement Council
and its affiliated local councils cast a
unanimous 259-0 vote of no confidence
in ICE Director John Morton and Assistant
Director Phyllis Coven .

The National Council members criticized
the ICE leadership and claim they created
"misguided and reckless initiatives," and claim
ICE managers "abandoned the Agency's core
mission of enforcing United States immigration
laws and providing for public safety, and have
instead directed their attention to campaigning
for policies and programs related to amnesty."

Besides Morton's and Coven's low marks,
the Obama Administration recently appointed
a former police chief, who believes in illegal alien
sanctuary city policies, to command the immigration
enforcement program that entails federal agents
working with local police departments
on cases involving illegal aliens

When Attorney General Eric Holder
should be prosecuting terrorists, he is
wasting time manufacturing baseless
lawsuits against patriotic sheriffs -

With terrorists lurking throughout the nation,
illegal aliens preying on American citizens, and
government corruption a daily occurrence -

These [latest] actions by the Attorney General
are an abuse of power and examples of misplaced
priorities, according to a growing number
of Americans.

Holder Protects Illegal Aliens & Attacks Patriots -

"This is an empty-suit attorney general
[Eric Holder] wasting taxpayers' money
on an investigation of a law enforcement
chief who cares more than Obama's minions
about the safety and security of Americans.

This is a federal government that's out of control