Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fascist Eco Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

On September 3,
the BlueGreen Alliance
completed a 17-state, 30-city
bus tour, urging Senate action on
comprehensive climate legislation.

The BlueGreen Alliance
was formed in 2006 by the
Sierra Club and the United
Steelworkers as a national
partnership to work for
"expanding the number and
quality of jobs in the clean
energy economy."

Eight U.S. trade unions,
comprising 8.5 million workers,
have joined the Alliance and bought
into the myth that Cap and Trade
legislation will create a green jobs

Steel is an energy-intensive
industry that would be harmed
by legislation to restrict carbon

It's a mystery
why any steel worker
would support Cap and Trade.

According to analysis
from the Institute of Energy
Research and the U.K. House
of Lords, wind turbines and solar
fields are less reliable and two to
four times as expensive as traditional
hydrocarbon fuels for producing

An even greater deficiency
is that wind and solar energy
are intermittently generated.

In 2009, the 33,000 U.S.
wind turbine towers on average
delivered only 23% of their rated

Would you buy a car that
starts only one-quarter
of the time?

Yet government subsidies
and mandates are forcing
substitution of these green

These policies are reducing
the productivity of our energy
industry, thereby hindering U.S.
economic growth and resulting
in net job losses.

Expensive energy creates jobs
only in the energy sector while
resulting in greater job losses
in the rest of the economy

Senator Harry Reid
launched a sneak attack
by adding the "DREAM Act"
to the Defense Authorization Bill.

Although the Defense Bill
was temporarily sidelined,
most expect it to be revived
at a later date.

The Act will allow students
who have lived in America for
five years to obtain a green card
after they attend college or serve
in the military.

This is nothing more than
an amnesty program that gives
citizenship to these illegal immigrants

The Satanic Fascist World Order