Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mark-to-market Whores

Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist Saboteurs
from the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

The change
to mark-to-market
accounting in November,
2007, constituted "one of the
greatest crimes against the American
people" by collapsing private sector
access to credit and transferring control
of capital, production and productivity
from the private sector to the federal
government and Federal Reserve.

This is why,
in the accelerating
crisis, which some say
will be a double-dip recession
or even a depression, Obama
seems to be leaving it to Ben
Bernanke and his promise that
the Fed will do "all it can" to try
to ensure an economic recovery.

who believes
that the U.S. is
undergoing "regime
change" away from free
enterprise capitalism to the
establishment of a socialist
government, says that while
the Republicans understand that
Obamanomics has failed, they must
quit acting like "Democrat light" in the
current crisis and recognize that the Federal
Reserve has become part of the problem

is lying to Americans
using fake science.

It refused
to "reconsider
its greenhouse gas
endangerment finding."

It avoided citing
any of the scientists
in its employ, instead
it quoted the chief scientist
of the Environmental Defense
Fund, an organization that is entirely
devoted to the global warming fraud.

That so-called scientist,
Dr. Steven Hamburg, said
"The science behind EPA's
finding is strong. Now America
needs to forge clean energy solutions
that reduce the vast pollution discharged
into our air."

That is a lie.

more CO2
in the atmosphere
would be extremely
beneficial, aiding larger
crop yields to feed Americans
and others worldwide.

It would improve
the health and vitality
of the planet's forests.

Ads on television
touting "carbon sequestration"
are part of the lie.

To sum up,
and any control of CO2
is in its simplest terms, a vehicle
to destroy the nation's economy.

You won't read that
in the BusinessWeek article,
but it is a truth that cannot be
denied and it is a battle for the
future of the nation that must be
won against this administration,
against the EPA, and against the
environmental organizations that have
devoted themselves to this purpose

The Satanic Fascist World Order