Saturday, July 31, 2010

1st Amendment Saboteurs from the Global Fascist Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

With all of the takeovers of various aspects
of society by the Obama administration, none
are as perilous as the one takeover we could
be on the brink of-namely the First Amendment.

It is under assault in so many very real
ways, and the media are largely silent about it.

That is because they are aware
of the goals, and they share them.

The goal is to silence conservative
and Republican voices, to regulate the Internet,
to favor certain news organizations-in essence
to pick winners and losers when it comes to
First Amendment rights and freedom of speech.

With Tuesday's defeat of the so-called
DISCLOSE act in the Senate, the Republicans
have beaten back one arrow in a large-scale
assault on the First Amendment.

But Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has
said he will keep bringing it up until it passes.

The Democrats view this bill as their best
chance to keep this November's election
from being a disaster for them

A President Bill Clinton appointed
federal district court judge in Arizona
has blocked what are considered the
most important provisions of Arizona's
immigration law from taking effect.

The overall law may still take effect today,
but without the provisions that required police
officers to check a person's immigration status
while enforcing other laws.

The judge also put on hold parts of the law
that required immigrants to carry their papers
at all times, and made it illegal for undocumented
workers to solicit employment in public places.

U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton,
another recognized liberal-left Democrat,
ruled that those sections should be put on
hold until the courts resolve the issues.

"I have had a chance to read [Bolton's]
ruling and find it devoid of any common sense.

It's double-talk designed to appear as legal jargon.

It's a shoddy verdict by a political hack," says
former law enforcement officer-turned-attorney
Lawrence Pressman

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Green Climate Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Terrorist Enablers from the Global Saboteur Fascist Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Uncovered documents
from the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) detail a two-day meeting on January 27
and 28, 2010, between DHS Secretary
Janet Napolitano and Arab, Muslim, Sikh,
and South Asian "community leaders."

The documents include a list
of participating individuals and organizations,
some with controversial radical ties, including :

Imad Hamad,
Midwest Regional Director of the
American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

According to investigative reporter
Debbie Schlussel, Hamad is connected
to the Marxist-Leninist terrorist group
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,
and has financially supported the Islamist
terrorist group Hezbollah

Alleged illegal alien sanctuary policy.

Pasadena Ca, Police Chief Vicino
reportedly indicated that the department
prevents his officers from "asking about
anybody's legal status unless it is a matter
of national security," which may be a
violation of federal immigration law.

The Obama administration recently announced
that it will not penalize so-called sanctuary cities,
such as Pasadena, that prevent the police
from communicating freely with ICE.

"It is 'beyond' belief
that the Obama Justice Department has decided
to allow localities to violate federal immigration laws
while suing a state such as Arizona that expressly
upholds the law.

This is the very definition of injustice

The Satanic Commie World Order

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Economic Saboteurs from the Global Fascist Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

It is necessary to provide only a short list
of economic problems to see the critical
condition we are in :

Virtually everything you look at
is broken and unfixable, from both
a mathematical and political standpoint.

All democratic welfare states are insolvent
and incapable of meeting their obligations.

Sovereign defaults are likely
and will likely occur in domino fashion.

Insane economic policies
and regulations are making matters worse.

Businesses are not hiring or investing
because of the uncertainty that has been
imposed on the country.

Wealth, intellect,
and corporations will flee this country.

More than half of the states
are likely to default on their obligations.

Most major municipalities have pension
obligations that will be unable to be met.

Individuals are still over their heads
in debt with no hope in sight.

The housing market has farther to go
on the downside. Foreclosures will accelerate.

Commercial real estate
is a disaster that has not yet hit full force.

is not improving and will get worse.

Infrastructure has deteriorated.
There are no funds available to
upgrade it to proper standards.

Private pensions and union pensions
are grossly underfunded and likely to
become worse when financial markets tank.

The welfare system
is unsustainable and has to be dismantled.

Generations have grown accustomed
to entitlements and will not take kindly
to the necessary reductions and eliminations.

Education has deteriorated to levels
such that many graduates are literally
unemployable at a minimum wage,
or at any wage.

The banking system is insolvent,
with many banks unlikely to survive.

Social Security and Medicare are unsustainable
programs that will collapse or have benefits so
reduced as to make them virtually unrecognizable.

Government guarantees of Fannie, Freddie, FHA,
and a host of other programs will likely require
$2 trillion-plus to honor at taxpayer expense.

Anything the government touches, it destroys,
be it social programs, the post office, Amtrak,
education, or (soon to be) the entire credit system,
General Motors, student loans, etc. -- and finally,
the entire economy.

The FDIC is in a deep hole
from which there is no escape

The relevance
for plans for CO2 trading is obvious.

The SO2 market was not "highly successful"
or "robust," as is so often reported.

In fact, it was too thin
to have had anything to do
with the cost of reducing emissions.

This means a CO2 market
without property rights cannot be
counted on to reduce the cost of
lowering CO2 emissions, either.

The latest proposals for CO2 trading deny
property rights status to the emission allowances.

Does anyone believe politicians
will keep their hands off a CO2
cap-and-trade system and allow
the market to work? Do you want
to buy a bridge in Phoenix?

The death of SO2 cap-and-trade
in July 2010 should be duly noted
by every thoughtful observer.

It should signal the defeat of any
proposals for CO2 emissions trading.

If a CO2 cap-and-trade program
were ever enacted in the U.S., its collapse
would be spectacular indeed compared to
the one that will have foreshadowed it

The Satanic Commie World Order

Constitutional Saboteurs from the Fascist Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

America's Founding Fathers
did NOT form a "democracy."

They formed a "representative republic"
and guaranteed every state a "republican
form of government" in the US Constitution.

