Monday, July 26, 2010

Judicial Fascist Saboteurs from the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

There has emerged another
compelling reason to vote against
Kagan's confirmation as a Supreme Court justice :

Her support for Shariah Law
while she was dean of the Harvard Law School.

Islamists are seeking to spread Shariah law
by inducing American and European financial
institutions to establish Shariah Compliant Funds
in which their clients can invest.

These funds follow the prescriptions
of Shariah law in their investments.

They routinely collect 2.5 percent
of the principal of any investment annually
for donation to charitable institutions, fine recipients
of their investment 7 percent for transgressions of
Shariah law (and donate the fine to charity) and only
invest in projects compliant with the rules of Shariah.

Unfortunately, the decisions
as to which investments are compliant
and which charities receive their benefice
are made by Shariah Compliance Boards
appointed by the financial institution, which
typically include radical Muslim extremists who
routinely designate terrorist-linked entities to
receive their charitable donations and also
proscribe investment in any firm engaged in U.S.
defense contracting on the ground that the contract
could aid Israel

The Democrats' stimulus package
includes Davis-Bacon requirements
that union wages be paid on construction
jobs, which means that the government will
pay more or get less production than it would
if contractors were free to pay market wages.

And Obama Democrats are trying to force FedEx
to become unionized by subjecting it to the same law
as unionized UPS.

Meanwhile, one-third of the stimulus money went
to state and local governments, with the effect of
propping up the pay and saving the jobs of public
employee union members.

The cynical will see these measures
as a political payoff and might venture
that the unions have gotten something like
a hundredfold payout for the $400 million
they gave to Obama and his copartisans

The Satanic
Fascist Commie World Order