Monday, July 19, 2010

Fascist Saboteurs of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

A George-Soros-funded,
Marxist-founded organization
with close ties to the White House has urged
the Federal Communications Commission to
investigate talk radio and cable news
for "hate speech."

The organization,
calling itself Free Press,
claims media companies are
engaging in "hate speech" because
a disproportionate number of radio
and cable-news networks are owned
by non-minorities.

Free Press published a study
advocating the development of a "world class"
government-run media system in the U.S.

Free Press was one of 33 organizations
that drafted a 25-page petition asking the
FCC to "initiate an inquiry into the extent
and effects of hate speech in media and to
explore non-regulatory means by which to
mitigate its negative impacts."

"Hate speech thrives, as hate has developed
as a profit-model for syndicated radio and
cable-television programs masquerading as
'News,'" claims the petition.

The petition contends "traditional media"
have "largely failed" to "provide the accurate
information needed for an informed democracy."

"These failures often damage
communities of color at disproportionate
rates," the petition states.

The paper singles out
talk radio as "particularly problematic"

The visit by the queen,
which was billed as low key-
a five hour visit-was designed to get
the global agenda of sustainable development
and climate control back on track and to make
a statement.

Nothing the queen does is low key as every visit,
and every word has a meaning and a goal
for total control.

First let's take a look at the queen herself.

According to
Who Owns the World
by Kevin Cahill, the queen is
the legal owner of 6,600 million acres of land that
equals one sixth of the earth's non-ocean surface.

She is the only person on earth
who owns whole countries and who owns
countries that are not her own domestic territory.

This land ownership
is separate from her role as head of state
and is different from other monarchies-
like Norway, Belgium, and Denmark, where no
such claim is made.

The value of her holdings is approximately $33T,
more than the estimated value of all of the earth's
natural resources which is estimated to be $25T.

Secondly, the physical structure
of the United Nations and its agenda
represents the completion of the dream
and aspirations of British aristocrat Cecil Rhodes
to return the United States and the rest of the world
back under British rule.

He felt that
"too little of the globe was British territory.
and if we had retained America.there would
be millions more of English living."

In Rhodes' 1877 will, it says

".the ultimate recovery
of the United States of America
as an integral part of the British Empire,
the consolidation of the whole Empire,
the inauguration of a system of colonial
Representation in the Imperial Parliament
which may tend to weld together the disjointed
Members of the Empire,"

Which may well ultimately be achieved,
by the Roundtable which "publicized the idea
of and the name 'British Commonwealth of Nations'"

The Satanic Commie World Order