Contrary to modern propaganda,
a democracy and a representative
republic are NOT the same thing.

With an Electoral College,
we have a "representative republic."

Without it,
we will have a pure "democracy," which
Thomas Jefferson defined as - "nothing more
than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the
people may take away the rights
of the other forty-nine."

Those who wish to fully understand
and appreciate the historical purposes
behind our Founders Electoral College
design should take some time to study
the related facts here.

The Founders had VERY strong reasons
for everything they put in place to protect
and preserve freedom and liberty.

The people trying to destroy it all
have their reasons too.

The Massachusetts legislature
is trying to enact a bill at the state level
to eliminate the Electoral College, and
other left-leaning states have similar initiatives.

The Obama administration
and the Democratic Socialists of America
currently in control of the US Congress would
love to eliminate the Electoral College system.

Here's why.

has become the most recent State
to pass a law requiring that its Electoral College
representatives must vote for the President and
Vice President according to the one(s) that have
already won the popular vote across the country.

I'm told that this notion of abandoning
the traditions of the Electoral College is
well within the rights of the "some several States"
as afforded them in the 12th Amendment to the
US Constitution and that sending Electors from
each of these "some several States" with specific
instructions to cast their ballot for the person with
the majority of the national popular vote is well within
the boundaries of what the Constitution envisioned.

I just disagree.
I remember how poorly Democrats took
the Bush victory on Electoral College votes
where his Popular numbers favored his
opponent. to me, this is just the means
to make sure no Democrat ever has to
meet a similar fate as the one
poor Al Gore was made to suffer.

This may help ensure an Obama win in '12,
but it does nothing for making sure everyone's
voice is equally represented in Washington

The Satanic Commie World Order

"Special Interest" Saboteurs from the Global Fascist Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Do the nation's trial lawyers
deserve a taxpayer bailout?

That's what they're after :
a special-interest tax break of $1.6 billion.

In fact, after Congress refused
to consider giving them that break,
they are now trying to get it from
the Treasury Department.

Making the taxpayers finance additional litigation
will simply produce more litigation and increase
the tort tax on the businesses that are sued.

"The plaintiffs bar
is all but running the Senate,
I really, strongly disagree with that.

Particularly, the 'all but.'"

The contributions of the trial lawyers
to Congress, including Senate Democratic
leadership, dwarf the contributions of all
other industries.

If the Treasury gives them this tax break,
then some of the new funds would likely
just be recycled in the form
of political contributions.

Given the amount of money
that the trial lawyers contribute
to Democrats in Congress, it is
noteworthy that legislation that
would have made this change
in the tax law went nowhere.

If a change like this can't get through
the front door of Congress, it shouldn't
sneak through the back door by way
of private administrative action

"Health Care" Saboteurs
from the Global Fascist Commie
Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Obamacare has been rightly blasted
as fiscally irresponsible, yet few have noticed
what may be Obamacare's largest ticking
entitlement time-bomb : the CLASS Act.

CLASS is a new long-term-care
insurance program that was inserted
into Obamacare so that Congress could
raid its $70 billion surplus through 2020
to cover Obamacare's initial deficits.

Like the raided Social Security trust fund,
future taxpayers will have to repay that $70
billion with interest when the program falls
into deficit later.

even Sen. Kent Conrad (D., N.D.)
admits that Congress has enacted " a
Ponzi scheme of the first order, the kind of thing
that Bernie Madoff would have been proud of"

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

The Satanic Commie World Order

10th Amendment Saboteurs from the Global Fascist Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

"Why do they hate us?"
It's a burning question on the minds
of border-dwelling taxpayers, small-business
owners, farmers, and Rocky Mountain oil and
gas industry workers suffering under punitive
Democrat policies.

Eighteen months
into the Barack Obama administration,
the war on the American West is in full swing.

The first battlefront : Immigration.

Senate Democrats have rejected
a GOP amendment banning the use
of federal funds to participate in any
litigation against the new Arizona
immigration enforcement law.

"Our federal government
should be doing its job to secure
our borders rather than trying to bully
and intimidate the people of Arizona,"

Argued Republican amendment
sponsor Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina.

"We should not be suing
and really hassling the people of Arizona
for doing what we should be doing here,
and that's protecting the citizenry"

Dont believe the headlines.

is not dead its too important to fail.

Because well-heeled Democrat cronies
are expecting an opportunity to score big
bucks via the trading of carbon dioxide.

Cap-and-trade works like this :

The federal government
will examine every industry sector
in America and determine how much
carbon dioxide individual businesses
and companies are allowed to
emit annually-that's the cap.

If an entity surpasses its defined cap
it must purchase carbon credits on a
government-approved exchange.

If that same business were to see its
carbon emissions remain below the cap,
it would gain credits.

These credits could be saved
or sold like a commodity on the exchange.

Even trading carbon
derivatives will be allowed.

The official exchange will likely be
an existing corporation known as
the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX).

With each transaction on the exchange,
the government will receive a fee, brokers
a commission, and savvy investors a score.

According to the Congressional Budget Office,
by 2015, the federal government alone will be
hauling in $104 billion a year from cap-and-trade

The Satanic Commie World Order

Monday, July 26, 2010

Judicial Fascist Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

There has emerged another
compelling reason to vote against
Kagan's confirmation as a Supreme Court justice :

Her support for Shariah Law
while she was dean of the Harvard Law School.

Islamists are seeking to spread Shariah law
by inducing American and European financial
institutions to establish Shariah Compliant Funds
in which their clients can invest.

These funds follow the prescriptions
of Shariah law in their investments.

