Monday, July 12, 2010

1st Amendment & Internet Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Senate Bill 773, as written by
West Virginia Sen. Jay Rockefeller,
Democrat, would create new "emergency"
powers for the President to have power over
any "non-governmental" computer networks,
whether public or private, that are declared
by the President to be "critical."

the Summer recess, the Senate
Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs Committee unanimously approved
Protecting Cyberspace As a National Asset
Act of 2010.

The bill, co-sponsored by Senators
Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), Susan Collins
(R-Maine) and Thomas Carper (D-Del.),
gives the President the authority to order
independent operators of "critical infrastructure"
to completely shutdown the Internet.

During an interview,
Sen. Lieberman used
the cybersecurity system utlized
by the People's Republic of China,
a decidely totalitarian government, as
an example of his own bill's applications.

In the House of Representatives,
Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-Calif.)
introduced similar legislation on June 16, which
was sent to the appropriate committees for debate.

The Senate bill if passed would give
the President of the United States the
authority to declare a "cyber emergency"
and close down the Internet by
disconnecting users.

In addition,
it will require professional IT people
to be certified by the federal government,
something that angers many IT technicians
and those who believe in the First Amendment.

Americans are being deceived
by the news media and their elected officials
in Washington, DC and it's Americans who
will suffer from that deception, according to
information technology experts.

This stealth legislation
is being sponsored by
the powerful and highly partisan
Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)
and the liberal Senator Olympia Snow
(R-ME), claim critics.

"There is no laughing
about a government that wants
to control cyber space, the last
bastion of freedom of speech in
our crumbling democracy," said Baker.

"What irks President Obama
and the other liberal-left politicians is that fact
that while they're pampered by the mainstream
news media, talk radio and the Internet are not
in the tank for them," he added

Have you heard
about the administration's propaganda
campaign to adorn each federal "stimulus"
project with taxpayer-funded signs to remind
us that these projects have been bestowed on
us by the beneficence of the Obama administration?

The signs read,
"Project funded by
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act."

In the first place,
they're not funded by any act,
but by the American taxpayer.

This type
of government self-promotion is eerily
reminiscent of dictatorial governments
in modern history that not only deprived
their citizens of freedom and private property
but also demanded to be glorified for the morsels
they doled back out to them.

Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill.,
isn't taking this outrage sitting down.

He has put forth a proposal to prohibit
funding for the $20 million that has been
spent nationwide (and more than $650,000
in Illinois alone) on these "useless" signs, which
haven't created "one single job" and which serve
no purpose beyond touting the administration's
supposed benevolence.

Schock assures us
that this propaganda campaign
is being directed by the administration,
not some bureaucrat, as evidenced by
documents the administration sends along
with the construction projects that dictate
how big the logos have to be and reminding
those involved that they demonstrate
"President Obama's commitment to
spending taxpayer dollars wisely."

Schock quips,
"It is almost an oxymoron
that we are spending money
on these logos and these signs to (show)
how wisely we are spending taxpayer money"