Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Obama has been a major U.N. supporter
since he was in the Senate and sponsored a
bill, the Global Poverty Act (S 2433), to force
U.S. compliance with the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) .
Joseph Biden,
then chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, tried to get it passed into law but
ultimately failed.
As "President,"
Obama is in a position
to actively promote global
taxation measures and clearly
has done so.
The "outcome document"
his administration has already
endorsed will be formally approved
at next week's summit.
The document affirms
the so-called "Monterrey
Consensus" that committed
nations to spending 0.7 percent
of Gross National Product (GNP)
on official development assistance
(ODA), otherwise known as foreign aid.
It says that "The fulfillment
of all ODA commitments is crucial,
including the commitments by many developed
countries to achieve the target of 0.7 percent of
gross national product (GNP) for ODA to
developing countries by 2015."
Over a 13-year period,
from 2002, when the U.N.'s
Financing for Development conference
was held, to the target year of 2015, when
the U.S. is expected to meet the Millennium
Development Goals, this amounts to $845
billion from the U.S. alone, according to Jeffrey
Sachs of the U.N.'s Millennium Project.
"We have fully embraced
the Millennium Development
Goals," Obama told the U.N. in 2009
Ibrahim Abdul-Matin
worked for the organization
"Green for All," and thus also
has connections to Van Jones,
not to mention Al Gore.
"Green for All"
is a national organization
that promotes the so-called
up and coming clean and green
economy, which is allegedly designed
to help people come out of poverty through
assistance from other like-minded groups,
business leaders, and government subsidies.
Here is seen the combination
of environmental social justice with
the redistribution of wealth where
"Green for All" means that environmental
greenbacks and green jobs will be available
for all, i.e., the poor.
Here, environmentalism
is being harnessed to provide
yet another excuse to redistribute wealth.
Perhaps worst of all
is that it was Van Jones
who infamously once said
that "the white polluters and
the white environmentalists are
essentially steering poison into the
people-of-color communities, because
they don't have a racial justice frame."
Here, Van Jones,
a self-proclaimed communist
and a fairly recent convert to the
environmental cause, mixes his black
nationalism/communism with ecological
views that, shockingly enough, can be traced
directly back to the socialistic labyrinth of Nazi
Germany where race and nature, blood and soil,
ethnicity and environmentalism were the rage
of the 1930's and 40's