They routinely collect 2.5 percent
of the principal of any investment annually
for donation to charitable institutions, fine recipients
of their investment 7 percent for transgressions of
Shariah law (and donate the fine to charity) and only
invest in projects compliant with the rules of Shariah.

Unfortunately, the decisions
as to which investments are compliant
and which charities receive their benefice
are made by Shariah Compliance Boards
appointed by the financial institution, which
typically include radical Muslim extremists who
routinely designate terrorist-linked entities to
receive their charitable donations and also
proscribe investment in any firm engaged in U.S.
defense contracting on the ground that the contract
could aid Israel

The Democrats' stimulus package
includes Davis-Bacon requirements
that union wages be paid on construction
jobs, which means that the government will
pay more or get less production than it would
if contractors were free to pay market wages.

And Obama Democrats are trying to force FedEx
to become unionized by subjecting it to the same law
as unionized UPS.

Meanwhile, one-third of the stimulus money went
to state and local governments, with the effect of
propping up the pay and saving the jobs of public
employee union members.

The cynical will see these measures
as a political payoff and might venture
that the unions have gotten something like
a hundredfold payout for the $400 million
they gave to Obama and his copartisans

The Satanic
Fascist Commie World Order

If you insist on your "right" to get "something for nothing" ;

The So-So Security
is facing a systemic collapse.

Therefore, just like Maine,
Congress will also soon admit
that what can't be paid, won't be paid,
and therefore "cut benefits" and raise
taxes on the dummies.

"Most places are asking painful
questions about their investment strategies.

But what Maine has discovered
is just how expensive it really is to
provide a guaranteed retirement benefit."

No one can guarantee
your pension plan better than you.

If you want a pension plan that is :

1) rational (possible);
2) moral (no "something for nothing");
3) not a Ponzi scheme;

4) not dependant on taxpayer ability
or willingness to pay higher taxes; and is

5) "portable," then see if you can name
or imagine a pension plan better than a
collection of gold and silver coins

Modern-day progressives,
now known as liberals, have come
to dominate the current Democratic Party.

Under this administration,
we have seen government takeover
of large companies, the implementation
of a pay czar to determine compensation
in private companies, a health care insurance
mandate where you will be forced to purchase
insurance or have the IRS withholding your refund
or garnishing your wages, cap-and-trade legislation,
and the EPA regulation of carbon, which will determine
where we can set our thermostats in our own homes.

The Obama administration
has managed to move us back
in time to the medieval days, where
the king reigned supreme, and the fruits
of the serfs' (taxpayers, producers in society,
the middle class, entrepreneurs, etc.) labor belong
to the government, who determine how much
we shall keep

Friday, July 23, 2010

Economic Fascist Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Like green manna from heaven,
the Gulf of Mexico oil spill may give
Democrats yet new fodder to push cap-and-trade --
legislation setting a national limit to carbon emissions
and giving the federal government the authority
to parcel out "carbon credits."

Never mind that the climate has absolutely
no connection to the spill, or even help mitigate
future possibilities of disaster, but that's not the
point - there'd be few things more shocking than
if Team Obama didn't somehow
exploit a "good crisis."

So what is the point?

Well to understand,
one must first understand progressives :

While most people view disasters as,
well disasters, what progressives see
is power and giant tax dollar-signs.

Formally titled
the Clean Energy Jobs
and American Power Act,
the bill would require a 3 percent reduction
in greenhouse gas emissions by 2012 (compared
to 2005), a 17 percent reduction by 2020, and 83
percent by 2050, all in the name of combating the
(nonexistent) "single biggest threat to our planet"
and developing America's renewable energy

But basically, it's just a giant new tax

We can pass a dozen or so revolutionary reforms,
in a hundred days, if we have the three elements of
a filibuster-proof Senate, a working House majority,
and a president -- and a clear, uncompromising agenda.

Because the left feasts on the rotting tissue
of the secular nanny-state, one purpose of these
reforms must be to starve these carrion birds.

Allowing vouchers for education,
for example, would improve education,
but it would also drain the life out of the
political giant of leftist establishment education.

That reform -- and others would operate
in much the same way -- would not only make
America work better, but it would inflict a mortal
wound upon the existing power structure that the left
has built over the last eighty years.

What must be done is this :

(1) Conservatives must agree
on the precise language of the dozen
or so reforms which will be passed,
and that language must not change ;

(2) these must be appealing
to most Americans, as the
Contract With America was in 1994 ;

(3) the reforms must each create genuine,
revolutionary change which will continue
until -- in the unlikely event -- the left ever
has gargantuan political power again

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

If we encounter the "Greatest Depression," those who enter with paper wealth will be ruined ;

If America can, at best, repay only a small part
of its enormous debt and has (or will have) little
moral inclination to do so, what do you think
will happen to the debt?

Any fool can see
that most of it won't be repaid. Ever.

So, what do you think will happen
to those people who've invested their savings
in paper debt instruments like stocks, bonds,
pension funds, bank accounts, etc.?

When the existing debt is recognized as
impossible to pay, most creditors
are going to lose their assets.

Implication :

The prudent should convert
their paper debt instruments (promises to pay)
into real "payments" (things owned and personally
held like land, food, tools, machinery, silver and gold)

During the uproar over passage of the healthcare bill,
Nancy Pelosi famously said, "But we have to pass the
bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the
fog of the controversy."

She must be proud of the statement, because it's
still on the official US House of Representatives website.

Oh the goodies
that have just begun to pour out of that cornucopia.

Employees of the state of Arizona all 135,000
of them, just learned that their healthcare premiums
will go up by as much as 37% next year, an increase
to be borne almost entirely by those with children.

Oh, the children! What are we going to do?

Where are the Democrats to save us
from this, this mean-spiritedness of Obamacare?

