If America can, at best, repay only a small part
of its enormous debt and has (or will have) little
moral inclination to do so, what do you think
will happen to the debt?
Any fool can see
that most of it won't be repaid. Ever.
So, what do you think will happen
to those people who've invested their savings
in paper debt instruments like stocks, bonds,
pension funds, bank accounts, etc.?
When the existing debt is recognized as
impossible to pay, most creditors
are going to lose their assets.
Implication :
The prudent should convert
their paper debt instruments (promises to pay)
into real "payments" (things owned and personally
held like land, food, tools, machinery, silver and gold)
During the uproar over passage of the healthcare bill,
Nancy Pelosi famously said, "But we have to pass the
bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the
fog of the controversy."
She must be proud of the statement, because it's
still on the official US House of Representatives website.
Oh the goodies
that have just begun to pour out of that cornucopia.
Employees of the state of Arizona all 135,000
of them, just learned that their healthcare premiums
will go up by as much as 37% next year, an increase
to be borne almost entirely by those with children.
Oh, the children! What are we going to do?
Where are the Democrats to save us
from this, this mean-spiritedness of Obamacare?
Now we learn,
"away from the fog of the controversy,"
that the bill requires that all purchases of gold
be reported to the federal government.
The pretense that this is about collecting
taxes to "pay" for Obamacare is obscene.
Assume that the administration's estimate
of $1.7 billion collected per year is accurate
(probably wildly inflated).
That for a program that will run
$1,000 billion or more in the red per year?
No, it's about control.
How long till this admirer of FDR
will decree that everyone surrender
their gold to the government, at a price
set by the government, for paper dollars
or face prison time?
Worked for Roosevelt,
why not for the latest Democrat?