Now we learn,
"away from the fog of the controversy,"
that the bill requires that all purchases of gold
be reported to the federal government.

The pretense that this is about collecting
taxes to "pay" for Obamacare is obscene.

Assume that the administration's estimate
of $1.7 billion collected per year is accurate
(probably wildly inflated).

That for a program that will run
$1,000 billion or more in the red per year?

No, it's about control.

How long till this admirer of FDR
will decree that everyone surrender
their gold to the government, at a price
set by the government, for paper dollars
or face prison time?

Worked for Roosevelt,
why not for the latest Democrat?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fascist Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

It's a frightening thought :

Government takeover of the media.

But having tightened their grip on health care,
financial services, and energy, it's only logical
that the Democrats should turn their attention
to the media.

Discussions underway
at the Federal Trade Commission
and the Federal Communications Commission
point toward a dangerous new effort to regulate
what Americans read and hear.

The takeover under discussion would apply
across the board to print media, radio and
television, and the internet.

The result of proposed regulations would be
nothing less than an end to free speech in America.

Under the proposed changes,
government would have the right to impose taxes
on selected media (including internet service providers
and internet sites) and redistribute funds to traditional
liberal news media.

Government could impose a fairness doctrine
on the internet as well as on radio -- thus forcing
conservative media to "balance" their programming
by including liberal commentary.

Government would also be granted a wide range
of options for subsidizing liberal media, including
perpetual grants of taxpayer money to left-leaning
publications like the New York Times and to
increase funding for "progressive"
media such as National Public Radio
and the Public Broadcasting System.

No wonder the Nation magazine has
lavished praise on the FTC and FCC proposals :

Based on its longstanding liberal bias,
the Nation might qualify for a generous handout.

In its recently published "staff discussion,"
the FTC maintains that big-city newspapers
and other traditional media (such as old-line
network television) have seen their revenues
declining and that, as a result, there have been
"significant losses of news coverage."

Since news coverage serves a "public good,"
it is up to the government to perpetuate these
traditional media.

Nowhere in its extensive discussion
does the FTC consider the possibility
that old-line media are failing because they are
simply out of touch with the American people

Fascism is correctly associated with tyranny
since nations that employ the tenets of fascism
almost always transition from a republican or
parliamentary form of government to some sort
of personality cult usually centered on an economic

Fascism requires extensive state control,
and if this control is not centralized in a singular
personality, the results will be muddied and plagued
with excessive overlap.

Many envisioned President Obama
in this way prior to the election, and
President Obama certainly did not hesitate
to utilize workers' paradise imagery during his

During an early period of popular expectation --
for "hope and change," perhaps -- the savior can
implement highly undemocratic and centralist
policies simply by ignoring the existence of laws
and constitutions that preclude this sort of behavior.

Before citizens and their representatives
have time to respond to these abuses, the
savior has already opened new fronts and
perpetrated new abuses.

It is the finger in the wind method.

If there are no outcries of public furor
for the scrapping of, say, states' rights,
the savior will know that even greater
violations are possible.

President Obama has done just this.

Shortly after he claimed the right
to fire the head of a private company,
Obama realized he could claim the power
to set wages in companies receiving bailout funds.

these actions were successful, Obama realized
he could then claim the power to set wages all
across the economy, even venturing as far as
attempting government mandates for company
perks like private jets or club memberships

The Satanic Commie World Order

Fascist Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

A George-Soros-funded,
Marxist-founded organization
with close ties to the White House has urged
the Federal Communications Commission to
investigate talk radio and cable news
for "hate speech."

The organization,
calling itself Free Press,
claims media companies are
engaging in "hate speech" because
a disproportionate number of radio
and cable-news networks are owned
by non-minorities.

Free Press published a study
advocating the development of a "world class"
government-run media system in the U.S.

Free Press was one of 33 organizations
that drafted a 25-page petition asking the
FCC to "initiate an inquiry into the extent
and effects of hate speech in media and to
explore non-regulatory means by which to
mitigate its negative impacts."

"Hate speech thrives, as hate has developed
as a profit-model for syndicated radio and
cable-television programs masquerading as
'News,'" claims the petition.

The petition contends "traditional media"
have "largely failed" to "provide the accurate
information needed for an informed democracy."

"These failures often damage
communities of color at disproportionate
rates," the petition states.

The paper singles out
talk radio as "particularly problematic"

The visit by the queen,
which was billed as low key-
a five hour visit-was designed to get
the global agenda of sustainable development
and climate control back on track and to make
a statement.

Nothing the queen does is low key as every visit,
and every word has a meaning and a goal
for total control.

First let's take a look at the queen herself.

According to
Who Owns the World
by Kevin Cahill, the queen is
the legal owner of 6,600 million acres of land that
equals one sixth of the earth's non-ocean surface.

She is the only person on earth
who owns whole countries and who owns
countries that are not her own domestic territory.

This land ownership
is separate from her role as head of state
and is different from other monarchies-
like Norway, Belgium, and Denmark, where no
such claim is made.

The value of her holdings is approximately $33T,
more than the estimated value of all of the earth's
natural resources which is estimated to be $25T.

Secondly, the physical structure
of the United Nations and its agenda
represents the completion of the dream
and aspirations of British aristocrat Cecil Rhodes
to return the United States and the rest of the world
back under British rule.

He felt that
"too little of the globe was British territory.
and if we had retained America.there would
be millions more of English living."

In Rhodes' 1877 will, it says

".the ultimate recovery
of the United States of America
as an integral part of the British Empire,
the consolidation of the whole Empire,
the inauguration of a system of colonial
Representation in the Imperial Parliament
which may tend to weld together the disjointed
Members of the Empire,"

Which may well ultimately be achieved,
by the Roundtable which "publicized the idea
of and the name 'British Commonwealth of Nations'"

The Satanic Commie World Order

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Congressional Commie Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

In the midst of a crisis in the Gulf,
some Senators are making a final push
to pass energy and climate legislation this year.

Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman
(I-CT) are introducing a scaled-back version of
their original cap-and-trade bill but still want to
maintain a carbon cap.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)
wants to bring an energy bill up for debate the
week of July 26 that addresses the oil spill
response and a greenhouse gas reduction
plan for utilities only.

A draft leaked from Senator Jeff Bingaman
(D-NM) would go after utilities and aim to
"cut emissions from the electric utility industry
by 17 percent in 2020 and 43 percent by 2030."

When asked if the bill would contain a
cap-and-trade program, Senator Reid responded,

"I don't use that.
Those words are not in my vocabulary.
We're going to work on pollution."

But this is not about pollution.

Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring
component of the air and is also the ubiquitous
and unavoidable result of fossil fuel production
and other naturally occurring events.

Any bill drafted by Congress
that aims to reduce carbon dioxide
and other greenhouse gas emissions
translates into rising energy prices for energy
consumers, lost jobs, and a slower economy

Still in the midst of a recession,
the United States finds itself at a
crossroads regarding which path will
lead to economic growth and job creation.

There are two choices :

Further government involvement
and a stronger role for Washington-
accompanied by higher taxes and heavier
regulation-or the path of less government,
free enterprise, and lower taxes.

With a liberal President in the White House
and both houses of Congress controlled by
Democrats, it may seem that the country has
made its choice already.

However, polling done on behalf
of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce reveals
that when U.S. citizens are asked directly, the
opposite is true.

Lombardo Consulting Group
asked small business owners and
registered voters about their opinions
on the rightful size of government and
the role the government should play in
economic recovery.

Eighty-seven percent of small business owners
viewed free enterprise as "very positive" or
"positive" ;

78 percent of all voters agreed.

Conversely, only 12 percent
of small business owners and 3 percent
of all voters viewed the idea of socialism
"very favorably."

Small business owners know
what they need for their businesses
to flourish-and government isn't it

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

The inflation-deflation argument ;

. . . is a core one that affects everything
from one's personal economic and political
philosophy to one's pocketbook and, ultimately,
how one invests.

Believe in significant price-deflation,
long-term, and you may not wish to put
your cash into current high performing assets
such as gold and silver.

You may come to the conclusion that politicians,
chastened and disciplined, will stick to austerity
programs and that therefore cash is king."

The Daily Bell suggests
that in a depression, you might be
better off to invest in paper dollars
than in paper stocks since, clearly,
in all depressions, "cash is king".

Why is cash king?

depressions signal currency deflation.

As a currency deflates,
it becomes more valuable.

If $1 will purchase a loaf of bread
today, after deflation, that same dollar
may purchase two loaves of bread tomorrow.

Because deflation causes
the purchasing power of cash to increase,
everyone wants to have and hold cash.

Cash becomes more desirable
and thus "cash" becomes "king".

I agree
that during depressions, "cash is king".

But unlike The Daily Bell
(which appears to presume
that our cash will be paper, fiat dollars),
I contend that during a depression "king cash"
will be gold or silver coin-just as it was
during the Great Depression.

during the Great Depression,
cash was king but all of our paper cash
was backed by silver domestically
and by gold internationally.

Thus, while paper cash may have
appeared to be the "king," the real king
was then, and will be again, monetary metal

the Dodd-Frank permanent bailout
proposal will deliver a formidable blow to
American families and main street entrepreneurs.

With Dodd-Frank,
the Democrats have set out to reorder
America's entire economic system and
sever ties with the free-market principles
that have guided our nation to
unprecedented prosperity."

The financial reform legislation
(also known as Dodd-Frank), agreed
to by House and Senate Democrats in
a conference committee and then passed
by the House of Representatives, not only
takes away the freedom of a large Wall Street
firm to fail, it also takes away Main Street's
freedom to succeed.

The legislation would increase the size
and scope of the federal government,
regulating every phase of economic activity.

The legislation would also make
permanent taxpayer-funded bailouts
of large Wall Street firms.

Due to the bill's excessive taxes
and government red tape, families
and small business owners would no
longer have access to low cost credit,
and a bureaucrat would stand between
them and living the American dream.

The United States Senate should reject
the Dodd-Frank bill because it is a job-killer
that will only bail out politically connected firms.

the Senate should insist that any
financial regulatory reform legislation
address the taxpayer subsidies of
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Monday, July 12, 2010

1st Amendment & Internet Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Senate Bill 773, as written by
West Virginia Sen. Jay Rockefeller,
Democrat, would create new "emergency"
powers for the President to have power over
any "non-governmental" computer networks,
whether public or private, that are declared
by the President to be "critical."

the Summer recess, the Senate
Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs Committee unanimously approved
Protecting Cyberspace As a National Asset
Act of 2010.

The bill, co-sponsored by Senators
Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), Susan Collins
(R-Maine) and Thomas Carper (D-Del.),
gives the President the authority to order
independent operators of "critical infrastructure"
to completely shutdown the Internet.

During an interview,
Sen. Lieberman used
the cybersecurity system utlized
by the People's Republic of China,
a decidely totalitarian government, as
an example of his own bill's applications.

In the House of Representatives,
Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-Calif.)
introduced similar legislation on June 16, which
was sent to the appropriate committees for debate.

The Senate bill if passed would give
the President of the United States the
authority to declare a "cyber emergency"
and close down the Internet by
disconnecting users.

In addition,
it will require professional IT people
to be certified by the federal government,
something that angers many IT technicians
and those who believe in the First Amendment.

Americans are being deceived
by the news media and their elected officials
in Washington, DC and it's Americans who
will suffer from that deception, according to
information technology experts.

This stealth legislation
is being sponsored by
the powerful and highly partisan
Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)
and the liberal Senator Olympia Snow
(R-ME), claim critics.

"There is no laughing
about a government that wants
to control cyber space, the last
bastion of freedom of speech in
our crumbling democracy," said Baker.

"What irks President Obama
and the other liberal-left politicians is that fact
that while they're pampered by the mainstream
news media, talk radio and the Internet are not
in the tank for them," he added

Have you heard
about the administration's propaganda
campaign to adorn each federal "stimulus"
project with taxpayer-funded signs to remind
us that these projects have been bestowed on
us by the beneficence of the Obama administration?

The signs read,
"Project funded by
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act."

In the first place,
they're not funded by any act,
but by the American taxpayer.

This type
of government self-promotion is eerily
reminiscent of dictatorial governments
in modern history that not only deprived
their citizens of freedom and private property
but also demanded to be glorified for the morsels
they doled back out to them.

Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill.,
isn't taking this outrage sitting down.

He has put forth a proposal to prohibit
funding for the $20 million that has been
spent nationwide (and more than $650,000
in Illinois alone) on these "useless" signs, which
haven't created "one single job" and which serve
no purpose beyond touting the administration's
supposed benevolence.

Schock assures us
that this propaganda campaign
is being directed by the administration,
not some bureaucrat, as evidenced by
documents the administration sends along
with the construction projects that dictate
how big the logos have to be and reminding
those involved that they demonstrate
"President Obama's commitment to
spending taxpayer dollars wisely."

Schock quips,
"It is almost an oxymoron
that we are spending money
on these logos and these signs to (show)
how wisely we are spending taxpayer money"

Economic Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

federal spending will not spur
the private-sector investment
and risk-taking necessary to create
jobs and reduce unemployment.

Congress should instead reduce
government spending to free up funds
for private investment while committing to not
passing any measures - such as card-check,
cap and trade, or the health care mandates -
that would make creating new jobs
more expensive.

Instead, though,
it looks like the Obama administration
is trying to convince businesses that the
President is on their side.

Treasury Secretary
Timothy Geithner said this week :

this president understands deeply
that governments don't create jobs,
businesses create jobs.

And our job as government
is to try to make sure we're creating
the conditions that allow businesses to
prosper so they can hire people back,
get this economy going again.

In reality,
this President has done the exact opposite.

He has attempted to use
government spending to create
jobs, failed miserably, and has only
succeeded in creating an environment
where businesses - the real job creators
- are afraid to put America back to work

With all the uncertainties and worries
businesses have about the future, somehow
potentially higher tax rates at some unknown
point in the potentially distant future hardly seems
a major worry for corporate CEOs examining their
investment plans today.

Corporations may sit on a lot of cash,
but they do so by making it available as
savings to the financial system to intermediate
it to those who need it more.

The cash is never idle-
it's just working where it's needed more.

There is a certain conservation
of savings involved, directly analogous
to the conservation of energy principle in physics.

As it happens, unfortunately,
government is soaking up a lot
of this corporate cash through deficit spending.

This deprives other private borrowers
of the funds and/or causes the United States
to import more savings from abroad than it
otherwise would.

And therein lies rub.

Absent the higher debt
resulting from this misbegotten Keynesian
experiment, the nation's capital stock would
be higher and/or our indebtedness to the rest
of the world would be lower, either of which
would benefit the economy in the years to come.

As matters now stand,
thanks to Krugman-esque
stimulus, all we will have to show
for our efforts is the higher mountain of debt

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Defeat the Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Bringing the history of socialism and communism up
to the present time, Mr. Romerstein has explained
how the "New Left" of the 1960s and 70s included
Communists involved in such groups as the
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and
its terrorist offspring, the Weather Underground.

Later, some of these Marxists would emerge
in the group called "Progressives for Obama,"
which included Carl Davidson, formerly of SDS,
and Barbara Ehrenreich and Cornel West of the
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), whose
Chicago branch had backed Obama from the start.

Van Jones worked closely with
the Committees of Correspondence
for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS),
a Communist Party spin-off group.

Several members of his STORM group
traveled to Cuba in 1999 as part of the notorious
Venceremos Brigade, organized with the active
involvement of the Weather Underground.

Meanwhile, despite the collapse
of the Soviet Union, the communists
reorganized, with many of them
establishing the CCDS.

Not as widely known,
however, is the fact that a secret member of this
group was Barbara Lee, who would become a
member of the U.S. Congress, leader of the
congressional Progressive Caucus and leader
of the congressional Black Caucus.

She would be honored in 2009 as a "progressive"
champion by the Campaign for America's Future.

Van Jones spoke to a 2006 CCDS fundraiser.

Another figure active in the CCDS was
Harry Hay, the former Communist Party member
who founded the modern gay rights movement

Goldman Sachs employees are heavy contributors
to the Democrat Party, giving it more than $4.4
million in the 2008 election.

Barack Obama's
campaign received more than $997,000.

Utilities and investment banks in the U.S.
and Europe see carbon trading, a wholly fictitious
new financial instrument, as a huge new profit center.

Carbon trading could top $1 trillion a year by 2020.

This totally artificial "market" will create a "bubble"
that, when it bursts, will dwarf the losses that have
occurred in the sub-prime mortgage meltdown that
caused the current financial crisis.

Meanwhile, hidden within the Cap-and-Trade bill is
a provision prohibiting homeowners from selling their
homes unless they completely retrofit their homes to
comply with energy and water efficiency standards.

The costs will, for many,
make it impossible to sell their home.

A Wall Street Journal editorial stated that
"The whole point of Cap-and-Trade is to hike the
price of electricity and gas. These higher prices
will show up not just in electricity bills or at the gas
station, but in every manufactured good, from food
to cars.Americans should know that those Members
(of Congress) who vote for this climate bill are voting
for what is likely to be the biggest tax
in American history."

There is no scientific or economic justification
for the passage of Cap-and-Trade legislation.

The President knows this.

The Democrats in Congress know this.

It's more than just a tax. It is a nation killer

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

Explain why your government won't protect this country from an invasion by illegal aliens ;

How many important acts by your Congress,
President and Courts can you point to that are
not irrational to the point of madness?

Damn few.

And where's all this madness come from?
I contend that the primary source is our fiat, paper
currency, the resulting immorality, and the attempts
by Congress to placate the creditors (robbed by
inflation to serve the debtors) with new special
interest laws that the allow the creditors, by
means other than monetary inflation, to legally
rob their debtors.

If my contention is correct,
what can we do about it?

Not too much right now;
at least, not much on the national level.

we will restore a constitutional
(gold or silver based) monetary system,
but that won't happen until this nation
has first gone through an economic Hell

Those who believe in individual sovereignty don't
doubt for one minute that government has power
over them.

Clearly, the gov-co has battalions of knee-breakers
(cops and military) who are willing to arrest without
warrant, detain or even murder those who resist
gov-co power.

But the issue is not about power-it's about right
and wrong-and more precisely, it's about authority.

A fundamental argument of those who embrace the
idea of individual sovereignty is that the government
may have power, but has no authority over the
individual sovereign except in those limited instances
where the sovereign people (as individual sovereigns)
have delegated some of their authority to the government.

Thus, the issue advanced by individual sovereigns is
not whether the gov-co has "power" over them (any
fool can see that government has enormous power)-
it's whether gov-co has authority over them.

That's an entirely different question as compared
to the MSNBC blurb's reference to "power"

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Constitution & Electoral College Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

requires institutions that channel potentially
dangerous political passions into constructive
compromise and coalition building.

The Electoral College system does this ;
the proposed "National Popular Vote"
interstate compact does not.

National Popular Vote
is a San Fransisco-based organization
founded and funded by Dr. John Koza.

It is also the name
of Dr. Koza's proposal to use state legislation
to create an agreement among states that would
change how the Electoral College works.

In short, states would
agree to ignore the result within their
state and instead give all of their electoral
votes to the candidate winning the most
votes nationwide.

There is no majority
requirement or provision for a runoff.

The agreement takes effect
when passed by enough states to control
an electoral vote majority, and therefore to
control the presidential election.

While Dr. Koza's proposal
has been stymied now for over
a year, it was previously enacted
in five states: Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland,
New Jersey, and Washington.

Within the last month,
it has made some progress
in Delaware, Massachusetts, and New York.

It is now dead
for the year in Delaware, but it remains
possible that either or both of the other
two states could enact it.

National Popular Vote
cleverly takes advantage of the
Constitution's grant of authority
to state legislatures to determine
how to allocate their electoral votes.

For over a century,
Electoral College opponents
focused on amending the Constitution.

National Popular Vote
is a clever strategy and, at least
on its surface, elegantly simple

Long considered
a tool for fomenting socialist revolution
in America, the "Cloward-Piven Strategy"
was a sociopolitical theory developed by
left-wing ivory tower-dwellers
Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

it seeks to undermine the (American)
government by overloading said government
with dependents needing welfare.

this will force the government into
recognizing that there are a lot of
dependents out there (artificially created,
no doubt), which would inevitably lead to
the United States' government establishing
a guaranteed national income
or some such poppycock.

You see, folks?

This is what happens
when you let sociologists
from the Ivy League be taken seriously.

Sadly, many
in the Democratic Party have adopted
this strategy as a way to build their base
and solidify their political power, believing
that Cloward and Piven knew what the hell
they were talking about and that, by some
miracle, crashing the national economy by
using welfare and other government payout
programs as a tool would bring about
even larger government.

This seems a clear-cut case
of throwing the logical conclusion
to the four breezes so we can focus on our
much-wanted outcome :

A socialist fantasy-land
for all the little boys and girls
everywhere across the land.

It seems to me
that bloating government
and overloading already burdened
bureaucracies would totally crash them.

As in : they're over. Kaput. No existen más

The Satanic Commie World Order

Defy the Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Succession NO .

Nullification & The 10th Amendment YES !

What could be the most
effective means of stopping
an out-of-control federal
government : Nullification.

"Nullification" is simply an act by states
(and occasionally individuals) to resist
unconstitutional federal laws.

The term "nullification"
was coined by Thomas Jefferson
in his 1798 Kentucky Resolutions
that protested the Alien and Sedition Acts'
unconstitutional criminal ban on criticism
of the President.

(The ban
violated the First, Ninth, and 10th
Amendments to the U.S. Constitution).

should be a tool for committed activists
of the Tea Party movement on the issue
of federal healthcare mandates
and a host of other issues.

The constitutional
justification for nullification
of unconstitutional laws :
The 10th Amendment.

Indeed, nowhere
in the Constitution is any branch
of the federal government given the
exclusive right to "interpret" the document.

(Yes, it sounds silly
to speak about needing
an "interpreter" to read a document
written in straightforward English prose,
but that's the unfortunate terminology
government uses today.)

It's true
that the Supreme Court
has always acted as if it has
the exclusive right to "interpret,"
but the supremacy clause in Article 5
of the Constitution merely stipulates :

That judges must follow the Constitution,
not that the Supreme Court is the exclusive
judge of what is - or is not - constitutional.

Likewise, other branches of government
are bound to follow the Constitution.

Article 2 specifies
the President must swear
to "preserve, protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States."

In fact,
if there is an exclusive
interpreter of the Constitution,
it is the states or the people, since
the 10th Amendment stipulates :

"The powers not delegated
to the United States by the Constitution,
nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved
to the States respectively, or to the people"

As part of a procedural vote
on the emergency war supplemental bill,
House Democrats attached a document
that "deemed as passed" a non-existent
$1.12 trillion budget.

The execution
of the "deeming" document
allows Democrats to start spending
money for Fiscal Year 2011 without
the pesky constraints of a budget.

The procedural vote passed 215-210
with no Republicans voting in favor and 38
Democrats crossing the aisle to vote against
deeming the faux budget resolution passed.

Never before --
since the creation
of the Congressional budget process --
has the House failed to pass a budget,
failed to propose a budget then deemed
the non-existent budget as passed as
a means to avoid a direct, recorded vote
on a budget, but still allow Congress to
spend taxpayer money.

House Budget Committee
Ranking Member Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.)
warned this was the green light for
Democrats to continue their out-of-control
spending virtually unchecked.

"Facing a record deficit and a tidal wave
of debt, House Democrats decided it was
politically inconvenient to put forward a
budget and account for their
fiscal recklessness.

With no priorities
and no restraints, the spending, taxing,
and borrowing will continue unchecked
for the coming fiscal year," Ryan said.

"The so-called
'budget enforcement resolution'
enforces no budget, but instead
provides a green light for the
Appropriators to continue spending,
exacerbating our looming fiscal crisis"

The Satanic Commie World Order

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Taxpayer Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

After the last-second addition
of another $20 billion in new taxes
shattered their original coalition for passage,
the majority in the Senate went back to the
drawing board to identify a new way to pay
for the Dodd-Frank "orderly liquidation" fund.

The result of their leftist brainstorming session?

Using the "profits"
from the TARP bailout
to pay for future Dodd-Frank financial fiascoes.

The left and their allies
want us to believe this would mark
"the end" of TARP. The New York Times reports :

The new plan
would bring an early end
to the Troubled Asset Relief Program,
the mammoth financial system bailout
effort enacted in 2008, and redirect about
$11 billion toward heightened regulation
of the financial industry.

This bill does not end TARP
and it does not end bailouts.

Dodd-Frank supporters
are now pretending that the
TARP funds were going to be
re-loaned out and then give themselves
credit for not doing something they
weren't going to do in the first place.

A slightly more honest approach
to the funding would have been to
reprogram stimulus money, but that
was defeated in favor of this pretend funding.

But more importantly, this "tax"
was just one of many, many
reasons to oppose the bill.

It was added at the end
of the process to deal with budget concerns.

Taking it out does not make
this a good - or even a better - bill.

Again, this is a minor issue
in a huge bill filled with huge problems

Budget expert Brian Riedl testified
before the National Commission on
Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, more
commonly known as President Obama's
"deficit commission."

The commission has been tasked
to offer suggestions to reduce the
federal deficit-a necessity which
was proven even more serious today
by the release of the Congressional Budget
Office's annual long-term Budget Outlook.

Today's meeting was the third for
the commission, and was intended to serve
as an opportunity for the appointees to hear
from the public on the topic of deficit reduction.

The commission has promised
to keep all possibilities in mind as
it considers how best to accomplish
this feat, which include reductions to
federal spending and, unfortunately,
tax increases as well.

Riedl highlighted his recent research,
which shows that it is due to out-of-control
spending, not insufficient tax revenue,
that deficits are soaring.

By 2020,
spending will be 6 percent
of gross domestic spending (GDP)
higher than its historical average.

Meanwhile, tax revenues,
even if all current tax cuts are extended,
will also be above their historical average.

Riedl reiterates :

"Spending is driving long-term deficits"

Riedl points to research
from Heritage's Katherine Bradley
and Robert Rector, which explains
that reforming welfare could save more
than $2 trillion over the next decade, while
at the same time causing no harm to the poor

The Commie Saboteurs Cloakroom

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

The Satanic Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters

The US economy will slide further into a depression ;

The economic and political impact
of the coming American depression
on the American people will be more
than "severe"-it will be shocking for
most and potentially lethal for some.

We may or may not
go through hyper-inflation
before we "officially" admit
we're in the Greatest Depression.

Whether that depression precipitates
national dissolution remains to be seen.

But one way or another,
my reading of "history" says
there's no coincidence, here-
much like the former Soviet Union-
we are headed for an economic
depression and significant political upheaval

Rep. Mike Pence,
Chairman of the House
Republican Conference
today called expected attempts
this week by House Democrats to "deem"
a budget resolution as passed a "fraud."

"Republicans are committed
to demanding leadership from
this Congress that will get this
economy moving again and get
spending under control and we'll
be taking that case against this fraud
of their so-called 'deemed' budget
resolution to the American people this
week," Pence said at a presser today.

House Majority Leader
Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said
in a speech recently to a hard-left
activist group Democrats would "deem"
as passed a budget enforcement resolution
instead of actually working out an actual budget
resolution this year.

"It is truly extraordinary
that Democrats this week,
after abdicating their responsibility
to create a federal budget through
the ordinary process of committee
drafting and floor consideration, now
expect the American people to accept
some effort to 'deem' a budget," Pence said.

This week,
Democrat majority is set to "deem"
an enforcement resolution as passed
which means they'll say it passed
without voting on anything.

This would allow
appropriations committees
to begin their spending processes
without an actual budget